Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 62

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 62 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of David Starkey
I think my cheerfulness keeps my writing from sinking into the depths of melancholy, while the darker side keeps in check any literary silliness I might be inclined toward.
- David Starkey
Collection: Writing
Image of David Starkey
I think I give far more space and play to avant-garde writing than any other contemporary textbook author. I want students to be able to decide for themselves which aesthetics are closest to their own. Still, while I try not to be a nostalgist myself, I suppose I am drawn to those poignant moments in our lives, rendered clearly and artfully.
- David Starkey
Collection: Writing
Image of David Starkey
I admire writers who have the tenacity to write a blog, and I'm told by everyone that it's an important element in remaining visible in the online world. That said, I'm personally turned off by writers' blogs that do nothing but sing their own accomplishments.
- David Starkey
Collection: Writing
Image of David Starkey
Embrace the melancholic voice completely in the drafting stages, to explore it for all it's worth. Then, in revision, privilege craft over pure feeling. Write the work that someone besides you will want to read.
- David Starkey
Collection: Writing
Image of Aesop Rock
I started freestyling with friends about eight or nine years ago. I started writing also around the same time, but didn't meet blockhead until about '94. I started making beats not until about '96.
- Aesop Rock
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Michael Bendis
Write. Write every day. Write honestly. Write something that doesn’t exist, and you wish did. Read. Learn. Study. Watch people. Listen to what they say, listen to how they say it and listen to what they do not say. Surprise yourself. Scare yourself.
- Brian Michael Bendis
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Locke
Jonathan Kreisberg is a great musician whose playing and writing always tell a story. His formidable technique and intellect never get in the way, but only serve the agenda of the heart.
- Joe Locke
Collection: Writing
Image of Antony Hegarty
Every year I used to write a musical inspired by John Waters, and I would get all my friends together and put on this perverse, emotional, tragic musical.
- Antony Hegarty
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
If love were endless, if it were on tap, it wouldn't hit us the way it does. And we certainly wouldn't write about it.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Writing
Image of Jan Brett
Writing a story is like going down a path in the woods. You follow the path. You don't worry about getting lost. You just go.
- Jan Brett
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Laurence Dunbar
I hope there is something worthy in my writings and not merely the novelty of a black face associated with the power to rhyme that has attracted attention.
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Laurence Dunbar
The age is materialistic. Verse isn't. I must be with the age, so I am writing prose.
- Paul Laurence Dunbar
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Maleeny
If you're a voracious reader and you write something that you want to read, odds are other people will want to read it, too.
- Tim Maleeny
Collection: Writing
Image of Padmasree Warrior
When I present or speak, I write the slides myself. And regarding time, I would like to be able to publish more than I do.
- Padmasree Warrior
Collection: Writing
Image of Marc Cherry
I created a tone for network television that they hadn't really been seen before. And I have to admit that was really more of an accident. I was just writing the way I write.
- Marc Cherry
Collection: Writing
Image of Marc Cherry
I'm excited and terrified to write something new.
- Marc Cherry
Collection: Writing
Image of Lin-Manuel Miranda
When I get called in for stuff for Hollywood, I get to be the best friend of the Caucasian leadIf I want to play the main guy, I have found, I have to write it.
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
Collection: Writing
Image of Lin-Manuel Miranda
I think every writer's had the experience of having a really good idea, waiting to write it, and then once you write it, you're like, "Oh I kind of got past the sell by date on this." I'm not connected to the initial spark that was the idea. A lot of that's about staying open.
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
Collection: Writing
Image of T. Davis Bunn
A writer must have all the confidence in the world when writing the first draft and none whatsoever when editing subsequent drafts.
- T. Davis Bunn
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Margulies
People often tell me, "You write such great women." I don't think about it, I just write characters as rigorously and as truthfully as I can and hope, no matter their gender, that their humanity comes through.
- Donald Margulies
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Margulies
Telling takes away the need to write. It relieves the pressure. And once that tension dissipates, so does the need to relieve it. First write it, then we’ll talk about it.
- Donald Margulies
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Bley
Adam Berenson knows how to compose, organize an ensemble, do musical research, play solo and trio piano, write for musical journals, and enlist others to his cause. A very fine musician.
- Paul Bley
Collection: Writing
Image of Ian Lurie
Learn to love the data and, for heaven's sake, write well.
- Ian Lurie
Collection: Writing
Image of Ron Suskind
If you write something the White House doesn't like, they take you in and say, 'If you ever write something like you did today, nobody from the White House will ever talk to you again
- Ron Suskind
Collection: Writing
Image of Albert Goldbarth
I don't spend time thinking about an aesthetic out of which I create or an ideal toward which my body of work is heading. It's amazing, when I read interviews with other poets, to see how articulately they discuss their own writing, as if they were sharing long-held theories on the work of Pope or Keats. I'm happy enough that I've poured the best of myself into the poems themselves.
