Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 196

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 196 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
It has come to be practically a sort of rule in literature that a man, having once shown himself capable of original writing, is entitled thenceforth to steal from the writings of others at discretion.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of John Dryden
Railing in other men may be a crime, But ought to pass for mere instinct in him: Instinct he follows and no further knows, For to write verse with him is to transprose.
- John Dryden
Collection: Writing
Image of John Darnielle
I don't write my own publicity materials, I just read 'em and give 'em the OK.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Writing
Image of John Darnielle
I suspect by the time the Beatles were writing the White Album, they didn't go, "'I Wanna Hold Your Hand!' I wanna play that!" It's like if somebody asked you to put on the clothes you wore in high school. Well, no. No!
- John Darnielle
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Michael Bendis
With every script, I write a note to my collaborator that says: 'I write full script. But see it as a guide. You take us where we need to go any way you see fit. I tried to write something specifically for you. If you agree with my choices, fine. If not, you do what you have to do.'
- Brian Michael Bendis
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Michael Bendis
I didn't write superheroes for the first 10 years of my comic career. I was just doing fan fiction. I wasn't thinking about superheroes at all, even though I loved them. I was raised by Watchmen and Dark Knight, so I was raised in with it's all been done, they don't worry about that.
- Brian Michael Bendis
Collection: Writing
Image of Colin Firth
I don't know if there's a problem with original ideas... I think a healthy film industry should have a good supply of good, original writing.
- Colin Firth
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Aniston
I can't write. I would love to. I don't really have an interest in it, to be honest. I'll leave that to my fiance.
- Jennifer Aniston
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna Ferber
Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth.
- Edna Ferber
Collection: Writing
Image of James Ellroy
I don't think I will write anything that could be even remotely considered a genre novel from this point on. I think I've graduated.
- James Ellroy
Collection: Writing
Image of James Ellroy
I want to have enough data, so I won't write myself into thin air, so that I can extrapolate and give you this secret human infrastructure. The only way I sate my own curiosity is to create this from scratch. There must be commanding love stories. There must be great moral cost.
- James Ellroy
Collection: Writing
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
He was one of these men who think that the world can be saved by writing a pamphlet.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Hudson
Throughout history, the only way of restoring stability is to write down the debts. That is treated now as if it's something that can't be done. But it's the only thing that's going to revive the economy.
- Michael Hudson
Collection: Writing
Image of James Arthur
I don't think I did write any poems to fill narrative gaps. Not consciously, anyway. As much as possible, I try to discover my poems' subject matter through the act of writing, instead of deciding ahead of time what my poems will be about.
- James Arthur
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Altman
Two other things that we hear again and again from our founders, they wish they had done earlier, and that is... simply writing down how you do things and why you do things.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Writing
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
No one for a moment can pretend that printing is so great a discovery as writing, or algebra as a language.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Ferguson
Here in California, we passed a law against texting while driving. But there's no law preventing you from writing a letter while driving.
- Craig Ferguson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
If I have a clear spot in my schedule, I like to tackle the heavy scenes that require the heightened emotion and focus of a long writing session. Otherwise, I have daily obligations that can't be ignored.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
Writing about your community is difficult for any writer.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Eden Robinson
I have carpal tunnel so I can't write more than four hours total without tingling numbness. I take a lot of breaks and do stretches.
- Eden Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
A lot of people are writing poems and don't realize it. They have this limited idea of how the poem should sound or what subjects it should address.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
When I start writing a poem, I can usually know quite early on whether it's a lineated or prose poem, but I don't think I can explain how. It's like deciding whether to wear a skirt or a pair of pants.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
Writing directly from a feeling of anger or sadness is difficult, but if you distract part of your brain with word games, the ignored emotion often tiptoes in.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
I think of poetry as a very inclusive term. Still, it's interesting that people want to make the distinction. I love the magazine Double Room for that reason (contributors have to write about their ideas on the prose poem/flash fiction).
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
I'm pretty lenient with myself about time - if I feel like taking photographs of small things inside ice cubes or making animal collages, I just do it. When I want to write, I write. It's all part of the same thing for me.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Good writing is a kind of skating which carries off the performer where he would not go.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. Doctorow
A writer's life is so hazardous that anything he does is bad for him. Anything that happens to him is bad: failure's bad, success is bad; impoverishment is bad, money is very, very bad. Nothing good can happen... Except the act of writing.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. Doctorow
Planning to write is not writing.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of Albert Einstein
In my experience, the best creative work is never done when one is unhappy.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Sherwood Anderson
I am constantly amazed at how little painters know about painting, writers about writing, merchants about business, manufacturers about manufacturing. Most men just drift.
- Sherwood Anderson
Collection: Writing
Image of Francois Fenelon
O God, the creature knows not to what end Thou hast made Him; teach him, and write in the depths of his soul that the clay must suffer itself to be shaped at the will of the potter.
- Francois Fenelon
Collection: Writing
Image of Roger Ebert
When I am writing my problems become invisible and I am the same person I always was. All is well. I am as I should be.
- Roger Ebert
Collection: Writing
Image of Drake
It's not like I'm not writing great music anymore, it's just that I want to take it another level.
- Drake
Collection: Writing
Image of Fiona Apple
I'm here because of what I write. Obviously, I must know something
- Fiona Apple
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
The trick is not becoming a writer. The trick is staying a writer.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
I usually say I write for the smartest, cleverest, wittiest audience I know, and that's me.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
You're a writer. And that's something better than being a millionaire. Because it's something holy.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
Because the chief commodity a writer has to sell is his courage. And if he has none, he is more than a coward. He is a sellout and a fink and a heretic, because writing is a holy chore.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Ellison
What I try to write about are the darkest things in the soul, the mortal dreads... The closer I get to the burning core of my being, the things which are most painful to me, the better is my work.
- Harlan Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
A few weeks after the worst day, I started writing lots of letters. I don't know why, but it was one of the only things that made my boots lighter.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
With writing, we have second chances.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Writing
Image of T. S. Eliot
An editor should tell the author his writing is better than it is. Not a lot better, a little better.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of T. S. Eliot
If you start with a bang, you won't end with a whimper.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of T. S. Eliot
The poet's mind is in fact a receptacle for seizing and storing up numberless feelings, phrases, images, which remain there until all the particles which can unite to form a new compound are present together.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of T. S. Eliot
What profession is more trying than that of author? After you finish a piece of work it only seems good to you for a few weeks; or if it seems good at all you are convinced that it is the last you will be able to write; and if it seems bad you wonder whether everything you have done isn’t poor stuff really; and it is one kind of agony while you are writing, and another kind when you aren’t.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
I think it's a greater risk not to write about 9\11. If you're in my position - a New Yorker who felt the event very deeply and a writer who wants to write about things he feels deeply about - I think it's risky to avoid what's right in front of you.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Dove
Crassly put: When I write, I am trying not to bore myself and my readers.
- Rita Dove
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The way to write is to throw your body at the mark when your arrows are spent.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing