Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 64

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 64 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Anne Enright
Only bad writers think that their work is really good.
- Anne Enright
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Carter
"Good" people are those who don't hold in the thoughts, but find proper outlets like writing, painting, music, etc.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Durrell
Remember that the animals and plants have no M.P. they can write to; they can't perform sit-down strikes or, indeed, strikes of any sort; they have nobody to speak for them except us, the human beings who share the world with them but do not own it.
- Gerald Durrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Rachael Yamagata
Writing and performing are to me what water and movement are to sharks.
- Rachael Yamagata
Collection: Writing
Image of Rachael Yamagata
I don't really usually write sort of a cheerleader-type lyric.
- Rachael Yamagata
Collection: Writing
Image of Marco Polo
I did not write half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed
- Marco Polo
Collection: Writing
Image of Achy Obejas
Journalism is very much public writing, writing with an audience in mind, writing for publication, and frequently writing quickly. And I know that when I worked daily journalism it really affected my patience with literature, which I think requires reflection, and a different kind of engagement.
- Achy Obejas
Collection: Writing
Image of Achy Obejas
This is going to sound nuts but it took me forever to figure out why I'd stopped writing poetry - I mean, I went about a decade where I wrote very little poetry and I thought it was because I was doing a weekly blog. And then when we moved, I reconfigured my writing desk. The previous one had had very little space to write by hand. And suddenly, the poetry was gushing!
- Achy Obejas
Collection: Writing
Image of Achy Obejas
I feel possessive about stories I write in Spanish and so I usually end up translating those into English myself.
- Achy Obejas
Collection: Writing
Image of Wilfred Thesiger
For me, exploration was a personal venture. I did not go to the Arabian desert to collect plants nor to make a map; such things were incidental. At heart I knew that to write or even to talk of my travels was to tarnish the achievement. I went there to find peace in the hardship of desert travel and the company of desert peoples. I set myself a goal on these journeys, and, although the goal itself was unimportant, its attainment had to be worth every effort and sacrifice... No, it is not the goal but the way there that matters, and the harder the way the more worth while the journey.
- Wilfred Thesiger
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Ashcroft
Any true musician, true artist, knows that when they're in that point of total artistic creation, whether on stage or in the studio or writing or whatever, that's the closest moment [to creation]. And that's what keeps all these people addicted to getting back to that moment again.
- Richard Ashcroft
Collection: Writing
Image of Michele Norris
Write your future in pencil…Be prepared. Plan for the future. But also be ready to pivot if a new opportunity comes your way, or if you discover something that was not part of the master plan– makes your heart sing and your mind buzz with possibilities.
- Michele Norris
Collection: Writing
Image of Alfred Doblin
Writing is not chewing your nails and picking your teeth, but a matter of public interest.
- Alfred Doblin
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott Michael Foster
I think the writing and the casting and all of that has so much to do with actors becoming their characters. I think if an actor is right for a role, casting sees that and the words that are on the page, depending on how it's written, can really help your character develop.
- Scott Michael Foster
Collection: Writing
Image of Christa Wolf
Now writing is just working your way toward the border that the innermost secret draws around itself, and to cross that line would mean self-destruction. But writing is also an attempt to respect the borderline only for the truly innermost secret, and bit by bit to free the taboos around that core, difficult to admit as they are, from their prison of unspeakability. Not self-destruction but self-redemption. Not being afraid of unavoidable suffering.
- Christa Wolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Amado Nervo
The literary man has a circle of the chosen few who read him and become his only public. . . . What more natural than that he should write for those who, even if they do not pay him, at least understand him?
- Amado Nervo
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Lane
No new reader, however charitable, could open “Fifty Shades of Grey,” browse a few paragraphs, and reasonably conclude that the author was writing in her first language, or even her fourth.
- Anthony Lane
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna Ferber
Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement. Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth. Writing may be interesting, absorbing, exhilarating, racking, relieving. But amusing? Never!
- Edna Ferber
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna Ferber
I think in order to write really well and convincingly, one must be somewhat poisoned by emotion, dislike, displeasure, resentment, fault-finding, imagination, passionate remonstrance, a sense of injustice-they all make fine fuel.
- Edna Ferber
Collection: Writing
Image of Graham Nelson
Writing a really general parser is a major but different undertaking, by far the hardest points being sensitivity to context and resolution of ambiguity.
- Graham Nelson
Collection: Writing
Image of Brewster Ghiselin
I suspect that every writer is secretly writing for someone.
- Brewster Ghiselin
Collection: Writing
Image of Marvin Bell
The writing of a poem is, for me, in the first place, an almost total act of abandon leading to discovery leading to recognition.
- Marvin Bell
Collection: Writing
Image of William Walton
Never having thought of writing for the guitar, I asked Julian Bream for a chart which would explain what the guitar could do. I managed to write some rather pretty pieces for him, except that the first six notes of the first piece all need to be played on open strings. So when he begins to play the audience will probably think he's tuning the bloody thing up!
- William Walton
Collection: Writing
Image of Mo Yan
A writer writes what he knows, in ways that are natural to him.
- Mo Yan
Collection: Writing
Image of Howie Day
The day it comes out, there's already things that you start to go, 'Oh, I should have done that a little differently.' You start to make a list in your head. I actually write things down -- what I'm going to do next time.
