Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 202

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 202 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
I was aware that you weren't supposed to write about suburbia, that it was undignified in some way, the subject matter not momentous enough. And so, for a long time, that kept me from writing about it. But once I began, I realized it was just as interesting as anywhere else.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Writing
Image of Lena Dunham
I'd always loved movies, but it wasn't some sort of desperate love of celluloid. It was literally like, "I want to write things, and I want people to see them more."
- Lena Dunham
Collection: Writing
Image of Lena Dunham
I started writing plays, but the fact that plays don't last forever was too much for me to bear.
- Lena Dunham
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Aquinas
One faith, St. Paul writes (Eph. 4:5). Hold most firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church ... We must hold this for certain, namely: that the faith of the people at the present day is one with the faith of the people in past centuries. Were this not true, then we would be in a different church than they were in and, literally, the Church would not be One.
- Thomas Aquinas
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
The great thing about fiction is that I don't have to settle on an answer to any troubling question, or even a solution. I hope that my stories serve as explorations and help show readers how and why real-life women don't always make the "correct" decisions in the face of economic and sexual troubles. We all screw up, but the women I write about don't have back-up plans or money in the back or resources to fix what they have broken.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
I wasn't writing stories with the intention of creating a particular collection. I simply wrote stories, and then discovered common themes among a good number of them.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
I realized that I was writing about folks with lots of skills, especially fix-it skills and survival skills, who were nonetheless not doing well in the new-millennium America.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
Nobody tells young writers it's okay if you're not very good, you'll get better. So I just thought I'm not very good, so I should try to do every other thing besides writing. That's how I ended up being a hitchhiker, a world traveler, and a mathematician.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Writing
Image of Nora Ephron
I think you often have that sense when you write--that if you can spot something in yourself and set it down on paper, you're free of it. And you're not, of course; you've just managed to set it down on paper, that's all.
- Nora Ephron
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy is he who looks only into his work to know if it will succeed, never into the times or the public opinion; and who writes from the love of imparting certain thoughts and not from the necessity of sale - who writes always to the unknown friend.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Ford
Writing is the only profession where nobody considers you ridiculous if you earn no money. Money is like an arm or a leg; use it or lose it.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Writing
Image of Lykke Li
I had to do this album. I tried thinking, "I'm not going to do it." But then I'm sitting there getting all suicidal and depressed, and I just start writing. It's like this inner drive. If I could choose, I would probably be living in the countryside and be fine with that, but I'm not.
- Lykke Li
Collection: Writing
Image of Bob Dylan
Just a reminder, if you tell anyone about what happened with Jonah last night, I'll destroy all of my writing and never play music again.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Writing
Image of Feist
I think that's more a reflection of the fact I've never been a student of any particular school of writing, or even listening.
- Feist
Collection: Writing
Image of Bret Easton Ellis
You don't market-research a novel; you really are writing it for yourself. It's a hobby, in many ways. The problem becomes what you do when you're confronted by criticism. You just don't listen to it.
- Bret Easton Ellis
Collection: Writing
Image of George Eliot
The words of genius have a wider meaning than the thought that prompted them.
- George Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Drucker
For the first four years, no new enterprise produces profits. Even Mozart didn't start writing music until he was four.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think it's very hard to reconcile oneself to the notion that it may not matter what you think if you still want to write.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think those women who get themselves to write essays, it's not an easy thing to do because as women, you're not encouraged to think; you're encouraged to feel. This is a broad, broad statement. So I think those women who go out on a limb and publish essays are highly conscious of how they are writing their opinions.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
It is a pity he did not write in pencil. As you have no doubt frequently observed, the impression usually goes through -- a fact which has dissolved many a happy marriage.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Writing
Image of Laura Benanti
Everything has become so pop-rock oriented that finding a role for a soprano, and finding an audience for a soprano, is tricky. Unless you're dealing with a revival, which is why I do so many revivals - because my specific tone and vocal quality lends itself to that type of writing.
- Laura Benanti
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Ferguson
I think I'll be Scottish in every movie I write. They always try to talk me out of it, but Woody Allen is always a nebbish New Yorker. Why shouldn't I be a goofy Glaswegian?
