Mary Lee Settle

Image of Mary Lee Settle
Anyone who has a choice and doesn't choose to write is a fool. The work is hard, the perks are few, the pay is terrible, and the product, when it's finally finished, is pure joy.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Lee Settle
the first time you are reconciled to the terrible unfairness of disappointment, you are getting old.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Recorded history is wrong. It’s wrong because the voiceless have no voice in it.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Voice
Image of Mary Lee Settle
When I'm working on a serious and solid book ... I read about a detective novel a day. It's the best legal dope in the world. It makes you feel good until the next morning you can work again.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Morning
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Somerset Maugham said that it took at least six human beings to make one fictional character. That is true of landscape as well, I think. We have to make our landscapes, change streets, create new turnings, rebuild or tear down, change time, and even nature, if need be.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Character
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Don't people know that it's the hardest work in the world? Joseph Conrad said that he had loaded hundredweights of coal all day long on a ship in Amsterdam in the wintertime, and that is was nothing to the energy demanded for a day's work writing.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Lee Settle
[The inspiration that comes to authors of fiction] is not an act of intelligence.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Mary Lee Settle
Having watched herself in the speckled mirror ... she was already shocked beyond surprise at what the flat hand of age could do.
- Mary Lee Settle
Collection: Mirrors