Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 67

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 67 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
One function of the imagination in autobiographical writing is to allow the writer to try out different versions of the self.
- Marilyn Chandler McEntyre
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Grimsley
For me, writing plays is far more an act of the mind than of the emotions. It's a very different kind of impulse than fiction writing.
- Jim Grimsley
Collection: Writing
Image of Clement Freud
Wine buffs write and talk as though the food and wine will be in your mouth at the same time, that one is there to be poured over the other. This is bullshit. Gustatory enjoyment comes from food and wine and cigars of your liking. So far no one has said that a Monte Cristo is the only cigar to smoke after Armagnac, Romeo and Juliet after Calvados ... but the time may yet come.
- Clement Freud
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Cary
There are times when I just can't bring myself to sit down and write and I'm never sure whether it's pure laziness or lack of courage - there's always the thought in the back of my mind that my writing won't be good enough.
- Kate Cary
Collection: Writing
Image of Roman Coppola
Dont imitate. Write what you know about, that has to be your goal.
- Roman Coppola
Collection: Writing
Image of Lee Hall
In a way, 'Billy Elliot' was autobiographical. I can't dance, but I think his dancing was me discovering about writing and literature.
- Lee Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Frame
I am not really a writer. I am just someone who is haunted, and I will write the hauntings down.
- Janet Frame
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Frame
All writers - all beings - are exiles as a matter of course. The certainty about living is that it is a succession of expulsions of whatever carries the life force...All writers are exiles wherever they live and their work is a lifelong journey towards the lost land.
- Janet Frame
Collection: Writing
Image of Henrietta Rose-Innes
I still don't think I have a vocation - and writing is a way of avoiding one.
- Henrietta Rose-Innes
Collection: Writing
Image of Naomi Wallace
I'm interested in the way that the language of labor has been suppressed in our culture, the way it has disappeared from our vocabulary and is never heard on stage. . . . I'm better at writing than I am at organizing [political action]. SLAUGHTER CITY is my small contribution. If it gives people a voice it is worth something. So often we forget what we are no longer hearing.
- Naomi Wallace
Collection: Writing
Image of Muhammad al-Bukhari
It was very unfortunate that Allah's Apostle was prevented from writing that statement for them because of their disagreement and noise.
- Muhammad al-Bukhari
Collection: Writing
Image of Haider Ackermann
In the past, you would take the time to write a love letter and you would think about what you wanted to say and compose it in a certain way. Now, everything is so short. It has to be, because it is rushed, and therefore, in a way, it loses a little bit of its importance. But I think it is very important to take the time to say what you want to say.
- Haider Ackermann
Collection: Writing
Image of Raven Grimassi
I view Witchcraft as a religion that has evolved over the centuries. I do not consider Witchcraft to be a modern invention. Instead I deal with it in my writings as a Mystery Tradition with long roots to the past. It has always been my position that we don't need an ancient tradition in order to be validated. We just happen to have one.
- Raven Grimassi
Collection: Writing
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Dissents speak to a future age. It's not simply to say, 'My colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way.' But the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that's the dissenter's hope: that they are writing not for today but for tomorrow.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Writing
Image of Lisa M
When I have it in mind, I write it out.
- Lisa M
Collection: Writing
Image of Ira Glass
If you're not failing all the time, you're not creating a situation where you can get lucky.
- Ira Glass
Collection: Writing
Image of Ira Glass
It's hard to make something that's interesting. It's really, really hard. It's like a law of nature, a law of aerodynamics, that anything that's written or anything that's created wants to be mediocre. The natural state of all writing is mediocrity... So what it takes to make anything more than mediocre is such an act of will.
- Ira Glass
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Galifianakis
You write things that are of interest to you. There's no focus group.
- Zach Galifianakis
Collection: Writing
Image of Darrelle Revis
I've always been humble and this even humbled me even more to definitely get a second chance at my career. There are still chapters I'm writing in this legacy.
- Darrelle Revis
Collection: Writing
Image of Nell Freudenberger
It's usually easier for me to begin writing in a character's voice if that person is different from me in some significant way.
- Nell Freudenberger
Collection: Writing
Image of Nell Freudenberger
I can't listen to music when I'm writing. I like music best in a car or on the train.
- Nell Freudenberger
Collection: Writing
Image of Nell Freudenberger
Alice Munro is a particular kind of short story writer in that she writes long, character-driven short stories.
- Nell Freudenberger
Collection: Writing
Image of Patrick Somerville
I really think you cannot ever escape your history, what you've done, who you are, and things you've tried to hide. Even if no one ever finds out the secret you're trying to keep, the cost of that keeping has been so great, that it's destroyed you anyway. In all my writing, there are people who desperately wish the past is not what it is.
- Patrick Somerville
Collection: Writing
Image of Trentemøller
I like to surprise the listener a little bit and also surprise myself when I write the music.
