Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Donald Windham
I disagree with the advice of 'write about what you know.' Write about what you need to know, in an effort to understand.
- Donald Windham
Collection: Writing
Image of Randy Wayne White
The tough thing about writing is you go into a room alone, you close the door and you do your work.
- Randy Wayne White
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Wilentz
One of the reasons that any person writes anything is to try and keep his own sanity together.
- Sean Wilentz
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Powter
I write everything. I have that control issue with my music. That's why I'm not in a band.
- Daniel Powter
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Hailey
I set myself 600 words a day as a minimum output, regardless of the weather, my state of mind or if I'm sick or well. There must be 600 finished words — not almost right words. Before you ask, I'll tell you that yes, I do write 600 at the top of my pad every day, and I keep track of the word count to insure I reach my quota daily — without fail.
- Arthur Hailey
Collection: Writing
Image of Miroslav Penkov
In Bulgarian I am much more flowery, the sentences are wilder. In English out of necessity I try to be clear and disciplined. I realized by writing in English there is so much more to writing a good story than the style.
- Miroslav Penkov
Collection: Writing
Image of Miroslav Penkov
I don't find English restrictive, but it brings a level of discipline to my writing that I wouldn't have in Bulgarian. My control of English, however you define it, my ability to work in English, is more limited than in Bulgarian. That means out of necessity I have to develop a style that goes for clarity of expression which I may not have done otherwise.
- Miroslav Penkov
Collection: Writing
Image of Miroslav Penkov
I have done literary translation because the University of Arkansas, where I did my MFA, was program of creative writing and translation, and it's a very different experience. You're trying to honor the writer. You shouldn't allow yourself, for example, to encounter a sentence that's three lines long and break it up into four smaller sentences.
- Miroslav Penkov
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Finn
Sometimes things reveal themselves to you a little bit. I think it was Joan Didion that said, "We write to find out what we're thinking." And sometimes that happens.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff MacNelly
Writing is simple. First you have to make sure you have plenty of paper... sharp pencils... typewriter ribbon. Then put your belly up to the desk... roll a sheet of paper into the typewriter... and stare at it until beads of blood appear on your forehead.
- Jeff MacNelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Damian Conway
Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self.
- Damian Conway
Collection: Writing
Image of John Wieners
I try to write the most embarrassing thing I can think of.
- John Wieners
Collection: Writing
Image of Christina Grimmie
I make make music in my own time, messing around with beats and riffs I write. Always practicing performing in my room most times I probably look like an idiot dancing around haha.
- Christina Grimmie
Collection: Writing
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I'm inspired by whatever I see, feel, hear about, watch on the TV...anything. It can be something that I really need to get off my chest so I write or something a friend is going through which gets my thoughts going.
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Stacy McCain
Writing is a skill, not a talent, and this difference is important because a skill can be improved by practice.
- Robert Stacy McCain
Collection: Writing
Image of Lanford Wilson
I deliberately look for colorful people. They're very right for theatre. Theatre has to be theatrical. If you can get color into the accountant, you've got something. Write the whole thing first and then say he's an accountant. That's a very wacky accountant, but so what? Theatricality feeds and challenges the actor, the director, and the designers.
- Lanford Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Gopnik
I think I'm more intensely opinionated when I speak; more agreeably balanced when I write.
- Adam Gopnik
Collection: Writing
Image of May Pang
He was always saying, 'I wonder what Paul is doing.' When John and I were together, and this is about a week or two before our relationship ended, I remember him saying, 'Do you think I should write with Paul again?' I said, 'Absolutely. You should because you want to. The two of you as solo performers are good, but together you can't be beaten.
- May Pang
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Lander
Time for the FUTURE!! We will see young scientists in the future writing D++ (DNA Code).
- Eric Lander
Collection: Writing
Image of Darryl Pinckney
When you are writing the kind of criticism you hope you're writing, everything depends on keeping your calm or your cool. You're trying to tell someone about something that they may know nothing about. They depend on you to read or interpret as best as you can.
- Darryl Pinckney
Collection: Writing
Image of Darryl Pinckney
When you're writing fiction it's a heightened voice. You're trying to cast a spell, which isn't the same thing as trying to cast someone into it. You are creating a reality but it's a different sort of performance.
- Darryl Pinckney
Collection: Writing
Image of Garry Marshall
There's no better satisfaction than writing. I feel that writing is the best and everything else comes with it
- Garry Marshall
Collection: Writing
Image of Garry Marshall
My partner after Fred Freeman was Jerry Belson. And Jerry Belson, after I was doing so well writing situation comedy, said, this is not good enough. We got to create our own shows. I said, but we're very happy doing this. No, no, no, you got to get your own show. So he made me - and he and I created our own shows. And we actually - everything we created failed. "Hey, Landlord" was our first show - 99th in the ratings. But imagine this - it's a great reflection on the years.
