Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 72

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 72 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Pankaj Mishra
So much of writing is fed by vanity and the feeling that what you are doing is the most important thing in the world and it has not been done before and only you can do it. Without these feelings, many writers would not be able to write anything at all.
- Pankaj Mishra
Collection: Writing
Image of Pankaj Mishra
The act of writing should not be accompanied by the sense of an audience, someone peering over your shoulder, but in nonfiction I think it’s almost imperative that you identify an audience so you can confirm or challenge or undermine whatever ideas or prejudices they might have about your subject.
- Pankaj Mishra
Collection: Writing
Image of Pankaj Mishra
A sustained engagement with the world, a sense of how it was and how it ought to be, and what has been lost, is imperative to good writing - I just don't know how you can be a serious writer without it.
- Pankaj Mishra
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Beaton
Good writing is writing and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting. Sometimes, it happens to work right away, and that's amazing. But most of the time, it happens to work, and then you rewrite and rewrite and rewrite, and maybe it even comes back to the thing it was in the first place, but then you know for sure that it is good, and it's what you wanted to do.
- Kate Beaton
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Meinke
If you're hooked on the physical act of writing, there's a good chance of your hanging in there long enough to say what you were born to say.
- Peter Meinke
Collection: Writing
Image of Gen Urobuchi
When I try to write love, it only turns into horror. Thinking about it with a clear head, feeling such deep emotions to some other person you don't even know is truly a terrifying thingI wonder if love isn't a manifestation of madness in some way.
- Gen Urobuchi
Collection: Writing
Image of Sue Grafton
I write letters to my right brain all the time. They're just little notes. And right brain, who likes to get little notes from me, will often come through within a day or two.
- Sue Grafton
Collection: Writing
Image of Argus Hamilton
Former South Africa President Nelson Mandela announced Tuesday he will begin writing his autobiography. He spent 25 years in prison before being elected to public office. In America, we do it the other way around.
- Argus Hamilton
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Dean Foster
The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing.
- Alan Dean Foster
Collection: Writing
Image of Alistair Beaton
Theatre can entertain, provoke, challenge, investigate, comfort and educate. It's arrogant of a playwright to think education is more important than anything else. Writing for the theatre does not give you permission to lecture, hector or bore.
- Alistair Beaton
Collection: Writing
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
One of my greatest pleasures in my writing has come from the thought that perhaps my work might annoy someone of comfortably pretentious position. Then comes the realization that such people rarely read.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Writing
Image of Crawford Kilian
Here's a slightly outrageous tip: Don't respect the text. Just because you've written something down doesn't mean it has a right to exist. If your internal editor can find a better way to say something, junk the original version and go with the new one. If you can't find a better way, and the passage really isn't good, junk it.
- Crawford Kilian
Collection: Writing
Image of Fred Zinnemann
Dialogue is a necessary evil.
- Fred Zinnemann
Collection: Writing
Image of Ciaran Hinds
In fact, the difference between creative and interpretive, it all starts with the writing. Then if you can get the money together to make the film, then you're in touch with the visuals and the actual creation, and the sound of what you want to mean. Of course, some directors get inspired by what people do anyway. Don't feel the need [to stick to the script]. In fact, they sometimes go "That's not what I had in mind, but that suits the purpose well.".
- Ciaran Hinds
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Marais
The key to writing is something to be stolen. How else does one open the door to a house of thieves?
- Anthony Marais
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalie Goldberg
Writing can teach us the dignity of speaking the truth.
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalie Goldberg
Play around. Dive into absurdity and write. Take chances. You will succeed if you are fearless of failure.
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalie Goldberg
Writers end up writing about their obsessions. Things that haunt them; things they can’t forget; stories they carry in their bodies waiting to be released.
- Natalie Goldberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Dick Francis
Writing a novel proved to be the hardest, most self-analyzing task I had ever attempted, far worse than an autobiography: and its rewards were greater than I expected.
- Dick Francis
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay Duplass
We don't work in the traditional TV format where we're like writing concurrently to shooting. Like, we really view it as a large feature film.
- Jay Duplass
Collection: Writing
Image of Doc Brown
I don't have the desire to be the best standup in the UK but I do have the desire to be the best at everything else I do in terms of writing and acting.
- Doc Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Lois P Frankel
Prepare for every negotiation... 1) Focus on Outcomes. What is it that you want to walk away with? Being as specific as possible also increases the likelihood of negotiation success. 2) Support your desired outcome with data that points to its reasonableness. 3) Writing down your key points in advance - and practicing them - enables you to stay focused on what's most important and avoid going off on tangents. 4) Err on the side of asking for more, rather than less [of what you really want]. 5) Be willing to walk away.
