Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 27

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 27 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of John Ciardi
If a man means his writing seriously, he must mean to write well. But how can he write well until he learns to see what he has written badly. His progress toward good writing and his recognition of bad writing are bound to unfold at something like the same rate.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Writing
Image of John Ciardi
Spontaneous is what you get after the seventeenth draft.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Writing
Image of John Ciardi
Within a single scene, it seems to be unwise to have access to the inner reflections of more than one character. The reader generally needs a single character as the means of perception, as the character to whom the events are happening, as the character with whom he is to empathize in order to have the events of the writing happen to him.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Bywater
One of the rules of history is that people do not write about what is too obvious to mention. And so the information, having never been recorded, is now lost for ever.
- Michael Bywater
Collection: Writing
Image of Meridel Le Sueur
Writing is primarily a sensuous and creative expression of life.
- Meridel Le Sueur
Collection: Writing
Image of Eric Temple Bell
If a lunatic scribbles a jumble of mathematical symbols it does not follow that the writing means anything merely because to the inexpert eye it is indistinguishable from higher mathematics.
- Eric Temple Bell
Collection: Writing
Image of Sappho
May I write words more naked than flesh, stronger than bone, more resilient than sinew, sensitive than nerve.
- Sappho
Collection: Writing
Image of F. L. Lucas
And how is clarity to be achieved? Mainly by taking trouble and by writing to serve people rather than to impress them.
- F. L. Lucas
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Gelbart
I love to play with language; make it do tricks, turn a word inside out to see if it's got a hidden meaning tucked away somewhere, or perhaps find that it's capable of an extra entendre or two. . . . Plotting is nothing I did, or do, naturally. It is the hardest part of the writing process. No matter how many times you plot a script successfully, the next one, representing new and uncharted territory, convinces you that you really don't know how to do it at all.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Gelbart
I refuse to do anything easy. I'm writing for the smartest person out there. I'm not equating myself with the smartest person out there, but hopefully I'm writing to say you're not alone. I'm not alone. We're not alone.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Gelbart
I write what I write and I honestly don't care if it gets on or not. I'm writing to see if I can find out some of what I think about any number of situations. I work it out in the writing.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Gelbart
I know one thing - very few writers in Southern California get to write what they want to write. We are more or less worker ants, working for either film companies or tv companies or Internet companies. We do a lot of assigned work. Feelings hardly ever enter into it. If they do, they tend to be on a sort of soap opera level.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Gelbart
You can write something that has continuity, but it makes happy endings all the more ridiculous.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Writing
Image of Michel Legrand
Here is how I work: when I think that a film needs to have a principal theme, I search for a melody. I have a very strange melodic gift: melodies come to me effortlessly. So I write melodies-thirty, forty, fifty-then I cast them off until I have just two or three. If only one is needed, I go see the director and ask him to decide. That happened one time with Jacques Demy for the duo of the twins [in Les demoiselles de Rochefort]: I went to his house in Noirmoutier to play 35 possible themes for him.
- Michel Legrand
Collection: Writing
Image of Auguste Laurent
From this time everything was copulated. Acetic, formic, butyric, margaric, &c., acids, alkaloids, ethers, amides, anilides, all became copulated bodies. So that to make acetanilide, for example, they no longer employed acetic acid and aniline, but they re-copulated a copulated oxalic acid with a copulated ammonia. I am inventing nothing-altering nothing. Is it my fault if, when writing history, I appear to be composing a romance?
- Auguste Laurent
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Augustus Freeman
To write about history or language is supposed to be within the reach of every man. To write about natural science is allowed to be within the reach only of those who have mastered the subjects on which they write.
- Edward Augustus Freeman
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Cave
The writer who refuses to explore the darker regions of the heart will never be able to write convincingly about the wonder, the magic and the joy of love for just as goodness cannot be trusted unless it has breathed the same air as evil.
- Nick Cave
Collection: Writing
Image of Christian Friedrich Hebbel
In a good play, everyone is in the right.
- Christian Friedrich Hebbel
Collection: Writing
Image of James Ellis
Style in painting is the same as in writing,-a power over materials, whether words or colors.
- James Ellis
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Schjeldahl
Artists are expected to talk about their work but writers aren't expected to talk about their writing.
- Peter Schjeldahl
Collection: Writing
Image of Alice Childress
writing is a labor of love and also an act of defiance, a way to light a candle in a gale wind.
- Alice Childress
Collection: Writing
Image of Wilfrid Sheed
Beware the fictionist writing his own life. Even candor becomes a strategy.
