Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 70

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 70 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Alejandro Zambra
To read is to cover one's face. And to write is to show it.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
You're looking for something, I don't know what I'm looking for, but I'm looking. Writing is a lot about that. When you write a poem. When you write a novel.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
For me, writing is a way of finding out about things I didn't know before I began writing.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
I've been writing most of my life; it's just something I do.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
The ways in which a standardized language test induces storytelling, for example, is the opposite of creative writing; you have to learn a logical way to start a story, whereas in creative writing you may begin at the end or begin at the middle of the story.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
I was a nerdy kid and I was writing and showing other fellows who are still my friends what I was writing. We were sharing that and kept sharing it. The experiences they had were so different than mine.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Alejandro Zambra
I don't have any doubts that I need writing. I need it personally because this is the way I think.
- Alejandro Zambra
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisel Mueller
Everything is autobiography, even if one writes something that is totally objective. The fact that it's a subject that seizes you makes it autobiographical.
- Lisel Mueller
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisel Mueller
Well, language seems to be something that obsesses me. I'm always writing about it.
- Lisel Mueller
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisel Mueller
When I was in college, I did do some writing of poetry, somewhat inspired, I think at that time, by Carl Sandburg, because English was still relatively new to me, and Sandburg, of course, wrote in a very easy-to-understand, very colloquial and informal manner.
- Lisel Mueller
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlos J. Cortes
Anyone who writes is too precious to lose.
- Carlos J. Cortes
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Gardner
As Bertrand Russell once wrote, two plus two is four even in the interior of the sun.
- Martin Gardner
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Anyone who has a choice and doesn't choose to write is a fool. The work is hard, the perks are few, the pay is terrible, and the product, when it's finally finished, is pure joy.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Don't people know that it's the hardest work in the world? Joseph Conrad said that he had loaded hundredweights of coal all day long on a ship in Amsterdam in the wintertime, and that is was nothing to the energy demanded for a day's work writing.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Writing
Image of Wayne Campbell
Led Zeppelin didn't write tunes that everybody liked, they left that to the Bee Gees.
- Wayne Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of John Mihaljevic
Famed value investor Guy Spier has managed to write what is both a gripping memoir and a fascinating study of what it takes to succeed in investing and life. A must read!
- John Mihaljevic
Collection: Writing
Image of Marcy Dermansky
That's the wonderful thing about writing, you can take things you haven't done properly in your own life and make it better in fiction.
- Marcy Dermansky
Collection: Writing
Image of Ali Liebegott
For me writing is so perplexing, because if we were playing ping pong and we weren't writing - twenty years later you'd be just so much better at ping pong and this confidence with ping pong.
- Ali Liebegott
Collection: Writing
Image of Ali Liebegott
I'm always struck with writing - I constantly feel like I don't know what I'm doing and I'm starting over.
- Ali Liebegott
Collection: Writing
Image of Horace Greeley
The best style of writing, as well as the most forcible, is the plainest.
- Horace Greeley
Collection: Writing
Image of Simon Amstell
I'll just talk and talk for an hour, an hour and half, until funny things come out of my mouth - often things that I don't think will be funny, often things that I just thought were sentences, turn out to be funny, because they're the sentences of an idiot. There's level of self-awareness that develops, and I write down things that were funny, usually when I'm on stage, and that becomes the show.
- Simon Amstell
Collection: Writing
Image of James Frey
I have a great amount of confidence and faith in my abilities to write. There are other areas of my life where I'm not as confident, and have not as much faith, but when it comes down to writing and working, I don't worry about it. I trust myself to get it right.
- James Frey
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Goad
A Manhattan lawyer who describes himself as "America`s leading expert on the militia movement" writes that he hugged his three-year-old kid the night of the Oklahoma City bombing. He told junior that it happened "because they hated too much" For now, let`s accept the premise that one hundred sixty-eight humans died in Oklahoma City because people "hated too much" Now answer these questions if you would be so kind: did a federal sniper shoot Vicki Weaver in the face because he hated too much? Did our government conduct the Tuskegee with syphilis on black soldiers because it hated too much?
- Jim Goad
Collection: Writing
Image of Carlton Cuse
As hard as you try to write a good script and you have great intentions, this alchemy has to occur.
- Carlton Cuse
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisa Loomer
I do choose to write for a living - in addition to writing plays. I no longer write sitcoms, and I no longer feel shame.