- Albert Goldbarth
Collection: Writing
Image of Assia Djebar
Writing in a foreign language - has brought me to the cries of the women silently rebelling in my youth, to my own true origins.
- Assia Djebar
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Gibson
Simple is the only way I can write.
- Don Gibson
Collection: Writing
Image of Stuart Pearson Wright
I love isolation. It's very important for me to have time and space to myself when I can sit and read or write as well as paint. It's all part of the process.
- Stuart Pearson Wright
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Ogot
I love writing for myself. I read them [my stories], I cry over them sometimes.
- Grace Ogot
Collection: Writing
Image of James Galvin
If I knew how to write a poem, I wouldn't.
- James Galvin
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Engle
Writing is rewriting what you have rewritten.
- Paul Engle
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Engle
But maybe it's up the hills or under the leaves or in a ditch somewhere. Maybe it's never found. But what you find, whatever you find, is only part of the missing, and writing is the way the poet finds out what it is he found.
- Paul Engle
Collection: Writing
Image of Ned Beauman
The simile has to match the tone of its surroundings and has to be like a little joke. Writing a simile that isn't funny on some level is quite hard.
- Ned Beauman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ned Beauman
I'm very finicky about when I'm in the right mood to write. So most days, I find some excuse not to do anything.
- Ned Beauman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ned Beauman
When I'm writing new material, I never have any trouble coming up with ideas.
- Ned Beauman
Collection: Writing
Image of Pipilotti Rist
Whenever we remember a series of events, we remember them different. We are constantly changing. It's a flaw, but on the other hand, when we say a word, the meaning is not what you put into it. Rather, the meaning of the word is all of the past usages of that word. Like this cloud that makes up the meaning of the word. It's your subject if you write. For instance what you put in that word and what you assume it means, even its flaw. It has a general agreement.
- Pipilotti Rist
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Marcus
When I started writing at 18 or 19, I had a fear of anything autobiographical, but I've come to realise that my writing is very autobiographical at the emotional level.
- Ben Marcus
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Marcus
I always, at least back then, struggled with emotion in writing. I felt like I could do odd, unusual things, but there wouldn't be enough feeling in them, and maybe if there's a progression at all to anything that I've done it's that I've always wanted to have a high - an almost overwhelming - degree of feeling in what I write.
- Ben Marcus
Collection: Writing
Image of Rasmus Lerdorf
I don't know how to stop it, there was never any intent to write a programming language [...] I have absolutely no idea how to write a programming language, I just kept adding the next logical step on the way.
- Rasmus Lerdorf
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Thomas Anderson
You write who you are. But you also cheat, and youwrite what you want to be. It's embarrasing to be the guy who madethe movie, knowing you're not exactly who you want to be.
- Paul Thomas Anderson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ivan Sutherland
It's not an idea until you write it down.
- Ivan Sutherland
Collection: Writing
Image of James Risen
I’ve been an investigative reporter for a long time, and almost always, the government says that [‘you can’t publish that because of the national security risk’] when you write a story. And then they can never back it up. They say that about everything. And it’s like the boy who cried wolf. It’s getting old.
- James Risen
Collection: Writing
Image of James Harrington
A whole army, though they can neither write nor read, are not afraid of a platform... therefore a whole army is afraid of one man.
- James Harrington
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Luck
For better or worse, a lot of people's images are based on the first things that are written about them. You can't control what people write about you, so - good or bad - I have never lost sleep about it.
- Andrew Luck
Collection: Writing
Image of Hank Phillippi Ryan
Each day is a surprise - and each day I learn something wonderful and new. Both in writing thrillers and in reporting the news, I work to change the world a little bit. I want readers - and viewers - to be surprised and captivated and even inspired.
- Hank Phillippi Ryan
Collection: Writing
Image of Hank Phillippi Ryan
In crime fiction, I just don't write the parts that aren't a thriller and it's exactly the same in my TV reporting - I distill the essence of the story until it's only the jewels of the tale - and leave in only the most compelling and exciting parts.
- Hank Phillippi Ryan
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Shadid
The best journalism is sometimes about footnotes—when we write small to say something big.
- Anthony Shadid
Collection: Writing
Image of Debby Applegate
Nightclub City tells the behind-the-scenes story of Manhattan's glamorous nightlife at its peak. Packed with colorful characters, terrific original research, and an unusually accessible writing style, Nightclub City is a gritty social history of America's most glitzy fantasies.
- Debby Applegate
Collection: Writing
Image of Sue Gardner
I am very aware of the fact that it's highly unlikely anyone will write an article via their mobile phone. I've done it, but it's painful. And it's not just about the small keyboard and the small screen - though that's awful. It's the emotional experience of writing an article.
- Sue Gardner
Collection: Writing