- Wilfrid Sheed
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Tatum
Since I didn't spend a great amount of time on writing the lyrics, some people would argue that they're too vague or simplistic, but I think it's kind of good. I wouldn't say they're all stream of consciousness, but they're not necessarily overwrought.
- Jack Tatum
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Tatum
I did a lot of writing when I was in college, and that's what I thought I wanted to do; saying that I wanted to be a writer seemed more reasonable than saying I wanted to be a musician.
- Jack Tatum
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Tatum
I still write poetry from time to time, but my whole life is so music-oriented at this point that it's hard for me to even think about having other hobbies.
- Jack Tatum
Collection: Writing
Image of John Denham
Such is our pride, our folly, or our fate, That few, but such as cannot write, translate.
- John Denham
Collection: Writing
Image of Brooke Fraser
I have a particular style of writing and my voice sounds a particular way, which lends itself to a certain style.
- Brooke Fraser
Collection: Writing
Image of Anna Garlin Spencer
The earth is ready, the time is ripe, for the authoritative expression of the feminine as well as the masculine interpretation of that common social consensus which is slowly writing justice in the State and fraternity in the social order.
- Anna Garlin Spencer
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
Writing a short story is a little like walking into a dark room, finding a light and turning it on. The light is the end of the story.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
I know a lot of people don't listen to music when they're writing because it distracts them, but for me it's almost a way to get into the self-hypnotic state that I need to be in to write.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Kris Allen
Writing music and playing guitar was really what I wanted to do forever.
- Kris Allen
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph O'Neill
If what you want to do is write, then it's madness not to do it.
- Joseph O'Neill
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph O'Neill
I'm completely cricketed out. If I never have to write another word about cricket again, I'll be a happy man.
- Joseph O'Neill
Collection: Writing
Image of James Dean Bradfield
I set myself a rule before I actually write a tune to the lyrics, and the rule is that I've got to take the lyrics on to a level of understanding before I can actually write music to them. What I'm doing is interpretation. If I don't write the lyrics, therefore I must interpret them to the best of my ability. So my rule is that I must understand it, but I don't necessarily have to accept.
- James Dean Bradfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Grant
There is probably no finer prose writer alive in Britain now, no-one better at making a sentence, no-one better at descriptive writing, no-one who can get so close to the vividness of other peoples interior selves.
- Linda Grant
Collection: Writing
Image of William A. Connelly
You're not being paid by how hard you work, but by what you accomplish. If you can't hack it, pack it. Our challenge today is to look forward, to write our own history.
- William A. Connelly
Collection: Writing
Image of Eleanor Holmes Norton
It's difficult to beat making your living thinking and writing about subjects that matter to you.
- Eleanor Holmes Norton
Collection: Writing
Image of W. W. Rouse Ball
Foreshadowings of the principles and even of the language of [the infinitesimal] calculus can be found in the writings of Napier, Kepler, Cavalieri, Pascal, Fermat, Wallis, and Barrow. It was Newton's good luck to come at a time when everything was ripe for the discovery, and his ability enabled him to construct almost at once a complete calculus.
- W. W. Rouse Ball
Collection: Writing
Image of Ibn Khaldun
All the sciences came to exist in Arabic. The systematic works on them were written in Arabic writing.
- Ibn Khaldun
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Virilio
To me, dance is an extraordinary thing, more extraordinary than most people usually think. Dance preceded writing, speaking and music. When mute people speak their body language, it is true speaking rather than handicap, this is the first word and the first writing. Thus to me, the body is fundamental.
- Paul Virilio
Collection: Writing
Image of Kurt Tucholsky
Germany is an anatomical oddity: it writes with its left hand and acts with its right.
- Kurt Tucholsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Gordon
There is something wonderful about singing and writing music, I think there is something special about creativity and the ability humans have in that area.
- Kim Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Gordon
It's hard to write about a love story with a broken heart.
- Kim Gordon
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy Kress
Fiction is about stuff that's screwed up.
- Nancy Kress
Collection: Writing
Image of Nancy Kress
In commercial fiction especially, everything in the story usually contributes directly to the plot The shorter the story, the truer this is
- Nancy Kress
Collection: Writing
Image of Srinivasa Ramanujan
While asleep, I had an unusual experience. There was a red screen formed by flowing blood, as it were. I was observing it. Suddenly a hand began to write on the screen. I became all attention. That hand wrote a number of elliptic integrals. They stuck to my mind. As soon as I woke up, I committed them to writing.
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
Collection: Writing
Image of Nora Waln
Writing is something that I am ever driven to do, and concerning which I am never satisfied.
- Nora Waln
Collection: Writing
Image of Max Hastings
You cannot write down how people are good; you just know it, and cannot get away from it.
- Max Hastings
Collection: Writing