Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of James Gould Cozzens
Because in fact I only lived to write, see no sense in life, have only forced "interests," wish every night, not urgently but quite definitely I could just not wake up tomorrow.
- James Gould Cozzens
Collection: Writing
Image of W. C. Sellar
Do not on any account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once.
- W. C. Sellar
Collection: Writing
Image of Abigail Breslin
I want to do wardrobe. I want to do hair. I want to do makeup. I want to do writing. I want to do directing. I want to do all of it. I like it. And I want to do producing.
- Abigail Breslin
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine du Plessix Gray
All our parents have levels of deviousness. We're driven to write about this discrepancy between the bright shining selves they invented and the monsters lurking underneath.
- Francine du Plessix Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine du Plessix Gray
As to why people like Joseph Lelyveld are writing memoirs, I think they're just catching on the coattails of the trend.
- Francine du Plessix Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Paddy Chayefsky
I'm not a great writer. I'm a great rewriter.
- Paddy Chayefsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Donna Levin
When it comes to details, more is not necessarily better.
- Donna Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of C. V. Wedgwood
Good writing is almost the concomitant of good history. Literature and history were joined long since by the powers which shaped the human brain; we cannot put them asunder.
- C. V. Wedgwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Tahereh Mafi
The words get easier the moment you stop fearing them.
- Tahereh Mafi
Collection: Writing
Image of Oscar Handlin
Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history.
- Oscar Handlin
Collection: Writing
Image of Dagobert D. Runes
The worst thing that ever happened to writing is that it became a business, The purpose of business is to make money, and to achieve that end it is necessary to please as many people as possible, to amuse them, to entertain them - in short, to do everything that will help increase the volume of sales.
- Dagobert D. Runes
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrea Barrett
It's hard to explain how much one can love writing. If people knew how happy it can make you, we would all be writing all the time. It's the greatest secret of the world.
- Andrea Barrett
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrea Barrett
Writing is mysterious, and it's supposed to be...any path that gets you there is a good path in the end. But one true thing among all these paths is the need to tap a deep vein of connection between our own uncontrollable interior preoccupations and what we're most concerned about in the world around us. We write in response to that world; we write in response to what we read and learn; and in the end we write out of our deepest selves, the live, breathing, bleeding place where the picture forms, and where it all begins.
- Andrea Barrett
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Williams
I am persecuted because of my writings, I think, therefore, that I should write some more.
- Eric Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Monica Ali
Kids are naturally inventive and curious and creative, but most adults have had that beaten out of them. Writing is a form of play; you have to get rid of all those internal censors that we adults have, the things that say, 'Don't go there, that's not allowed.
- Monica Ali
Collection: Writing
Image of Monica Ali
Writing is a deeply immersive experience. When the words are flying, the house could be burgled and I wouldn’t notice. I have a low boredom threshold and I like intensity – writing is a way of escaping the quotidian.
- Monica Ali
Collection: Writing
Image of Erno Paasilinna
Only self-educated is educated. Others are merely taught.
- Erno Paasilinna
Collection: Writing
Image of Erno Paasilinna
One has to live a life that creates a writer.
- Erno Paasilinna
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Brown
You can only write by putting words on a paper one at a time.
- Sandra Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon
Let us not write at a loose rambling rate, in hope the world will wink at all our faults.
- Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of Roscommon
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken MacLeod
The secret of becoming a writer is to write, write and keep on writing.
- Ken MacLeod
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Allison
Write the story that you were always afraid to tell. I swear to you that there is magic in it, and if you show yourself naked for me, I'll be naked for you. It will be our covenant.
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Allison
Why write stories? To join the conversation.
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Writing
Image of Tony Goldwyn
I want to keep doing different things. I'd like to do a more personal, dramatic movie next, I think. But as long as it's about characters and good writing and good parts for actors, that's what's important
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Capra
Scriptwriting is the toughest part of the whole racket... the least understood and the least noticed
- Frank Capra
Collection: Writing
Image of John le Carre
The cat sat on the mat is not a story. The cat sat on the other cat’s mat is a story.
