Henry Anatole Grunwald

Image of Henry Anatole Grunwald
Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald
Collection: Echoes
Image of Henry Anatole Grunwald
Home is the wallpaper above the bed, the family dinner table, the church bells in the morning, the bruised shins of the playground, the small fears that come with dusk, the streets and squares and monuments and shops that constitute one's first universe.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald
Collection: Morning
Image of Henry Anatole Grunwald
Everything can be learned, including, to a very large extent, to be what you are not. You can learn to be pretty if you are plain, charming if you are dull, thin if you are fat, youthful if you are aging, how to write though you are inarticulate, how to make money though you are not good with figures.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Anatole Grunwald
Nagging questions remain: Where is the line between making the most of one's potential and reaching for the unattainable? Where is the line between education as a tool and education as a kind of magic? The line is blurred and that is why when education fails, disillusionment is so bitter.
- Henry Anatole Grunwald
Collection: Education