- Lois P Frankel
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy Friday
All my writing has been an effort to sort out the paradoxes of my life.
- Nancy Friday
Collection: Writing
Image of T. E. D. Klein
Horror, let's face it, is basically pretty dumb. You're writing about events that are preposterous, and the trick is to dress them up in language so compelling that the reader doesn't care.
- T. E. D. Klein
Collection: Writing
Image of Archimedes
Having been the discoverer of many splendid things, he is said to have asked his friends and relations that, after his death, they should place on his tomb a cylinder enclosing a sphere, writing on it the proportion of the containing solid to that which is contained.
- Archimedes
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Anner
Writing was not my medium. I preferred to do video.
- Zach Anner
Collection: Writing
Image of Nadine Gordimer
what a writer does is to try to make sense of life. I think that's what writing is, I think that's what painting is. It's seeking that thread of order and logic in the disorder, and the incredible waste and marvelous profligate character of life. What all artists are trying to do is to make sense of life.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Writing
Image of Nadine Gordimer
Writing is making sense of life.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Writing
Image of Nadine Gordimer
What is the purpose of writing? For me personally, it is really to explain the mystery of life, and the mystery of life includes, of course, the personal, the political, the forces that make us what we are while there's another force from inside battling to make us something else.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Juliet Buck
When you're writing, you're demented, alone, and full of doubt. It feels dangerous.
- Joan Juliet Buck
Collection: Writing
Image of Meg Medina
When I write now, I pretend I'm holding hands with the old me. I try to make sense of all those questions for her.
- Meg Medina
Collection: Writing
Image of Julianne MacLean
Bev Pettersen writes with flair and a down-to-earth warmth that will make you smile and sigh with contentment.
- Julianne MacLean
Collection: Writing
Image of Julianne MacLean
Writing is a solitary occupation, and we like it that way.
- Julianne MacLean
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Weisman
First and foremost, that's what I am, I'm a writer. I can't draw worth a darn. I don't draw, I write.
- Greg Weisman
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Weisman
I had co-written one episode of an animated show called Jem and the Holograms. Which at the time I didn't view as the start of a career, I viewed it as, "Hey, someone wants to pay me to write something, and I might get a TV credit, isn't that cool?" So I did it with my writing partner at the time, Cary Bates, and it was interesting but it didn't lead to anything and I didn't think too much about it.
- Greg Weisman
Collection: Writing
Image of Greg Weisman
Years passed and I hadn't really done much writing. Other than the fact that I'm constantly developing new shows, writing up proposals and stuff.
- Greg Weisman
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicole Brossard
Writing is a consciousness formally at work in the territory of the imaginary.
- Nicole Brossard
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicole Brossard
To write, you must first belong to yourself.
- Nicole Brossard
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicola Griffith
I want to write about grown-up things.
- Nicola Griffith
Collection: Writing
Image of Patricia Duncker
You write your first novel with the desperation of the damned. You're afraid that you'll never write anything else, ever again.
- Patricia Duncker
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexi Murdoch
It's always a strange moment when you get up on stage because in a way that's really the fulfilment of what you do, but at the same time when you write from a place that's very personal and quite isolated, at least for me, there's something that almost doesn't feel natural about it.
- Alexi Murdoch
Collection: Writing
Image of David Finch
I think I'm enjoying writing for me.I know what's in my head, so there's a little less margin for error, but I think I really would like to write for an artist, and obviously it really depends on the artist, and the sort of story I would do.
- David Finch
Collection: Writing
Image of David Finch
I've always been a Batman fan, and I've always wanted to draw and write the sort of stories that I've always loved about Batman.
- David Finch
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam DeVine
Comics know that they do best. They might not be best to rewrite to another person's comedy, but they know what is best for them. Luckily, I come from both a writing background - with 'Workaholics' - and I also act in what I've written.
- Adam DeVine
Collection: Writing
Image of Ada Limon
There's so much rage in the world now and I'm finding poems to be the place where I want to stay. I rage and rage and then write a poem and return to breathing.
- Ada Limon
Collection: Writing
Image of Marwa
I don't write for a living. I live to write.
- Marwa
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Groff
The triumph of writing fiction is that by doing so, writers can build a more ideal world in themselves.
- Lauren Groff
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Groff
A lot of my work comes from a place of despair or fear. I often write in order to gain some sort of control over aspects of my life or the world that seem too dark to look at directly.
- Lauren Groff
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Groff
I'm a writer, not an actor. I want to write rather than perform. I'm looking forward to disappearing for a while.
- Lauren Groff
Collection: Writing