Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 75

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 75 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Patricia T. O'Conner
Whenever there's something wrong with your writing, suspect that there's something wrong with your thinking.
- Patricia T. O'Conner
Collection: Writing
Image of Jez Butterworth
If you can write a character who is attractive but morally reprehensible, then you've got a character. It's got to feel like people I know and it doesn't just become a bag of tricks.
- Jez Butterworth
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Graham Jones
There's no really other way to learn writing than by writing. So accelerate that as much as you can. The more you write, the better you'll get. What also helps, though, is walking away from broken stuff. Not everything's going to work. Killing two years of your life trying to resuscitate a dying novel, I don't know. Why not just write a different one? You'll have more ideas. You can't help having ideas.
- Stephen Graham Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Graham Jones
It's important to look ahead, I think, to shape your stuff for - again - effect. Because it's just so easy to write long, flowy sentences, get lost in them. The hard part's making them matter, making yourself make them matter.
- Stephen Graham Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Graham Jones
Writing, of course, it's not all in your head. Not talking about the 'manual' act of typing here either, but that, when your fiction's really working, your whole body's involved, and then some.
- Stephen Graham Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Pollard
So such is life that it writes itself, trying to right itself, but there's nothing wrong with it.
- Robert Pollard
Collection: Writing
Image of John Grisham
An outline is crucial. It saves so much time. When you write suspense, you have to know where you're going because you have to drop little hints along the way. With the outline, I always know where the story is going. So before I ever write, I prepare an outline of 40 or 50 pages.
- John Grisham
Collection: Writing
Image of William Francis Henry King
Indeed a good quotation hardly ever comes amiss. It is a pleasing break in the thread of a speech or writing, allowing the speaker or writer to retire for an instant while another and greater makes himself heard. And this calling-up of the deathless dead implies also a community of mind with them, which the reader will not grudge the author lest he should seem to deny it to himself.
- William Francis Henry King
Collection: Writing
Image of Jane Kirkpatrick
Irene Bennett Brown keeps the promise of her gifted writing and love for history inside this fine contemporary mystery. I loved it.
- Jane Kirkpatrick
Collection: Writing
Image of Tommy Bolin
When I got to LA and was with the James Gang, I got the opportunity to write a lot, to play in front of large audiences, make some money.
- Tommy Bolin
Collection: Writing
Image of Rumer Godden
Every piece of writing starts from what I call a grit a sight or sound, a sentence or happening that does not pass away but quite inexplicably lodges in the mind.
- Rumer Godden
Collection: Writing
Image of Ru Freeman
I was interested in writing something that has meaning in the larger context of global conflicts anywhere.
- Ru Freeman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ru Freeman
I think a lot, so I don't spend a lot of time actually writing - I do that part very quickly. That helps, for me. To keep track of the characters.
- Ru Freeman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ru Freeman
My life is very busy with a lot of things, and so I don't get uninterrupted time. When I do, I can just write all day.
- Ru Freeman
Collection: Writing
Image of Reeve Carney
I write about my life and my own experience, but I also write about things that I have no knowledge of whatsoever.
- Reeve Carney
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Silva
There is always this interesting relationship we have with technology. When we invented writing Socrates used to say it was going to rot our brains because we were going to write everything down and not have to remember anything, and so it would atrophy our brains. So there has always been this human drive on the one hand to create tools, to create technologies to overcome our boundaries, but then there is always this reservation, and this fear that say these technologies are somehow unnatural and it is against nature to partake in them.
- Jason Silva
Collection: Writing
Image of Sizzla
We're all the scriptures. We live the scriptures. The scriptures doesn't manifest unless it is amongst human beings and the scriptures are for us, written by us. The scriptures didn't write itself. We wrote the scriptures.
- Sizzla
Collection: Writing
Image of Maria Dahvana Headley
I like monsters in general - that's what I like to write about. Somebody was joking with me that my body was becoming a manual for a role-playing game because I'm covered in little monsters. That's true. I could easily have more monsters on my skin.
- Maria Dahvana Headley
Collection: Writing
Image of Jayne Anne Phillips
The writing life is a secret life, wither we admit it or not.
- Jayne Anne Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of Jayne Anne Phillips
I write line by line, by the sound and the weight and the music of the words.
- Jayne Anne Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of Jayne Anne Phillips
I wish I had more time to write.
- Jayne Anne Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of William McKeen
This writing wasn't painful. It was like being high.
- William McKeen
Collection: Writing
Image of David J
Horror fiction seems to spawn more dumbass 'rules' than any other kind of writing, and one of the dumbest is the assumed 'requirement' of a twist ending, going all the way back to H.H. Munro. This story is also the result of a long rumination on how stories are sometimes scuttled or diminished by succumbing to such 'rules'.
- David J
Collection: Writing
Image of Ellen Goodman
People have been writing premature obituaries on the women's movement since its beginning.
