Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 65

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Image of Janette Turner Hospital
It often seems to me that the biggest single issue for a writer is how to stay buoyant enough to go on writing. How not to drown.
- Janette Turner Hospital
Collection: Writing
Image of Janette Turner Hospital
There is always a gap between conception and execution. We keep writing in the burning hope of closing that gap before we die.
- Janette Turner Hospital
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Ellerbee
We plant a tree that won't be big enough to climb until we're too old to climb trees, we write constitutions to protect the rights of people who won't be born for another hundred years and may not be worth the trouble anyway, and we try to take care of our sick, though we all suffer from a disease for which there is no cure and no hope for one. We will not last and we know we will not - and still we write, carve, build, paint and plant to last. We are, it seems to me, very, very brave.
- Linda Ellerbee
Collection: Writing
Image of Yasmin Ahmad
The way to start writing isn't by writing at all. But by living. It isn't about creating something from thin air, but about documenting our personal feelings about the things that we see. Or to put it crudely, how are you going to be a storyteller if you have no story to tell? Perhaps, in the end, there are no such things as creative people; they are only sharp observers with sensitive hearts.
- Yasmin Ahmad
Collection: Writing
Image of Ronald Dworkin
We write a subscript to our mortality. We make our lives tiny diamonds in the cosmic sands.
- Ronald Dworkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Constantine
Hiring people to write code to sell is not the same as hiring people to design and build durable, usable, dependable software.
- Larry Constantine
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynn Nottage
When you begin a play, you're going to have to spend a lot of time with those characters, so those characters are going to have to be rich enough that you want to take a very long journey with them. That's how I begin thinking about what I want to write about and who I want to write about.
- Lynn Nottage
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynn Nottage
Each play I write has its own unique origin story.
- Lynn Nottage
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynn Nottage
I need a release from whatever I'm writing.
- Lynn Nottage
Collection: Writing
Image of J. E. H. MacDonald
It is the work of the Canadian artist to paint or play or write in such a way that life will be enlarged for himself and his fellow man. The painter will look around him . . . and finding everything good, will strive to communicate that feeling through a portrayal of the essentials of sunlight, or snow, or tree or tragic cloud, or human face, according to his power and individuality.
- J. E. H. MacDonald
Collection: Writing
Image of Joell Ortiz
Hip-hop definitely saved my life. Being able to write about the things I was doing, the things I was seein' and all that stuff, putting that on paper and coming into my own as Joell Ortiz. That's why I don't have a stage name, because I chose to talk about everything under the sun that happened to me or next to me in my music.
- Joell Ortiz
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Grisoni
You've got to write badly. If you write badly at least you've got something to rewrite. If you're scared to write badly, then you've got nothing.
- Tony Grisoni
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Grisoni
Music, I find, gets you out of a trap [when screenwriting], because it speaks to your emotions directly, it's an abstract thing, it's not concerned with plot or story. And so music really helps - often I'll listen to the music and just write anything, just to get through.
- Tony Grisoni
Collection: Writing
Image of Walker Evans
I wanted so much to write that I couldn't write a word.
- Walker Evans
Collection: Writing
Image of Sasha Cagen
Lists help us manage the chaos of our lives—to impose order, if only for a moment. Writing a list clears the mind. … Once everything is written down, it’s easier to see which tasks are important and in what order to tackle them. Tasks that seem overwhelming look easier when reduced to mere lines on paper.
- Sasha Cagen
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Hickey
The idea of political content is irrelevant. Content is irrelevant. I always tell my students, "Never forget you're writing words! You know, word one, word two, word three, word four. The words have to be organized. Nothing else does."
- Dave Hickey
Collection: Writing
Image of Howard Gordon
I've always wanted to write a novel. It's overwhelming and daunting, and it's one of those things that every writer fantasizes about doing.
- Howard Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Howard Gordon
Traditionally, people have been adapting novels and short stories forever. Now, they're doing it simultaneously, with an eye towards writing the movie before the novel has even come out or been finished. It's a function of this hyper-accelerated society we live in, where everyone is trying to short circuit the process.
- Howard Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Howard Gordon
When you're writing a novel, you're still telling a story. But you're telling it very differently. It's a craft like anything else.
- Howard Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Ester Dean
I have a thing - I call it magic - but I feel like I can write stuff down in the middle of the night and wake up and it happens. I write what I want in my journal.
- Ester Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Ester Dean
I don't really start writing until later in the night. I'm a night owl.
- Ester Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Ester Dean
Artists aren't looking for you to write them something; they're looking for you to give them something new.
- Ester Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Anatole Grunwald
Everything can be learned, including, to a very large extent, to be what you are not. You can learn to be pretty if you are plain, charming if you are dull, thin if you are fat, youthful if you are aging, how to write though you are inarticulate, how to make money though you are not good with figures.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Maggie Shipstead
Novels definitely come more naturally to me. When I write short stories, it's always a fight against it expanding.
