Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 23

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 23 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Henry de Montherlant
Happiness writes in white ink on a white page.
- Henry de Montherlant
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Bruce
I do like to write but I also like to get and out and play. I am losing track of all the Cooper versions that I do - I have one for Iceland, different one over here.
- Michael Bruce
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Watt
I have a car business and if I had to do an estimate on my face, I would probably write it off.
- Jim Watt
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Cheever
Writers often write their best when they are feeling their worst
- Susan Cheever
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Cheever
I don't really think of writing as a career. It's something that happened to me. By working harder than I knew it was possible to work, I have become passable at it.
- Susan Cheever
Collection: Writing
Image of Eleanor Clark
I think you write only out of a great trouble. A trouble of excitement, a trouble of enlargement, a trouble of displacement in yourself.
- Eleanor Clark
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Yerby
It is my contention that a really great novel is made with a knife and not a pen. A novelist must have the intestinal fortitude to cut out even the most brilliant passage so long as it doesn't advance the story.
- Frank Yerby
Collection: Writing
Image of George V. Higgins
You cannot write well without data.
- George V. Higgins
Collection: Writing
Image of Ron Pope
I write for myself; I release the albums to connect with everyone else.
- Ron Pope
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Greenburg
Cats are dangerous companions for writers because cat watching is a near-perfect method of writing avoidance.
- Dan Greenburg
Collection: Writing
Image of Phillip Lopate
I really do like to write and when I'm not, I think, "Okay, I'll be a good citizen now" but fact is, that's secondary.
- Phillip Lopate
Collection: Writing
Image of Cheryl Rainfield
In Maybe I Will, Laurie Gray writes about important topics that teens need to talk about, including sexual assault, friendship, and alcoholism or self-destructive behaviors that result from trauma. Maybe I Will may help some teens know they're not alone.
- Cheryl Rainfield
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Hirsch
You're alone with yourself and your own feelings and that gives you deeper access to what you need to get in touch with to write poetry.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Big K.R.I.T.
Looking back on all the things I went through to get here. It was all worth it. It's a blessing that I can write about it all.
- Big K.R.I.T.
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Radiguet
We should imitate the great classics. We would miss, and that miss would be our originality.
- Raymond Radiguet
Collection: Writing
Image of Bergen Evans
Authors are magpies, echoing each other's words and seizing avidly on anything that glitters.
- Bergen Evans
Collection: Writing
Image of Bergen Evans
It (the dash ) is a comfortable punctuation mark since even the most rigorous critic can seldom claim that any particular example of it is a misuse. Its overuse is its greatest danger, and the writer who can't resist dashes may be suspected of uncoordinated thinking.
- Bergen Evans
Collection: Writing
Image of Bergen Evans
Speech is highly elliptical. It would scarcely be endurable otherwise. Ellipsis is indispensable to the writer or speaker who wants to be brief and pithy, but it can easily cause confusion and obscurity and must be used with skill.
- Bergen Evans
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Robinson
Be anything you want to be, but don't be dull.
- Frank Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. James
The best person to write for is yourself—and what better place to start than in a journal.
- E. L. James
Collection: Writing
Image of Joel Chandler Harris
Write about what you know and care deeply about. When one puts one's self on paper - that is what is called good writing.
- Joel Chandler Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Joel Chandler Harris
People no longer write letters. Lacking the leisure, and, for the most part, the ability, they dictate dispatches, and scribble messages. When you are in the humor, you should take a peep at some of the letters written by people who lived long ago.
- Joel Chandler Harris
Collection: Writing
Image of Wright Morris
The man who comes to writing late, but is in essence a writer, may sometimes gain as much as he has lost: his experience of life has given him a subject, he is spared the youthful writer's self-torment and soul-searching.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Wright Morris
When writing is good, everything is symbolic, but symbolic writing is seldom good.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Wright Morris
After many months of writing, it occured to me that it might be possible to photograph, in the flesh, what I was attempting to capture in words. I bought a Rolleiflex camera and began to take pictures of objects or structures that were used and abused by human hands
- Wright Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Wright Morris
Writes have an island, a center of refuge, within themselves. It is the mind's anchorage, the soul's Great Good Place.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Writing
Image of Geoff Thompson
Writing has been challenging at times but that's where all the growth is. I know I'm in the right place if it's difficult. Something a British writer said to me once was: "If the project doesn't make him wobble, he doesn't take it." You have to be uncomfortable to grow.
- Geoff Thompson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Burgess
There is, in fact, not much point in writing a novel unless you can show the possibility of moral transformation, or an increase in wisdom, operating in your chief character or characters.
