Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 24

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 24 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Augustus
We write our names in the sand: and then the waves roll in and wash them away.
- Augustus
Collection: Writing
Image of Theodor Haecker
One of the most arrogant undertakings, to my mind, is to write the biography of a man which pretends to go beyond external facts and gives the inmost motives. One of the most mendacious is autobiography.
- Theodor Haecker
Collection: Writing
Image of John Hope Franklin
The writing of history reflects the interests, predilections, and even prejudices of a given generation.
- John Hope Franklin
Collection: Writing
Image of Suzanne Curchod
A pure style in writing results from the rejection of everything superfluous.
- Suzanne Curchod
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Capaldi
If you have words and want to write music for them, the words hit you with a feeling which you can't really describe in words, and so what you do is to put music to them and in this way you make contact with the words, through the musical thing. It happens when two feelings come together and they do something together and they compliment each other.
- Jim Capaldi
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Carson
If your way of life is writing, then everything that happens becomes a sentence.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Carson
The words we read and words we write never say exactly what we mean. The people we love are never just as we desire them. The two symbola never perfectly match. Eros is in between.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jan Smuts
History writes the word 'Reconciliation' over all her quarrels.
- Jan Smuts
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Hard Townes
It's almost a sort of fairy story tale, just what a novelist would write about a discovery.
- Charles Hard Townes
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Edward Manning
A critic knows more than the author he criticizes, or just as much, or at least somewhat less.
- Henry Edward Manning
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Brubeck
The secret of a great melody is a secret.
- Dave Brubeck
Collection: Writing
Image of Dave Brubeck
I don't think you can separate a person's "style" and his persona. If you're writing or improvising honestly, you will inevitably reflect who you are.
- Dave Brubeck
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Drew
Propaganda has a bad name, but its root meaning is simply to disseminate through a medium, and all writing therefore is propaganda for something. It's a seeding of the self in the consciousness of others.
- Elizabeth Drew
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Drew
It takes two to write a letter as much as it takes two to make a quarrel.
- Elizabeth Drew
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Rushin
You can be writing every day. When you go on a road trip, the trip itself becomes part of the story.
- Steve Rushin
Collection: Writing
Image of Kelli Williams
The Practice I was on for seven years and it was a law show, so I really - a lot of objections and things like that, lots of long, long monologues that David Kelly used to write me, which were great. I was really lucky to have my first show go that long.
- Kelli Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Gordon S. Wood
[John Adams' writings] had indicted the United States for slavishly copying the English constitution by erecting bicameral legislatures in their state constitutions, most drafted in 1776.
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: Writing
Image of Jan Struther
Nature has decreed that for what men suffer by having to shave, be killed in battle, and eat the legs of chickens, women make amends by housekeeping, childbirth, and writing all the letters for both of them.
- Jan Struther
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Sorrell
I'm in a business where there's complete anarchy. You can't control it - you can only react to it. The control that people traditionally had over their message is gone. Look at Wikileaks: you have to approach everything you write on the basis it's going to be on the front page of the newspaper.
- Martin Sorrell
Collection: Writing
Image of Carmen Boullosa
I love to tell stories. I love to tell stories the way I tell them, not the way anybody else tells them. I am all the time writing a novel.
- Carmen Boullosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Carmen Boullosa
Even though language has its richness the relationship between language and the writer is always like a stone and you have to make the stone human.
- Carmen Boullosa
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Meriwether
If I'm writing something and I'm not feeling mischievous, then I know it's not going to be great.
- Elizabeth Meriwether
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Meriwether
Dysfunctional co-dependent relationships always appeal to me. I don't know exactly how it started. I start writing sketches of characters and little scene-lets, and then it builds.
- Elizabeth Meriwether
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Meriwether
If women ran Hollywood, The Hollywood Reporter would have a "Men in Entertainment" issue every year, and those jerks would have to write something.
- Elizabeth Meriwether
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Rice
It never occurred to me to write anything that didn't include gay characters in it.
- Christopher Rice
Collection: Writing
Image of Leslie Lamport
When I write a paper, I change my notation much more than I change my concepts.
