Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 74

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Image of Victoria Chang
My life in general, orderly or not, it allows me more freedom in my own writing. Sometimes I wonder, though - I have friends that sit around and just write all day. And I think it's the coolest thing.
- Victoria Chang
Collection: Writing
Image of Victoria Chang
I feel like I give myself all day long to other people and other things, and I still seem like I have something to write once in awhile. Not often, though.
- Victoria Chang
Collection: Writing
Image of Victoria Chang
I've always just liked writing poetry, but it's much later that I've discovered that there's this whole poetry world out there, that you almost have to be accepted into, like this little club.
- Victoria Chang
Collection: Writing
Image of Victoria Chang
Most of my writing friends are working in academia. Most of my business school friends are always talking about bringing companies public, and money, and making money, and lots and lots of money. It's just a different environment.
- Victoria Chang
Collection: Writing
Image of Nina Berberova
I wanted to write; I sought all possible paths of personal liberation, but I could never sacrifice a living instant of life for the sake of a line to be written, my balance for the sake of a manuscript, a storm within me for the sake of a poem. I loved life itself too much for this.
- Nina Berberova
Collection: Writing
Image of Mart Crowley
I had no agenda in writing this play except expressing myself. . . . It later occurred to me that I was not only announcing things to my family; I was announcing it to the world. Of course, if the play had been a flop, only my family would have known.
- Mart Crowley
Collection: Writing
Image of Deb Olin Unferth
I want to be funny. When I first started writing, I didn't find my stories funny, but people kept saying they were. It kind of worried me; these are some pretty disturbing and sad pieces. Why do people think they're funny?
- Deb Olin Unferth
Collection: Writing
Image of Bethenny Frankel
I enjoy writing. I enjoy communicating and connecting.
- Bethenny Frankel
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Ravenhill
The title's so upfront. It gives fair warning about the play's content. I'm writing about a kind of disenchantment, an anger, but quite a cool 90's anger, at a time when we're not very good at openly being angry. . . . I don't think I ever thought the title was titillating. I thought it was incredibly catchy. If the play is about the reduction in human relations down to a consumerist rationale, then thematically, the title is entirely linked into the thesis of the play.
- Mark Ravenhill
Collection: Writing
Image of Sara Gruen
The only thing that makes me crazier than writing is not writing.
- Sara Gruen
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Bruce
I played upright bass. I wanted to write great tunes, play the bass, be a band leader, and smoke a big funny pipe like Charlie Mingus. So I went out and bought the pipe when I was around 18 or 19 years old. You know even women smoke a pipe in Glasgow. I worked with Carla Bley and she smoked a pipe, which I find fascinating.
- Jack Bruce
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Bruce
I listen to a lot of different kinds of music and rather than just doing one thing when I make an album, the challenge to myself is to write all these diverse tracks, but to make them work. It's like a jigsaw because if you've got a lyrical track going into a hard rock track... it's got to work. You've got to write things that will work together.
- Jack Bruce
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Covington
To say that I enjoyed writing... is like saying I enjoy having fingers and toes. It's difficult to imagine life without them.
- Dennis Covington
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Ginsberg
To gain your own voice, forget about having it heard. Become a saint of your own province and your own consciousness.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Ginsberg
Concentrate on what you want to say to yourself and your friends. Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness. You say what you want to say when you don't care who's listening.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Allen Ginsberg
To gain your own voice you have to forget about having it heard.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Ryan Evans
Everybody said, You hit it so big when you were on Ally McBeal. I didnt do anything for a year after Ally McBeal, and I had to write David Kelley to get myself back on Ally a second time because I thought the character should be on again.
- Josh Ryan Evans
Collection: Writing
Image of Marie Brennan
Matriarchy is a time-honored staple for any writer looking to invent an exotic society.
- Marie Brennan
Collection: Writing
Image of Dinty W. Moore
Exercise the muscles that compassionately open the heart.In your writing and your life.
- Dinty W. Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Arian Foster
I think a lot of people are so scared of failure that they don't put everything they have into whatever they want to do. I think, in turn, they write their own destiny.
- Arian Foster
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Lehman
You have to understand that people feel threatened by a writer. It's very curious. He knows something they don't know. He knows how to write, and that's a subtle, disturbing quality he has. Some directors without even knowing it, resent the writer in the same way Bob Hope might resent the fact he ain't funny without twelve guys writing the jokes. The director knows the script he is carrying around on the set every day was written by someone, and that's just not something that all directors easily digest.
- Ernest Lehman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ernest Lehman
But it is not at all unthinkable for anyone to tell a writer how to write. It comes with the territory.
- Ernest Lehman
Collection: Writing
Image of Rebecca McClanahan
To name the world in your own terms, to tell your own story, is an act of authority and power. When you write, you are saying, in effect, 'I have a voice. I have a story. This is what I have to say.'
