Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 76

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Image of Craig Brewer
You write a screenplay and then everybody is going to want to get in on it and we have to figure that out. I've written three screenplays that are at studios and I still haven't been making them yet so there is always something that is either going to trip something up or maybe get another pass.
- Craig Brewer
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Hayworth
Whatever you write about me, don't make it sad.
- Rita Hayworth
Collection: Writing
Image of John Osborne
Writers don't need love; all they require is money.
- John Osborne
Collection: Writing
Image of Keith Shackleton
Keep a record of every picture you paint, have them photographed and write down where they went. Some day, when one reaches a great age, there will be calls for a Retrospective Exhibition of a life's work.
- Keith Shackleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Herman Koch
When I'm writing I get easily bored.
- Herman Koch
Collection: Writing
Image of Wesley Schultz
I'm trying to write every day if I can. I think the idea is to try and chip away at it as opposed to just sit down one day and then turn it on like a flick of a switch and expect everything to happen.
- Wesley Schultz
Collection: Writing
Image of David Twohy
Strangely, I always have a lot of cut scenes. I keep writing shorter and shorter scripts, thinking that this time, I'll get all my scenes in.
- David Twohy
Collection: Writing
Image of David Twohy
If I know what my finale is when I'm writing a screenplay, then I don't always have to chart out every scene before that. I can adequately find my way. I'm experienced enough to do that.
- David Twohy
Collection: Writing
Image of Tino Sehgal
The nature of my work is my subjectivity meshed with other people's subjectivity. So there's a correspondence with that... Even if you write about me, it will reflect on you; everything is a kind of weird collaboration.
- Tino Sehgal
Collection: Writing
Image of David Guterson
The best advice on writing I've ever received is to take it seriously, because to do it well is all-consuming.
- David Guterson
Collection: Writing
Image of David Guterson
Writers shouldn’t underestimate the difficulty of what they’re doing, and they should treat it with great seriousness. You’re doing something that really matters, you’re telling stories that have an impact on other people and on the culture. You should tell the best stories you can possibly tell and put everything you’ve got into it.
- David Guterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Robin Wells
Writing is a lot like making soup. My subconscious cooks the idea, but I have to sit down at the computer to pour it out.
- Robin Wells
Collection: Writing
Image of Sammy Hagar
Write me up for 125, poster my face wanted dead or alive. Take my license all that jive, I can't drive 55.
- Sammy Hagar
Collection: Writing
Image of Tye Sheridan
Developing projects of my own and producing and writing and directing is something that's very interesting to me, but you know, one step at a time and you've got to establish yourself on one side before you really have the power to do something else. That's always the immediate goal.
- Tye Sheridan
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Thomas
All programming is maintenance programming, because you are rarely writing original code.
- Dave Thomas
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynn Povich
In early 1970, Newsweek's editors decided that the new women's liberation movement deserved a cover story. There was one problem, however: there were no women to write the piece.
- Lynn Povich
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Van Vleck
I remarked to Dennis that easily half the code I was writing in Multics was error recovery code. He said, "We left all that stuff out of Unix. If there's an error, we have this routine called panic, and when it is called, the machine crashes, and you holler down the hall, 'Hey, reboot it.'"
- Tom Van Vleck
Collection: Writing
Image of Abi Morgan
Most of screenplay writing is deciding which voices you want to listen to and take on board.
- Abi Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Abi Morgan
The process of re-writing and writing and re-writing means that you may have a brilliant phrase, but over time it distills and distorts and changes.
- Abi Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Abi Morgan
I think age is really changing how I write and the themes that I connect with. But there are also things I'm really intrigued about.
- Abi Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Campbell McGrath
I tend to write poetry that is rich in data of various sorts. The lyric poem isn't perfectly suited to accommodating such data, so I've had to find new ways to say everything that I want to say.
- Campbell McGrath
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
I always think, OK, this is good, but I'll do it better next time. "And so we beat on, boats against the current. . ." It may not be the recipe for a life of contentment, but that imperfectability is what makes writing such an engaging endeavor, something you can do for the rest of your life and not get bored.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
Once I had started, I discovered the secret pleasure of writing a novel. It's such an immersive, deep commitment. With short stories, you're continually having to start again from scratch, but with a novel you only need one good idea every few years.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
If you had told me twenty years ago that I would write a novel set in Russia, much less two, I simply wouldn't have believed you. I had no familiarity with Russia or its history, but part of what drives me as a reader, and more and more as a writer, is curiosity, the desire to explore unfamiliar terrain and inhabit alternate lives.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
I kept writing short stories and sending out my manuscript, and it kept coming back like a bad penny. It was rejected all over town, quite often in very complimentary terms, but rejected nonetheless. Agents would return it saying that they loved it but didn't think they could sell it, or they would ask if I could change the collection into linked stories.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
I loved short stories, and they were all I wanted to write. I love the compression of them and the exactitude needed to get a whole world into such a small space.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Dean
If you have some other profession that allows you your evenings or weekends, terrific, stick with that. Having a profession other than writing also has the potential side benefit of providing you with material, something to write about.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Louise Closser Hale
I guess the quality that makes one write poetry keeps one from selling it.
