Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 59

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 59 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Amanda McBroom
I just started writing for my own amusement and occasionally singing in little clubs around Los Angeles. Then I wrote "The Rose," and through a series of divine things that I had no control over and had no idea were going to happen, it got in the movie, and that changed everything.
- Amanda McBroom
Collection: Writing
Image of Kavita Ramdas
Being a philanthropist doesn't mean necessarily writing a huge check. It can mean mobilizing your community to start asking questions.
- Kavita Ramdas
Collection: Writing
Image of Harry Harlow
So far as love or affection is concerned, psychologists have failed in their mission. The little we know about love does not transcend simple observation, and the little we write about it has been written better by poets and novelists.
- Harry Harlow
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Higgins
I like when people question if the characters are really villains or protagonists. These types are very interesting to write about.
- Jack Higgins
Collection: Writing
Image of Jerome Weidman
I write out of instinct.
- Jerome Weidman
Collection: Writing
Image of Cory Doctorow
Write even when the world is chaotic. You don’t need a cigarette, silence, music, a comfortable chair, or inner peace to write. You just need ten minutes and a writing implement.
- Cory Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Correia
If you are serious, and you want to make a living as an author, then you need to hustle. Period. If you can't make that quality, then you need to concentrate on your craft and practice more. One other thing, quality comes with practice. If you are prolific, then you become a better writer because you are writing. The more you do anything the better at it you will become. So in a way, quantity does add to quality.
- Larry Correia
Collection: Writing
Image of Barry B. Longyear
The goal is not writing. The goal is being a human being writing.
- Barry B. Longyear
Collection: Writing
Image of Kid Ink
I could always hold a melody, but I was never like, I'm going to be a singer. So I'm able to use that when I write. I'm actually playing the beat with my voice. Instead of thinking about coming up with melodies, it's like filling in the instruments. So sometimes it's better to have beats with less melodies in them, because then I can play more with my vocals.
- Kid Ink
Collection: Writing
Image of LouAnne Johnson
To try to write better than you do now is to risk rejection and failure. But not to risk those things in an insult to yourself, to other writers, and to your readers.
- LouAnne Johnson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ennio Morricone
Popularity doesn't bother me. It attests to the affection and comprehension of the public. The important thing is to retain the pioneer spirit. I profoundly love the profession, and I work on each film as if it were the first - and the last. Giving the best of myself. Many of the 'greats' ask their arranger to write their scores for them. Me, I write all alone, from the first note to the last. All.
- Ennio Morricone
Collection: Writing
Image of Ennio Morricone
Bernard Herrmann used to write all his scores by himself. So did Bach, Beethoven and Stravinsky. I dont understand why this happens in the movie industry.
- Ennio Morricone
Collection: Writing
Image of James Reese Europe
I have come from France more firmly convinced than ever that Negros should write Negro music. We have our own racial feeling and if we try to copy whites we will make bad copies…We won France by playing music which was ours and not a pale imitation of others, and if we are to develop in America we must develop along our own lines.
- James Reese Europe
Collection: Writing
Image of Heitor Villa-Lobos
I love to write quartets. One could say that this is a mania.
- Heitor Villa-Lobos
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Folds
I drink a lot, probably too much. My scene while writing lyrics is always a bottle of scotch and stacks of note cards, pencil and pencil sharpener. I throw around note cards and drink.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Folds
The less I talk in bars, write emails, express myself in an emotionally lewd way outside of my songwriting, the more I have to do it through my music.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Writing
Image of Ariel Durant
Mozart began his works in childhood and a childlike quality lurked in his compositions until it dawned on him that the Requiem he was writing for s a stranger was his own.
- Ariel Durant
Collection: Writing
Image of Dee Rees
Writing is really freeing because it's the only part of the process where it's just you and the characters and you are by yourself in a room and you can just hash it out. There are no limitations.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Writing
Image of Dee Rees
I love the freedom of writing and then I love the realization of directing. I can't favor one or the other. I enjoy both parts of the process.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Writing
Image of Dee Rees
I've always liked to write, but I never thought I could make a career out of it. I went to business school because in the '80, it was the thing to do. I thought that marketing was a way to be creative in business, but quickly learned all creative stuff happens at the ad agency.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Kamienska
I write in order to comprehend, not to express myself.
- Anna Kamienska
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Kamienska
I have no talent. I write poems for myself, to think things through, that’s all.
- Anna Kamienska
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Kamienska
I don’t write poetry when I wish, I write when I can’t, when my larynx is flooded and my throat is shut.