- Rebecca McClanahan
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackee Harry
I like writing my own material - Im pretty good at it.
- Jackee Harry
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackee Harry
I don't want to take all the time. I just want to do what you wrote and let me go from there. I don't want to miss something. You know, I'm not really a writer per se, but I can write. But I can't put a script together like they can.
- Jackee Harry
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Cisco
Poetry restores language by breaking it, and I think that much contemporary writing restores fantasy, as a genre of writing in contrast to a genre of commodity or a section in a bookstore, by breaking it. Michael Moorcock revived fantasy by prying it loose from morality; writers like Jeff VanderMeer, Stepan Chapman, Lucius Shepard, Jeffrey Ford, Nathan Ballingrud are doing the same by prying fantasy away from pedestrian writing, with more vibrant and daring styles, more reflective thinking, and a more widely broadcast spectrum of themes.
- Michael Cisco
Collection: Writing
Image of Sanford Biggers
Practice writing and speaking about what you do.
- Sanford Biggers
Collection: Writing
Image of Joshua Bloch
It is hard to write even the smallest piece of code correctly.
- Joshua Bloch
Collection: Writing
Image of Hank Hanegraaff
I write about this in The Last Temple, the early church knew that Christ has risen from the dead, and so they didn't live their lives with earthly vanities, but they lived their lives for eternal verities. And I think that if we might catch that enthusiasm and the reality of resurrection, we would live by a completely different standard as well.
- Hank Hanegraaff
Collection: Writing
Image of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
I am dissatisfied with everything I have ever written and regard it all only as a preparation for that one work which probably I don't have it in me to write but which I hope I can go on trying for.
- Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
Collection: Writing
Image of William Goldman
A good writer is not someone who knows how to write- but how to rewrite
- William Goldman
Collection: Writing
Image of William Goldman
Writing is finally about one thing: going into a room alone and doing it. Putting words on paper that have never been there in quite that way before. And although you are physically by yourself, the haunting Demon never leaves you, that Demon being the knowledge of your own terrible limitations, your hopeless inadequacy, the impossibility of ever getting it right. No matter how diamond-bright your ideas are dancing in your brain, on paper they are earthbound.
- William Goldman
Collection: Writing
Image of William Goldman
One of the easiest things in the world is not to write... If it were easy, everyone would do it.
- William Goldman
Collection: Writing
Image of William Goldman
You have to protect your writing time. You have to protect it to the death.
- William Goldman
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Light
After the Beatles and Dylan, there's this assumption that you are a singer-songwriter, or that if someone else is writing your rhymes, you're a fake rapper.
- Alan Light
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Levi
Whoever you are, you've got to start from where you are. If you're a sailor, and only know sailor's language, well, write in it, for God's sake.
- Peter Levi
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Arnold
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret.
- Matthew Arnold
Collection: Writing
Image of Benji Madden
I didn't even write the lyrics down. I got in the booth, I put down a little guitar riff and the idea I had was it was going to be really simple, I just want it to be all about the lyrics and I just literally sang the lyrics.
- Benji Madden
Collection: Writing
Image of Benji Madden
In music industry they always want you to write something like the one that was popular. And that's something you kind of have to just - sometimes you just say yes to people, like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure," and then you just write the one you want to write.
- Benji Madden
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Abbott
Read heavily in the area where you want to write. Be aware of what's selling and what's doing well but don't try to write to market trends; they are fleeting.
- Jeff Abbott
Collection: Writing
Image of Bei Dao
As a writer, the most important thing for me is to continue to write, no matter where I am.
- Bei Dao
Collection: Writing
Image of Bei Dao
Writing is the thing that sustains me and keeps me going. It is a form of self-preservation for me.
- Bei Dao
Collection: Writing
Image of Bei Dao
I don't think of writing my poems for China or for the world. I mainly think of a small audience of friends and people I know. I am writing for that small group. They are not necessarily going to be able to read it, but that's what I have in mind when I write.
- Bei Dao
Collection: Writing
Image of John Amos
Despite the fact that I had a writing background, they didn't want to accept whatever ideas I had as a writer.
- John Amos
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Konigsberg
I don't think about relatability (when writing), I think about the heart of the character.
- Bill Konigsberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Antonin Artaud
All writing is garbage. People who come out of nowhere to try and put into words any part of what goes on in their minds are pigs.
- Antonin Artaud
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay Neugeboren
Writing a novel, I am making is an object that has a life and identity of its own, apart from me.
- Jay Neugeboren
Collection: Writing
Image of French Montana
The most important thing in writing process is the vibe cause if you on a roll, if you feel it you just feel it. And it's all about the atmosphere, the people around you, you know, everything. You got to be clear headed in that and have a perfect atmosphere.
- French Montana
Collection: Writing
Image of Anil Dash
When you ask me to sign your NDA, you're basically saying, in writing, that you don't trust me.
- Anil Dash
Collection: Writing