- Louise Closser Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of ZZ Packer
I think when we engage in language we are engaging in something that is specifically and primally human.
- ZZ Packer
Collection: Writing
Image of ZZ Packer
Well, as a short-story writer, I don't think there are any weaknesses to the genre itself. I guess I would say that the difficulty of the form is that one must create an entire world in five to 30 pages, as opposed to 300. There is very little room for fat - you must be economical. And you must begin as close to the end as you possibly can.
- ZZ Packer
Collection: Writing
Image of ZZ Packer
Be wary of feeling as through there is not enough room at the table. Oftentimes a female Chinese-American might feel as through she is in competition with another Chinese-American woman writer of the same generation. A writer friend of mine calls it the "There Can Only Be One ..." syndrome. This isn't "Survivor." The more good writers, of all walks of life and all ethnicities and persuasions, the better.
- ZZ Packer
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Lo Truglio
The reality of television production now is that all the development money and pilot money now goes to the Internet so they can try to get pilots cheaper, than if they were producing them for television. I understand, it's a business, but what's great about doing it on the web, and one thing that attracted me is the amount of creative freedom that you do get with the web. That's the only advantage of there not being a lot of money involved, is that you're really able to write and do what you want... because there's not a lot of money involved and not money at risk.
- Joe Lo Truglio
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy Hale
Many an author will speak of writing, in his best work, more than he actually knows.
- Nancy Hale
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hoagland
Indeed, if "biology is chemistry with history," as somebody has said, then nature writing is biology with love.
- Edward Hoagland
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Hillerman
The first Chapter Law is, "Don't spend much time on it. You're going to have to rewrite it."
- Tony Hillerman
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Hillerman
A writer is like a bag lady going through life with a sack and a pointed stick collecting stuff.
- Tony Hillerman
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Earle Haley
I've got a lot of wonderfully talented, creative directors I've worked with in Texas, but the market we're in, they kind of have to write to that. I think we've done some cool, simple spots. I was very comfortable in Texas, and getting ready to push out into national stuff, try to get to that national-type creative, and then I got sidetracked with this stuff.
- Jackie Earle Haley
Collection: Writing
Image of Lily King
Anthropological fieldwork is so much like writing a novel. Granted, you don't have the physical disruption and disorientation, but writing a novel is like entering a new culture. You don't know what the hell is going on. And every day you feel like you have nothing, you're going nowhere. Or you feel that first it's going somewhere, but then you get into that horrible middle part.
- Lily King
Collection: Writing
Image of Lily King
Anthropologists are great at novelistic observations. I would be thrilled if this novel would encourage anthropologists to write what they see in fictional form.
- Lily King
Collection: Writing
Image of Lily King
Anthropological fieldwork is so much like writing a novel. You don't know what the hell is going on.
- Lily King
Collection: Writing
Image of Lily King
Every fictional thing I wrote gave me strength to write another and another. By the end I wasn't remaining true to anything but the story I wanted to tell.
- Lily King
Collection: Writing
Image of Zaha Hadid
Architecture is like writing. You have to edit it over and over so it looks effortless
- Zaha Hadid
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Hart
Writing in a nuanced way, getting at all the details in a way that remains interesting for the reader, is very difficult.
- Carl Hart
Collection: Writing
Image of Barry Hannah
I wouldn't buy somebody's album on a dare if they called him a musician's musician. I don't write to be a writer's writer. I don't want to be like the little-magazine writer.
- Barry Hannah
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Levin
I think the beauty of documentary work is that it's a mystery - you never know where it's going to lead you. You start out with some notion of it, but it's very different from a script. A script you write, you shoot against, and you know what the story is going to be. There's always the element of surprise, but the surprise comes from performance, from something that's improvised, it comes from someone who sees it inside an already determined framework. In documentary, it's never determined. It's never the same, and affords enormous possibility.
- Gail Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of John Francis Daley
I think that's pretty crucial for it to succeed and be something more than just something you put your kid in front of and turn on the DVD. We wouldn't have got involved if it were just for little kids. We wanted to write something that works on both levels.
- John Francis Daley
Collection: Writing
Image of Katori Hall
I always say that I'm a writer who writes more from place than race.
- Katori Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Hank Azaria
Literally, I see my writing as transcription - a transcription of what I see, hear, think, live.
- Hank Azaria
Collection: Writing