- Howie Day
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Haines
The writing process is very much like being in a dark tunnel, and you don't really know what you will end up with until you have created it.
- Emily Haines
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Reading
There's no posterity to write for. I'm writing now for mutated arthropods.
- Peter Reading
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Greenberg
I had a plot connection that nobody understood for this fourth character, and decided, Oh, nobody gets it, that's all. I'll write another draft to make her make sense. It took me awhile to learn that these three people were the core of this play, which seems so obvious now.
- Richard Greenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Fairstein
You have to want to write and like to write. Sit down at that desk or machine or laptop and tell stories.
- Linda Fairstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Friedrich Durrenmatt
A writer doesn’t solve problems. He allows them to emerge.
- Friedrich Durrenmatt
Collection: Writing
Image of Jacques Audiard
When things aren't working out, screenwriters have a tendency to say, "Go do other things," but you shouldn't do other things. You need to stay at your desk and continue to try to write. You need to insist on it.
- Jacques Audiard
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott Glenn
We were talking about television one time, and Damon Lindelof said he felt that, if Ernst Hemingway was writing for media, he would write feature films, and Lev Tolstoy and Fedor Dostoyevsky would write television series because there are some stories you just can't tell in two hours.
- Scott Glenn
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott Glenn
I love the way Damon Lindelof writes. It's almost like he was channeling me and he had my voice, even though the territory that those lines cover is unpredictable, and goes from raw emotion to laugh out loud funny but always true.
- Scott Glenn
Collection: Writing
Image of Doris McCarthy
Writing gave me a second chance - not to change things, but to savor them. That is a great gift.
- Doris McCarthy
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Eisner
I write about what I know and what I have experienced. This keeps me an "honest" writer.
- Will Eisner
Collection: Writing
Image of John Farrar
The first thing an unpublished author should remember is that no one asked him to write in the first place. With this firmly in mind, he has no right to become discouraged just because other people are being published.
- John Farrar
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Lennon
If you just want to be a writer, I don't care, for pitching, for writing dialogue, you should take an improvisation class. It's super important.
- Thomas Lennon
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Lennon
The good thing about being a writer is that you don't need anything except for a laptop. You can really do your own work and if you're not manically compelled to write all the time before you do it professionally, it's probably not a business for you anyway.
- Thomas Lennon
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Lennon
I never thought I would write the way that I write for the studios now, which is like, not little novels, but be someone who literally is more like, you know, sometimes I guess we describe, we're more Salieri than Mozart.
- Thomas Lennon
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Boyden
When I'm talking to somebody, I'll put a piece of paper on the table and I'll write what I call a conversation summary - notes about the conversation on the piece of paper. At the end of the conversation, I'll take a picture on my phone and give the other person the original piece of paper.
- Edward Boyden
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Jay Lifton
And I was troubled by the heavy-handed prose of so much psychoanalytic writing, which seemed drowned in its own concepts.
- Robert Jay Lifton
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Messinger
No one writes a story like Lydia Davis. In the years since she began publishing her lyrical, extremely short fiction, she has quietly become one of the most impactful influences on American writers, even if they don't know it. That's largely because she makes economy seem so easy. You could read several of her stories into a friend's voicemail box before you were cut off (and you should). You could fit one of her stories in this column. Some you could write on your palm.
- Jonathan Messinger
Collection: Writing
Image of Danzy Senna
Writing New People I was thinking a lot about the era that I came of age - the 90's. Brooklyn, in particular, this moment when I lived there. The sense of possibility. I was also trying to find a way to write about Jonestown. I had read about it a lot and I had the sense that the story could really start to drive one over the edge.
- Danzy Senna
Collection: Writing
Image of Danzy Senna
I wrote the first draft of the New People quickly but it had been percolating a lot longer. It's a hard question to answer because I'd been working on another novel for years and when I gave up on that, this one came very easily. But I think the work had been going on a lot longer than the actual writing.
- Danzy Senna
Collection: Writing
Image of Danzy Senna
I had been really obsessed with Jonestown for a long time - many years - and had read everything there was to read about it, seen all the footage and the documentaries. I found it really chilling in a personal way - the question of people submitting all their personal power and agency and independent thought it the name of a group or ideology. I could not find a way to write about it directly that didn't feel too heavy.
- Danzy Senna
Collection: Writing
Image of Bobby Farrelly
Writing is very difficult. You have 120 pages of blank paper and it's like, "Go fill that up with some funny stuff," and that's challenging.
- Bobby Farrelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Pope John Paul I
You know that I try to maintain a continuous conversation with you. I take comfort in the thought that the important thing is not for one person to write to Christ but for many people to love and emulate [you]. Fortunately, despite everything, this still occurs today.
- Pope John Paul I
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott M. Gimple
It is horrible to sit in front of the keyboard and write those scenes because you're losing too. You lose somebody you enjoy working with.
- Scott M. Gimple
Collection: Writing
Image of Scott M. Gimple
I think ultimately it's just time management. You're just doing a lot more stuff. You're doing the same stuff, you're writing and you're producing, but it just comes with a lot of other things. A lot of long term thinking and plotting things out for the future, bringing elements together. I have a lot of support.
- Scott M. Gimple
Collection: Writing