- Ellen Goodman
Collection: Writing
Image of Linton Kwesi Johnson
Writing was a political act and poetry was a cultural weapon.
- Linton Kwesi Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Roberto Giobbi
Take a favorite trick of yours and write a 'gestures script' how could you improve clarity [using gestures].
- Roberto Giobbi
Collection: Writing
Image of Keegan-Michael Key
You could figure out at least 80 percent of the context and meaning of a text if people used punctuation, and we wouldn't have had to write our sketch.
- Keegan-Michael Key
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Spezza
You guys will write what you want to write, people will say what they want to say. I can't control any of that. All I can control is how I play. I'm trying to be the best player I can be.
- Jason Spezza
Collection: Writing
Image of Adrian Gostick
I was able to study 50 years of leadership theory and practicum in my master's program at Seton Hall, and it has provided the backbone of the knowledge we use every day. My undergraduate work was in journalism, and my early work as a newspaper reporter taught me how to research, write, and rewrite.
- Adrian Gostick
Collection: Writing
Image of Harris Wittels
I think all Internet comments should be disengaged. But I kind of live and die by it. It's completely irresistible. It's not like comedy. When I do a podcast or write an episode of TV, I have no feedback for that. That's the only way you know what you're doing is good or bad.
- Harris Wittels
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Yoffe
I do feel haunted by some of the letters and the suffering people have endured. But I keep in mind that the people who write to me know that I am a journalist and an on-line advice columnist, not a social service professional.
- Emily Yoffe
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Healy
I suppose I view my behavior in such a unique way. I frame it as an artist and maybe kind of make excuses for it. I suppose I romanticize my own life when I write. I always try to think whether it actually is quite romantic.
- Matthew Healy
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackson Guthy
I got started at a really young age. I was about two years old when I started playing the piano and around seven or eight when I started writing my own chords and putting words together.
- Jackson Guthy
Collection: Writing
Image of William Jackson
The journalism school helped me develop writing skills, and I had been enjoying cartooning from a very young age. My interest in puppetry, however, came much later.
- William Jackson
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Drezner
I've often heard academics disparage non-academic writing in terms that suggest it could be a negative in the tenure process, irrespective of the quality of academic work under review.
- Daniel Drezner
Collection: Writing
Image of Kimberly Guilfoyle
If somebody writes something and it's true, you're not gonna be able to prevail and get damages, hear it.
- Kimberly Guilfoyle
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Temple
As far as I am concerned, I write novels, and other people can do the labelling.
- Peter Temple
Collection: Writing
Image of Adolph Saphir
What is meant by calling the writings of Moses and the Prophets
- Adolph Saphir
Collection: Writing
Image of Julie Salamon
The biography I've written about Wendy Wasserstein will almost invariably be different than the one anyone else would write.
- Julie Salamon
Collection: Writing
Image of Katy Lederer
I'm more interested in the writing than in the content per se (good writing can be about wallpaper and I'll devour it).
- Katy Lederer
Collection: Writing
Image of Agnes Denes
Words are changing. I find that old expressions are outdated, so when I write something, I try to find a new expression that hasn't been born yet. It's difficult.
- Agnes Denes
Collection: Writing
Image of C. J. Box
I do like the research part of writing, I must admit.
- C. J. Box
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Harris
Of all human activities, writing is the one for which it is easiest to find excuses not to begin – the desk’s too big, the desk’s too small, there’s too much noise, there’s too much quiet, it’s too hot, too cold, too early, too late. I had learned over the years to ignore them all, and simply to start.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Ryan C. Gordon
I find if you're targeting Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X right from the start, your code will probably work anywhere else that you might try it later. Writing code that is cross-platform from the start requires more discipline, but I find it is worth the effort.
- Ryan C. Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Burger
I think it worked two ways. One, a lot of people writing about the movie used that as shorthand and it could either be a good thing or they could use it to dismiss the movie like we were a copycat movie or something like that. It's very much its own story. It is a young woman in a post-apocalyptic society, but after that it's just a whole different kind of story and a different journey that she goes through.
- Neil Burger
Collection: Writing
Image of William Monahan
When I was young I was only thinking of writing, and whatever was going on was unreal and comparatively unimportant.
- William Monahan
Collection: Writing
Image of William Monahan
I never write with particular actors in mind.
- William Monahan
Collection: Writing
Image of William Monahan
I don't have an aversion to quote unquote remakes, because I understand what dramatic writing is, what the dramatic profession has always been about, which is talent, not the pretext for its exhibition.
- William Monahan
Collection: Writing
Image of William Monahan
Yeah, well I can't see a situation where I wouldn't at least re-write as a director something I was going to direct. At the moment, I wouldn't direct anything that I hadn't written. I can now say, as everybody else says, that it all depends on the script.
- William Monahan
Collection: Writing