- Garry Marshall
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Cooper
My novels tend to take a long time to become exactly what they're going to be. They're fluid messes until I've done a ton of editing and refining and rewriting. When I write novels, I always make related scrapbooks to help me organize and test my intentions.
- Dennis Cooper
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Cooper
I was thinking a lot about music, about how music is mixed and how everything is happening at the same time; it just amounts to how the sound is lowered or raised. I was trying to get that with writing.
- Dennis Cooper
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Chadwick
The term biodynamics - push it aside, it is verbosity. It doesn't matter a bit. One has to use words to make headings, that's all it is. It's rather like the stupidity in a picture gallery today where you have to write under it what the scene or person is. It is equally as nonsensical as that. Therefore to talk about biodynamic gardening, biodynamic horticulture, biodynamic agriculture and the French intensive system is merely a horrible heading of terminology.
- Alan Chadwick
Collection: Writing
Image of Chace Crawford
Sometimes with certain writing, you feel like you've got to be literal, hit it hard on the nose, just to get the point across. Good writing is more subversive I think - or good scenes. They are about one thing on the page but you can make it about something completely different.
- Chace Crawford
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Pirillo
Write 100 things that you love about your partner. It's another way of keeping yourself in check. It's hard to do.
- Chris Pirillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Unfortunately, writing and reporting the truth is not allowed under Castro's tyrannical dictatorship
- Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken Macrorie
Good writing is formed partly through plan and partly through accident.
- Ken Macrorie
Collection: Writing
Image of Julie Davis
For me, no matter how serious the subject is, when I try to write about it, I have to write about it from a comic point of view. It's just the way it comes out.
- Julie Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of Julie Davis
They put me in an office with the TV set up and said "Here's the tape. When you're finished writing your copy for the little trailer you're going to do, you'll come out and show it to us and we set you up to go edit it." I turned it on and it was just this hardcore film and I was like, "Oh my God, I've fallen down the rabbit hole."
- Julie Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of M. K. Asante
I write-down to speak-up.
- M. K. Asante
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Hill
I'm doing my best. I read in the paper that I'm an action director. They always say that, "Action director Walter Hill", if they bother writing about me at all. I think that's fine. I'm happy to do the work.
- Walter Hill
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Boal
For better or worse, most of my writing life has been about people that work behind the scenes. I'm interested in finding extraordinary moments in otherwise normal people.
- Mark Boal
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Boal
I write on a computer, on a laptop or whatever.
- Mark Boal
Collection: Writing
Image of Bret Easton Ellis
Life is like a typographical error: we're constantly writing and rewriting things over each other.
- Bret Easton Ellis
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Poynter
Fiction writers can’t be trusted. They make things up.
- Dan Poynter
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
The number one metaphor I have in my mind for writing a screenplay is're trying to climb a mountain blindfolded. And the funny thing about that is, you think, 'Okay, that's hard because you're climbing up a rock face, and you don't know where you're going, and you don't know where the top is, you can't see what's below you...' But actually the hardest part about climbing a mountain blindfolded is just finding the mountain.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
The best writing really does come from the deepest, most private part of you.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
I like to begin every screenplay with a burst of delusional self-confidence. It tends to fade pretty quickly, but for me, at least, there doesn't seem to be any other way to start writing a script.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
In terms of writing characters or stories, at least initially, there's no difference between live-action and animation. A good story is a good story, whatever the medium.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
The great thing about the animation process is that is goes from, I write the lines, it goes to the actors, the actors bring a whole world to that, they bring the characters to life, then it goes to the animators, then it goes to the editor who cuts it together, and then you screen it and it goes back through the system again.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
I can write two scripts concurrently, but I usually prefer to do one at a time. However, I also usually have 5 or 6 story ideas that are percolating in my head at any one time, so it can get a little crowded in there.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
Writing a great script - not just a good one, but a great one - is almost an impossible task.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
I figured I’d probably write 50 scripts in my life. Out of those 50, I figured maybe five would be produced, and that maybe one or two would be successful. So I always kind of expected I’d write at least one successful film in my life. [...] The way it all came together was kind of like Murphy's law in reverse—I don’t expect that kind of experience again any time soon.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
Good writing is deceptive in that it hides its own artifice - it makes it seem easy.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Honore
I always felt through writing that I wanted to rotate the world slightly.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Cheeke
Do we, as humans, having an ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgments using the accumulated knowledge of the ages, have the right to take the lives of other sentient organisms, particularly when we are not forced to do so by hunger or dietary need, but rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat? In essence, should we know better?
- Peter Cheeke
Collection: Writing