- Leslie Lamport
Collection: Writing
Image of Leslie Lamport
Formatting is no substitute for writing.
- Leslie Lamport
Collection: Writing
Image of Moses Malone
I don't talk to reporters, because they're gonna write what they want to write, so let 'em write what they want to write.
- Moses Malone
Collection: Writing
Image of Clarence Page
Nothing concentrates the mind like a firm deadline, and a little voice in the back of my mind reminding me that, "If you don't write, you don't eat." We all want to be respected and appreciated, but when you get a big honor like winning the Pulitzer, people start to look for your work in a new way with higher expectations. Today, the best thing about having won is when I get a nasty comment from some internet troll I can remind myself of the Pulitzer and say, "Well, somebody appreciates me".
- Clarence Page
Collection: Writing
Image of Anatole Broyard
In an age like ours, which is not given to letter-writing, we forget what an important part it used to play in people's lives.
- Anatole Broyard
Collection: Writing
Image of Anatole Broyard
Either a writer doesn't want to talk about his work, or he talks about it more than you want.
- Anatole Broyard
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank J. Prial
A typical wine writer was once described as someone with a typewriter who was looking for his name in print, a free lunch, and a way to write off his wine cellar. It's a dated view. Wine writers now use computers.
- Frank J. Prial
Collection: Writing
Image of Mavis Gallant
I write every day as a matter of course It is not a burden. It is the way I live.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Writing
Image of Mavis Gallant
A writer's life stands in relation to his work as a house does to a garden, related but distinct.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Writing
Image of Mavis Gallant
Writing is like a love affair: the beginning is the best part.
- Mavis Gallant
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
It's possible, in a poem or short story, to write about commonplace things and objects using commonplace but precise language, and to endow those things—a chair, a window curtain, a fork, a stone, a woman's earring—with immense, even startling power.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
That's all we have, finally, the words, and they had better be the right ones.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
Write about what you know, and what do you know better than your own secrets?
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
If we're lucky, writer and reader alike, we'll finish the last line or two of a short story and then just sit for a minute, quietly. Ideally, we'll ponder what we've just written or read; maybe our hearts or intellects will have been moved off the peg just a little from where they were before. Our body temperature will have gone up, or down, by a degree. Then, breathing evenly and steadily once more, we'll collect ourselves, writers and readers alike, get up, "created of warm blood and nerves" as a Chekhov character puts it, and go on to the next thing: Life. Always life.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
There are significant moments in everyone's day that can make literature. That's what you ought to write about.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
Anyone can express himself or herself, but what writers and poets want to do in their work, more than simply express themselves, is communicate.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Raymond Carver
It's akin to style, what I'm talking about, but it isn't style alone. It is the writer's particular and unmistakable signature on everything he writes. It is his world and no other. This is one of the things that distinguishes one writer from another. Not talent. There's plenty of that around. But a writer who has some special way of looking at things and who gives artistic expression to that way of looking: that writer may be around for a time.
- Raymond Carver
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
One of the things I learned about writing a memoir is you can’t drag the reader through everything. Every human life is worth 20 memoirs.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
I've learned over the years that the writing is smarter and far larger than the writer and his or her own desires for it.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
Don't outline your stories. A lot of fiction workshops say you should. I say the opposite. I quote Grace Paley: "We write what we don't know we know."
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
What's so exciting and terrifying about the writing process is that it really is an act of exploration and discovery. With all of us, not just writers, there is a sort of knowledge of the other. We have a lot more in common than we realize, and I think writing is really a sustained act of empathy.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
I really think that if there's any one enemy to human creativity, especially creative writing, it's self-consciousness.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Andre Dubus
Short story writers simply do what human beings have always done. They write stories because they have to; because they cannot rest until they have tried as hard as they can to write the stories. They cannot rest because they are human, and all of us need to speak into the silence of mortality, to interrupt and ever so briefly stop that quiet flow, and with stories try to understand at least some of it.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Writing
Image of Pliny the Younger
Literature is both my joy and my comfort: it can add to every happiness and there is no sorrow it cannot console.
- Pliny the Younger
Collection: Writing