- John le Carre
Collection: Writing
Image of John le Carre
Without a pen in my hand I can't think.
- John le Carre
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Blodget
Before the internet, a journalist would write an article about a company that the company felt was unfair and missed a point. All they could do was write a letter to the editor and wait, and maybe a week later it would be printed, or not. Now, they can go to and immediately publish a long rebuttal, saying the journalist forgot this and did not consider that, the analyst is wrong here. Everybody pulls that immediately into the debate. So it is a much more democratic field for ideas.
- Henry Blodget
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Cruz Smith
I used to be treated like an idiot, now I'm treated like an idiot savant.
- Martin Cruz Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Cruz Smith
You have to be an outsider to write.
- Martin Cruz Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Cruz Smith
It was like passing the scene of a highway accident and being relieved to learn that nobody had been seriously injured.
- Martin Cruz Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Gray
Writing is magic because it harnesses the energy generated by the chaos within.
- Linda Gray
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Fowler
I find that writing unit tests actually increases my programming speed
- Martin Fowler
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Fowler
When you actually sit down to write some code, you learn things that you didn't get from thinking about them in modeling terms...there is a feedback process there that you can only really get at from executing some things and seeing what works
- Martin Fowler
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Schnitzler
I write of love and death. What other subjects are there?
- Arthur Schnitzler
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Schulman
My readers are 90 percent gay, and it's who I write for. I am not here to entertain straight people.
- Sarah Schulman
Collection: Writing
Image of Natalie
There is freedom in being a writer and writing. It is fulfilling your function. I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want. It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it.
- Natalie
Collection: Writing
Image of Francois Gautier
I started writing and photographing for different publications and finally ended up being the correspondent in South Asia, for the Geneva-based Journal de Geneve, which at one time used to be one of the best international newspapers in Europe.
- Francois Gautier
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Busch
I have found myself writing poetry shortly after I retired. Which I hadn't done in forty years.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Busch
When you are writing a character, what the character says is obviously crucial. But what the character doesn't say is absolutely as important as his words.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Busch
I always write the best that I can. And I won't publish it until I have done it right.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Writing
Image of John A. Macdonald
Never write a letter if you can help it, and never destroy one!
- John A. Macdonald
Collection: Writing
Image of Bob Carlisle
I write my music to minister to myself. I have enough sin and enough shortcomings and enough need in my own life that I don't need to write to evangelize to the "masses." But if someone else can hear my music and relate to it with the same need that I do, then I give God the glory for that.
- Bob Carlisle
Collection: Writing
Image of Judith Rodriguez
I write poetry in order to live more fully.
- Judith Rodriguez
Collection: Writing
Image of Masaoka Shiki
Take your materials from what is around you - if you see a dandelion, write about that; if it's misty, write about the mist. The materials for poetry are all about you in profusion.
- Masaoka Shiki
Collection: Writing
Image of Judith Krantz
The only way to find out if you can write is to set aside a certain period every day and try. Save enough money to give yourself six months to be a full-time writer. Work every day and the pages will pile up.
- Judith Krantz
Collection: Writing
Image of Bryan Singer
If you give the actors a problem 'I'm not getting something out of the scene' and it's the writing, we just don't have the scene, if you give them the problem and just give them some key thoughts they can bring some great solutions to the equation too. So if it's just not perfect, or I'm not getting all I can, I'll open it up to them and say let's talk about it.
- Bryan Singer
Collection: Writing
Image of Hokusai
I have drawn things since I was 6. All that I made before the age of 65 is not worth counting. At 73 I began to understand the true construction of animals, plants, trees, birds, fishes, and insects. At 90 I will enter into the secret of things. At 110, everything - every dot, every dash - will live. To all of you who are going to live as long as I do, I promise to keep my word. I am writing this in my old age, I used to call myself Hokusai, but today I sign myself 'The Old Man Mad About Drawing.'
- Hokusai
Collection: Writing