Nicky Wire

Image of Nicky Wire
I think solitude is a really positive thing. I cherish solitude immensely. In today’s society, there’s so much pressure to communicate, eat out, be friends with people. Why can’t you read a book on your own? Why have you got to have a book club?
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Book
Image of Nicky Wire
A blank page of paper and a pen is the greatest invention its so exciting to be confronted by possibility.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Paper
Image of Nicky Wire
I do consider myself to be something of a pretentious wanker.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Pretentious
Image of Nicky Wire
The only good thing about America is that you killed John Lennon.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: America
Image of Nicky Wire
We all decided that from the start, me and Richey can't write music but we can write lyrics and look pretty tarty.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicky Wire
If literature or music can make you think or become aware, then it's done something. That's what we've always wanted to do, just ignite sparks in people's minds. We can't offer a manifesto of how to make your life better.
- Nicky Wire
Collection: Thinking