Jack Nicholson

Image of Jack Nicholson
There's only two people in your life you should lie to... the police and your girlfriend.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Dating
Image of Jack Nicholson
Well, a girlfriend once told me never to fight with anybody you don't love.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Relationship
Image of Jack Nicholson
I never had a policy about marriage. I got married very young in life and I always think in all relationships, I've always thought that it's counterproductive to have a theory on that.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Marriage
Image of Jack Nicholson
Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Best
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'm Irish. I think about death all the time.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Death
Image of Jack Nicholson
There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I'm not in that state now and that makes me sad.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Sad
Image of Jack Nicholson
My motto is: more good times.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Good
Image of Jack Nicholson
It's a slight stretch of the imagination but most people are alike in most ways so I've never had any trouble identifying with the character that I'm playing.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jack Nicholson
I can't hit on women in public any more. I didn't decide this; it just doesn't feel right at my age.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Age
Image of Jack Nicholson
The minute that you're not learning I believe you're dead.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Learning
Image of Jack Nicholson
If men are honest, everything they do and everywhere they go is for a chance to see women.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Women
Image of Jack Nicholson
With my sunglasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without them, I'm fat and 60.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Almost everybody's happy to be a fool for love.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Well, I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I haven't been a rogue most of my life.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Just let the wardrobe do the acting.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'll tell you one thing: Don't ever give anybody your best advice, because they're not going to follow it.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Early on, if I was alone two three nights in a row, I'd start writing poems about suicide.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
When I was in high school, I earned the pimple award and every other gross-out award.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
The average celebrity meets, in one year, ten times the amount of people that the average person meets in his entire life.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'm content with the fact that I made a decent effort. That's what I've always worried about: that I wouldn't try hard enough.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
If I go into a restaurant there's a very good chance that I'm going to spend my time being the mayor. If I want to have a good time, I'm happier having dinner here.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
What's beautiful is all that counts, pal. That's all that counts.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I don't think many people have a very good understanding of leisure and the importance it plays in our lives.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I don't want people to know what I'm actually like. It's not good for an actor.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
It's not like I'm starved for company - I have a few very good lady friends - but there's only a certain amount of times a woman wants to see you and never go out for dinner.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I would never complain about my life, even though I really would like to have a mate.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
My whole career strategy has been to build a base so that I could take the roles I want to play. I'd hate to think that a shorter part might not be available because I was worried about my billing.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'm not a power person. I like everyone to be on an equal footing.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'm definitely still wild at heart.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I don't have any plugs or tucks but people do what they want. I look at it as mutilation.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I am a person who is trained to look other people in the eye.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I like to not care that much about criticism, but I do care about it.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I hate giving advice, because people won't take it.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
If you get an impulse in a scene, no matter how wrong it seems, follow the impulse. It might be something and if it ain't - take two!
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Financially, I've lost money and made money, but I know my way around financially.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Acting is everybody's favorite second job.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
One of my school friends' parents owned a minigolf course, and a bunch of us kids would play there all day in the summer. Two-under deuces was a good score.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
The camera photographs what's there.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I always knew there wasn't going to be anybody to help me and emotionally support me, that whatever I did I'd have to do on my own.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I learned a long time ago in Hollywood that the only person I should vote for is myself.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
A star on a movie set is like a time bomb. That bomb has got to be defused so people can approach it without fear.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
In other words, I wouldn't like to be an actor if I could only be real. I like to get wild, behaviorally wild, and it's crazy to think of any form where it's just one way.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I'm an actor who they said was wrinkled and balding and everything else when I was in my early 30's. Most of the people who wrote that who thought they were younger than me are now bald and wrinkled.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I worry from the moment I take a job. I worry about how I'm going to do it, if I can do it... Then I walk on set and the director says, 'Roll', and all of a sudden, all of it disappears and it's all happening, and I relax, and I'm doing what I do, and I'm not even thinking about it.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I've spent more time playing golf than anything else the last 18 years. Just wanted to be an 80s-shooter. Got there, too.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Most of the early part of an actor's career, you do the jobs you get.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I just like art. I get pure pleasure from it. I have a lot of wonderful paintings, and every time I look at them I see something different.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
When I come up against a director who has a concept that I don't agree with, or maybe I just haven't thought of it or whatever, I'd be more prone to go with them than my own because I want to be out of control as an actor, I want them to have the control, otherwise it's going to become predictably my work, and that's not fun.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
I used to think that one of the great signs of security was the ability to just walk away.
- Jack Nicholson
Image of Jack Nicholson
Played tennis for years. But you can't improve at tennis after you're 50. You get to be in your 40s, and suddenly you're a doubles player.
- Jack Nicholson