- Anna Kamienska
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Longley
I don't know where the shape of a poem comes from. I certainly don't impose it. I write out of a jumble of emotions and vague notions and scraps of knowledge. At some stage a form or, rather, a shape mysteriously emerges.
- Michael Longley
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Lam
I always say that writing non-fiction versus writing fiction is a bit like architecture versus abstract painting.
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Lam
I've been writing short stories for twenty years now, on and off ever since I was in the creative writing program at San Francisco State University.
- Andrew Lam
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Continetti
Something peculiar has happened. As I write, none of the Republican candidates for Senate has become a public embarrassment. On the contrary: For the first time in a decade, it is the Democratic candidates, not the Republican ones, who are fodder for late-night comics. That the Democrats are committing gaffes and causing scandals at a higher rate than Republicans not only may be decisive in the battle for the Senate. It could signal a change in our politics at large.
- Matthew Continetti
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosellen Brown
Many of us write because we are readers and have grown up in a long tradition, and we want to be able to add to that extraordinary flow of interpretations of the world.
- Rosellen Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Douglas Lenat
Once you have a truly massive amount of information integrated as knowledge, then the human-software system will be superhuman, in the same sense that mankind with writing is superhuman compared to mankind before writing.
- Douglas Lenat
Collection: Writing
Image of William Kittredge
Writing is a funny business. You sit in your room and listen to voices and write everything down. What kind of a profession is that?
- William Kittredge
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Duvall
Listening to critics is like letting Muhammad Ali decide which astronaut goes to the moon.
- Robert Duvall
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Price
Yaknow you gotta stay up with current s**t, b. I watch the news. I read a lot. All that s**t. Everything helps. You never know it's helping until you start writing and s**t.
- Sean Price
Collection: Writing
Image of Franny Armstrong
I'm usually a panster and throw ideas down on computer the second they hit my brain. I even had to get off the treadmill to write down my ideas. It's a great place to 'zone out' and think about my plots and characters.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Writing
Image of Franny Armstrong
I relish the time I have when there are no interruptions. Most often the best time for writing is late at night.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Negreanu
I post probably 5 to 10 times a day in my forum. I have a forum directly related to my blog where I will write my blog and people will disagree with me and call me an idiot so then I will say this is why I wrote that and blah, blah, blah. I spend a lot of time online.
- Daniel Negreanu
Collection: Writing
Image of Nelson Riddle
He taught me everything I know. Every note I write I learned from that man upstairs. People rave over my arranging today, and I just think to myself, God bless Tommy Dorsey. If it hadn't been for him, I never could have done it.
- Nelson Riddle
Collection: Writing
Image of Allan Gurganus
Writing means being a fascinated slave to current events.
- Allan Gurganus
Collection: Writing
Image of J. A. Jance
When I began writing, the words that inspired me were these: A writer is someone who has written today. If you want to be a writer, whats stopping you?
- J. A. Jance
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Alarcon
I have to really think hard about how to structure sentences, and do more mapping when I sit down to write, so it does impose a certain discipline, intellectual and linguistic.
- Daniel Alarcon
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Alarcon
When I started writing seriously in high school, English was the language I had at my disposal - my Spanish was domestic, colloquial, and not particularly literary or sophisticated.
- Daniel Alarcon
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Alarcon
I think probably the thing I'm worst at is the most ephemeral stuff, like blogs. I find it really hard to write. And I'm often been asked to write columns for papers in Peru. And I can't. I would die. There's no way I could write a column.
- Daniel Alarcon
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Alarcon
I write in English because I was raised in the States and educated in this language.
- Daniel Alarcon
Collection: Writing
Image of Sabina Murray
What does literature do for me? I think I solve problems in my writing. They may be my problems, but perhaps others share them, and in the process of working these through, I hope to entertain.
- Sabina Murray
Collection: Writing
Image of Sabina Murray
Joseph Conrad and Heart of Darkness loom huge in my development as a writer. I think I'm always trying to write Heart of Darkness - trying to explode an abstraction in concrete terms, although I am aware that Conrad's story has a bit of baggage that I'd rather avoid in my work.
- Sabina Murray
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Bickham
Writers write. Everyone else makes excuses.
- Jack Bickham
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Bickham
Don't write down to your readers. The ones dumber than you can't read.
- Jack Bickham
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Rachman
During my past career as a journalist, I relished writing obits and equally dreaded phoning relatives for the necessary facts. But to my surprise and great relief, they often wanted to talk - they wanted their recently deceased loved ones recorded in print.
- Tom Rachman
Collection: Writing
Image of Kaye Dacus
If you truly are going to be a writer, there must be somewhere within you the drive, the desire, to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, and actually write.
- Kaye Dacus
Collection: Writing