- Trentemøller
Collection: Writing
Image of Henri Langlois
There are cinéphiles and cinéphages. Truffaut is a cinéphile. A cinéphage - a film nerd - sits in the front row and writes down the credits. But if you ask him whether it's good, he'll say something sharp. But that's not the point of movies: to love cinema is to love life, to really look at this window on the universe. It's incompatible with note-taking!
- Henri Langlois
Collection: Writing
Image of Boots Riley
I always write knowing that people will hear it, but also hoping they'll see it. So a lot of times I make lyrical decisions based on what looks better. Also I write based on what I saw for a video. I obsess over lyrics in the hopes that they'll endure in different ways. I'm very precious about it.
- Boots Riley
Collection: Writing
Image of Earl King
Im a writer, so whatever gymnastics jump through my head, I write about it.
- Earl King
Collection: Writing
Image of Carrie Coon
It's often women who are writing leading roles for women. Most of the stuff that comes my way is not actually about women. I'm just asked to be a supporting player in a story about a man, and I, frankly, was not interested in doing that.
- Carrie Coon
Collection: Writing
Image of Carrie Coon
What's great about good writing is that it feels like life, so it's not hard to relate to her circumstances.
- Carrie Coon
Collection: Writing
Image of William Soutar
My life's purpose is to write poetry - but behind the poetry must be the vision of a fresh revelation for men.
- William Soutar
Collection: Writing
Image of Fred Rodell
There are two things wrong with almost all legal writing. One is its style. The other is its content.
- Fred Rodell
Collection: Writing
Image of Austin Pendleton
People's relationship to what they want from theatre is changing. People, including me, are still looking for the next STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE. And people can't or won't write that anymore.
- Austin Pendleton
Collection: Writing
Image of Sylvia Porter
I've learned ruthless concentration. I can write under any circumstances...street noises, loud talk, music, you name it.
- Sylvia Porter
Collection: Writing
Image of Sara Sheridan
For me, writing stories set, well, wherever they're best set, is a form of cultural curiosity that is uniquely Scottish - we're famous for travelling in search of adventure.
- Sara Sheridan
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Beard
I used to do horseback riding in the South, and it was just things I'd be pasting. I think my diaries was just an infantile desire to record things. I liked saving things instead of writing.
- Peter Beard
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Beard
Being so pathetic, I don't read. I just ... do things - writing out interviews you can't read, on pictures of footprints and things like that. I kind of like the idea of nailing the thing down and not really showing too much about it. There's just so much you can take for collage nowadays.
- Peter Beard
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Earnest
If it gets to a situation where it turns into a debate, look, the person that I'm debating is the person that is writing the story or presenting the broadcast. They're not going to write the story in such a way that shows they lost.
- Josh Earnest
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Gibbard
You spend hours alone, only with your thoughts, and you torture yourself. It's a tendency of many writers to temper the self-destructive act of writing with other self-destructive acts. I certainly was one of those people for a long time.
- Ben Gibbard
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Crabapple
Rohini Mohan read. While she did, I sketched her. She writes with such beauty and violence, and it seemed like the best way to listen was to really watch her, in the way that only drawing someone lets me do.
- Molly Crabapple
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Goldacre
I write about misuses of evidence in plenty of different spheres: scaremongering journalists, obvious quacks and naturopaths, and flaws in the way that evidence is used in mainstream academia, medicine and in (government) policy. One of the things I always found interesting is the same tricks are used to distort medicine in all of those domains.
- Ben Goldacre
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
I write to be recorder, observer, participant, and sometimes, even judge. I want to engage the world as I see it with my whole self - all of those different aspects of it.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
In terms of what I write about, I consider no subject too small. Often it's the small moments, that through the amplification of poetry, reveal the larger, more profound truths that we all come to recognize and treasure.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
I write a lot, and then forget what I've written, and then come back to it and say, "Not bad, I should do something with this!"
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
Editing is work, and it's hard to do while working on one's own writing.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
I write when I can. I have no set writing practices, or times, or methods. I write when I'm not doing other things - in the odd times when I'm traveling, or in hotels, or when I get time to be alone with my thoughts.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Allison Joseph
I find it hard to write poems in reaction to world/national events unless there's a way in that's so evident to me that I can't deny the urge to write about such events. It takes me a while to gather the evidence, you know?
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray McKinnon
There's not a conspiracy to prevent really good writing from being found You have to have the humility to fail over and over and over.
- Ray McKinnon
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Flaherty
Writing about race and crime was not new territory for me. But it can be treacherous. So here are my rules: No stereotypes. No generalizations. No explanations. No apologies. Just the facts, ma'am.
- Colin Flaherty
Collection: Writing
Image of ZZ Ward
Touring has been a new part of my life in a lot of ways. We've just been touring massively since the record came out and before. Learning how to write while all that is going on is a new thing.
- ZZ Ward
Collection: Writing