- Maggie Shipstead
Collection: Writing
Image of Maggie Shipstead
I think I'm someone who can prattle on a long time about something, which serves me well as a novelist, but it's the enemy when I'm writing short stories.
- Maggie Shipstead
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas McIlroy
Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.
- Douglas McIlroy
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Gorey
I really think I write about everyday life. I don't think I'm quite as odd as others say I am. Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time. At any given moment the floor may open up. Of course, it almost never does; that's what makes it so boring.
- Edward Gorey
Collection: Writing
Image of Lev Grossman
Fanfiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couchbound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.
- Lev Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lev Grossman
Don't take anyone's writing advice too seriously.
- Lev Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Fry
We are not nouns, we are verbs. I am not a thing - an actor, a writer - I am a person who does things - I write, I act - and I never know what I'm going to do next. I think you can be imprisoned if you think of yourself as a noun.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Hirst
I think comedy is the hardest actual form of writing there is.
- Michael Hirst
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Pettibon
There's always a latent or inferred image in my writing. And I can almost always assume if I do a drawing that it will eventually have text.
- Raymond Pettibon
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Pettibon
My work is more driven by the creative word. It's immersed in other writing and printed work, rather than drawn so much from life or past experience.
- Raymond Pettibon
Collection: Writing
Image of Judith Guest
Make notes—I’ve lost more material than I’ve ever written. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not still up there in one’s brain. It’s in outer space and it ain’t coming back.
- Judith Guest
Collection: Writing
Image of Judith Guest
Writers don't write to inform other people, they write to find out something themselves.
- Judith Guest
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonas Eriksson
Don't write to sell, write to tell.
- Jonas Eriksson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonas Eriksson
Stay humble as a writer: write on toilet paper.
- Jonas Eriksson
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Hedges
GOOD AS NEW was born out of the idea of writing a play where the stakes were high and the collisions were of a verbal nature. Also I wanted to write a play where people were smarter than I was, and more alive than I feel normally. I became interested in the idea of characters who would surprise me. I guess one could argue that nothing comes out of you that wasn't within you to begin with, but maybe there are ways to trick yourself into becoming more an observer or an advocate for the characters.
- Peter Hedges
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Hedges
I want to write stories that don't help you escape life, but embrace life.
- Peter Hedges
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Hedges
I don't want to write my life. I live my life. I want to make up a new world.
- Peter Hedges
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Hedges
I've always written for actors, and if you want to write for good actors, you have to write parts that are surprising, that are human, and that allow them to go to a wide range of places.
- Peter Hedges
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicky Wire
We all decided that from the start, me and Richey can't write music but we can write lyrics and look pretty tarty.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Writing
Image of Ruby Rose
I used to always throw in random questions. I'd have to ask about artist's single and their writing process, which I know is every artist's most-hated question, like, "Well what was ,your process?" And it's. like, "Well, I wrote this album." And then at the end I would throw in, like, "So, Seinfeld or Simpsons?" and they'd be so thrown, because everything else could be autopilot. All my greatest moments were from the most sporadic questions.
- Ruby Rose
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Greer
It's really exciting and also it makes me nervous, because I'm like, "Well, I figured out how to perform this episode, but what if I'm not as good at what they write for next episode?" But that's part of the challenge, and that's what, I hope, ultimately makes me a better actor.
- Judy Greer
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Greer
I think that comes with a collaboration with the writers. I think that we get cast in edgier roles because we are a little more offbeat, so people - as we get to know the writers, and as the writers get to know us, they start to write around us more, and that's why I think the pilot is not always the best way to get to experience a new television show, because we're fitting ourselves into these characters. Whereas as the show evolves, they're writing the characters for us and for our strengths and weaknesses.
- Judy Greer
Collection: Writing
Image of Young Thug
I never write. Never! I do not even remember if I can write.
- Young Thug
Collection: Writing
Image of Young Thug
I never write. Never! I do not even remember if I can write … This is a true freestyle in general. I put a beat, I said some stuff, I retain ideas, I do it again, with a particular intonation, I test, and especially I record live.
- Young Thug
Collection: Writing
Image of Young Thug
A mixtape is for the street, it's something you without necessarily thinking about it, because you have to stay in the game. It's like writing an e-mail saying hello to your friends.
- Young Thug
Collection: Writing
Image of Morgan Parker
After a while, being so honest and so vulnerable on the page ends up affecting my own kind of self possession in the world, because I am not afraid of myself and my own thoughts. I think so much of being a woman, of being a social being, of being polite, is quieting those thoughts. There's so much we try not to say as we go through the day. There's a lot of tempering and self-editing. It is a relief to make writing that space where I don't need to do that.
- Morgan Parker
Collection: Writing