- Lisa Loomer
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisa Loomer
I definitely write from a need to try, in my own two hours, to right a wrong. My little play is inconsequential in terms of whether or not we have health care, but it may affect the way people who see the play think about the issue.
- Lisa Loomer
Collection: Writing
Image of Caroline Lawrence
I write about times and places I would visit in a time machine, like ancient Rome or the Wild West.
- Caroline Lawrence
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Godwin
During the act of writing I have told myself something that I didn't know I knew.
- Gail Godwin
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Godwin
Much of the activity we think of as writing is, actually, getting ready to write.
- Gail Godwin
Collection: Writing
Image of Janeane Garofalo
How long do we have to deal with conservative failure? How long? Thirty years is not enough? So I would say enough with that, and I would say check out the Center for American Progress, and the writings by Patrick Garofalo, economic guru. That's what I would say.
- Janeane Garofalo
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Garden
If you really want to write, then shut yourself in a room, close the door, and WRITE. If you don't want to write, do something else. It's as simple as that.
- Mary Garden
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Garden
I decided to write about the myths of divorce.
- Mary Garden
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Garden
My inner critic who had begun piping up about how hopeless I was and how I didn't know to write.
- Mary Garden
Collection: Writing
Image of Ian Astbury
I had a great conversation with Trent Reznor. Trent said, "I'd have a sixpack, too, if I didn't write my own music!"
- Ian Astbury
Collection: Writing
Image of John Guare
You don't push the button that says "Now I will write something that resonates in time." You don't know. It's what happens after a play is finished.
- John Guare
Collection: Writing
Image of John Guare
You cannot write to resonate twenty or thirty or forty years from now. You only can write for that very day, but whatever happens is all gravy.
- John Guare
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Sugarman
You must become an expert on a product, service or anything you write about to really be effective.
- Joseph Sugarman
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Sugarman
If it is your assignment to write copy for a product or service that you really don’t have a feel for, then you have a great deal of studying to do to make sure you understand who your customer is and what motivates him or her.
- Joseph Sugarman
Collection: Writing
Image of Margaret Wertheim
For ten years, I wrote regular columns about science for women's magazines, and to my knowledge I'm the only person in the world who can say that. This has no kudos in either the science-writing world or the academic world, but it's one of the most challenging things I've ever done. It's much harder to write about cosmology for a magazine like Vogue than for the New York Times, which I've also written for, because you have to imagine that on the page opposite there'll be an advertisement for eyeliner, or an article about the latest trends in skirt length.
- Margaret Wertheim
Collection: Writing
Image of Jenkin Lloyd Jones
You have typewriters, presses. And a huge audience. How about raising hell?
- Jenkin Lloyd Jones
Collection: Writing
Image of Hooman Majd
This sounds like a cliche, but I always wanted to write. After college, I did some writing and realized very quickly that it's hard to make a living as a writer. At that point, I was more interested in fiction writing.
- Hooman Majd
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Menand
One of the oddities about responses that you get to what you write, if you get a fair number of them, is that people have very different ideas of what you said.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Menand
Writers are not mere copyists of language; they are polishers, embellishers, perfecters. They spend hours getting the timing right so that what they write sounds completely unrehearsed.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis Menand
For the kind of places I've written for and the kind of writing that I've done, the general way to think about your audience is to think about somebody who's like yourself, but in a completely different discipline.
- Louis Menand
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Gup
You have tens, hundreds of thousands of people in government, and just as many among contractors, who feel totally comfortable writing at the top of the document "internal use only," "official use only," and a million other synonyms, all of which amount to "none of your business" to the public.
- Ted Gup
Collection: Writing
Image of Liam Gallagher
I find it hard to express myself when writing from the f - - - heart or the a - , or wherever. It's just like anything, it's (easier) when you get used to it, but I've not done it. I was just a singer in a band.
- Liam Gallagher
Collection: Writing
Image of Patrick Watson
I think my music being referred to as "cinematic" has a lot to do with people just not being used to listening to instrumental music without watching a film. I'm still pretty convinced of that. You'll play Chopin in place of something average and like, "Wow, that'd be great in a film." People say it every time, swear to God. I don't think people have a good relationship with instruments and music anymore. But it's definitely visual; I started writing with this band because of the pictures. I can't really deny it either, you know?
- Patrick Watson
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Phillips
Don't worry about what anyone else thinks - write what you must.
- Carl Phillips
Collection: Writing