- Craig Ferguson
Collection: Writing
Image of Lana Del Rey
The thing about me is, coming from an alternative music background and singing for nine years, being basically invisible, I'm so used to writing for myself - and at the end of the day, I do it because I feel like I have to. So when I'm recording or writing, I don't have other people in mind.
- Lana Del Rey
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
There's a kind of acting that goes on in my head when I'm writing a character where I put myself in their place.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Gods we worship write their names on our faces; be sure of that. And a man will worship something ... That which dominates will determine his life and character. Therefore it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ricky Jay
I'm pretty fortunate that I'm in the films I'm in largely because the directors have asked me to be in them. I'd love to do more of them, but the writing and historical stuff I'll probably always do.
- Ricky Jay
Collection: Writing
Image of Marc Almond
People always go on about sleaze, but I think it's only a small part of what I write about.
- Marc Almond
Collection: Writing
Image of Lana Del Rey
I never stopped writing about what was actually going on in my life. There's nothing to hide.
- Lana Del Rey
Collection: Writing
Image of Claudia Rankine
I think music, like writing, can be a mirror. Can turn back onto the listener, the viewer, the reader, an experience that they know but they don't know.
- Claudia Rankine
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Egan
I write fiction longhand. That's not so much about rejecting technology as being unable to write fiction on a computer for some reason. I don't think I would write it on a typewriter either. I write in a very blind gut instinctive way. It just doesn't feel right. There's a physical connection. And then in nonfiction that's not the case at all. I can't even imagine writing nonfiction by hand.
- Jennifer Egan
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Egan
We're [writers] all afraid of writing badly, and there are psychological reasons, like the bad interior of ourselves is somehow being revealed, but we all fear that, and you can't write well if you're not willing to write badly. That's why you have to make writing a habit, so it feels normal and not strange.
- Jennifer Egan
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Arndt
If you write a bunch of different characters with a bunch of different opinions, you end up with these long scenes of everyone standing around talking.
- Michael Arndt
Collection: Writing
Image of Bob Dylan
Once I went into songwriting, I figured I had to - I couldn't be a hellfire rock 'n' roller. But I could write hellfire lyrics.
- Bob Dylan
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
A poem, a sentence, causes us to see ourselves. I be, and I see my being, at the same time.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Maya Angelou
When I'm writing, I am trying to find out who I am, who we are, what we're capable of, how we feel, how we lose and stand up, and go on from darkness into darkness.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Writing
Image of Fiona Apple
I only write when I'm angry or sad, so because that's when I just have to write... If I'm having a good time and I'm happy and things are going really well, why would I want to stop what I'm doing to go and write at the piano?
- Fiona Apple
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
If you want to write good copy, you must be where the things are.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Writing
Image of Roger Ebert
Just write, get better, keep writing, keep getting better. It's the only thing you can control.
- Roger Ebert
Collection: Writing
Image of David Eagleman
The more familiar the world becomes, the less information your brain writes down, and the more quickly time seems to pass.
- David Eagleman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
All writing comes by the grace of God.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
I don't think it matters what the frequency is of me writing or directing a movie. It doesn't really matter to anybody else. I'm just trying to put good things out there.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
I just try to be true to myself and write about things I'm passionate about. I think what most people don't like about movies is they can tell that most movies are a product, and they don't mean that much to the people who make them.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
You have to write a lot of scripts to get any scripts that are worth making.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of Judd Apatow
I start casting early in the writing process, so I can tailor the script to the gifts of the actors.
- Judd Apatow
Collection: Writing
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Character is plot, plot is character.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Writing
Image of Gustave Flaubert
The writer must wade into life as into the sea, but only up to the navel.
- Gustave Flaubert
Collection: Writing
Image of Gustave Flaubert
Prose is like hair; it shines with combing.
- Gustave Flaubert
Collection: Writing
Image of Feist
Songwriting is a really fortunate skill to have to frame living and to find new ways to observe things you're going through.
- Feist
Collection: Writing
Image of Feist
Because there's just so much in a day now, I keep writing in much more abstract terms, like I don't try to write about what happened anymore. It would be impossible.
- Feist
Collection: Writing