- Anthony Burgess
Collection: Writing
Image of Don Mattingly
I can't concern myself with what's going on with the club or what the media is writing. If you pay attention to those things, that's when you get yourself in trouble.
- Don Mattingly
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Wordsworth
I think one of the dullest things in the world is a letter filled with apologies for not writing sooner.
- Dorothy Wordsworth
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Handke
If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.
- Peter Handke
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Newton Peck
A good writer writes with a camera, not a pen.
- Robert Newton Peck
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Harmer
Because I'm a musician aspiring to write good stuff and put on good shows, I'm hyperaware of what they're doing and what they're putting out. But listening now in a less critical way, I'm appreciating and admiring it even more.
- Sarah Harmer
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzan-Lori Parks
People ask me when I decided to become a playwright, and I tell them I decide to do it every day. Most days it's very hard because I'm frightened - not frightened of writing a bad play, although that happens often with me. I'm frightened of encountering the wilderness of my own spirit, which is always , no matter how many plays I write, a new and uncharted place. Every day when I sit down to write, I can't remember how it's done.
- Suzan-Lori Parks
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzan-Lori Parks
Some people think I am an issue-oriented writer, but I've never said to myself, I'm gong to write about such-and-such an issue - that would make for incredibly boring writing, at least to my taste. Creating someone I don't know and her made-up world shows us more about who we are - is actually a better mirror - than if I were to parade in front of you an instantly recognizable person in an instantly recognizable situation. I'm not saying, Let's make it all abstract and weird and difficult and thereby you will know more about yourself. My process is much more organic than that.
- Suzan-Lori Parks
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzan-Lori Parks
The writing of Topdog was a great gift. I feel the play came to me because I realized that my circumstances, while causing me despair and heartbreak, also held great possibility, if only I could see it.
- Suzan-Lori Parks
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Berenger
I wrote a script. I actually enjoyed writing it more than acting. It's about the Irish rebellion of 1920, which is a fascinating period and place for me
- Tom Berenger
Collection: Writing
Image of Stanley Schmidt
Resist the temptation to try to use dazzling style to conceal weakness of substance.
- Stanley Schmidt
Collection: Writing
Image of George W Truett
And not only did this great consolidated ecclesiasticism assume to lord it over men's earthly treasures, but they lorded it over men's minds, prescribing what men should think and read and write.
- George W Truett
Collection: Writing
Image of Vannevar Bush
There has been a great deal said about a 3,00-mile high-angle rocket. The people who have been writing these things that annoy me, have been talking about a 3,000-mile high-angle rocket shot from one continent to another, carrying an atomic bomb and so directed as to be a precise weapon which would land exactly on a certain target, such as a city.
- Vannevar Bush
Collection: Writing
Image of William Beebe
To write honestly and with conviction anything about the migration of birds, one should oneself have migrated. Somehow or other we should dehumanize ourselves, feel the feel of feathers on our body and wind in our wings, and finally know what it is to leave abundance and safety and daylight and yield to a compelling instinct, age-old, seeming at the time quite devoid of reason and object.
- William Beebe
Collection: Writing
Image of Eboo Patel
When thousands of people discover that their story is also someone else's story, they have the chance to write a new story together.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Writing
Image of Eboo Patel
Everywhere I go - from villages outside Kandy, Sri Lanka, to community centers in Amman, Jordan, to offices at the State Department in Washington, D.C. - I find people with a similar story. When thousands of people discover that their story is also someone else's story, they have the chance to write a new story together.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen L. Carter
Teasing out the way the world might look through another's eyes is what makes the creative process so fascinating and enjoyable.
- Stephen L. Carter
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Mitchell
A mind can be overthrown by words; that's the point. What is happening to the brain of a person who uses the passive, who writes, 'Delay should not be allowed to take place' instead of 'Hurry'? The user of the passive verb doesn't want a universe in which responsible agents do their acts. You see? Bad language ultimately is IMMORAL.
- Richard Mitchell
Collection: Writing
Image of Kaari Utrio
I can't help but to write, I have a inner need for it. If I'm not in the middle of some literary project, I'm utterly lost, unhappy and distressed. As soon as I get started, I calm down.
- Kaari Utrio
Collection: Writing
Image of Aileen Fisher
Poetry is a rhythmical piece of writing that leaves the reader feeling that life is a little richer than before, a little more full of wonder, beauty, or just plain delight.
- Aileen Fisher
Collection: Writing
Image of Dick Cheney
I learned early on that if you don't want your memos to get you in trouble someday, just don't write any.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Hader
I was into writing and directing. I was a bit of a reluctant actor. I would always ask friends to shoot or direct their movies, but then they'd want me to be in them.
- Bill Hader
Collection: Writing