Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 189

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 189 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Roxane Gay
I've always wanted to be a writer. I've been writing since I was probably four years old - it was nonsense, but it was still my little attempts at being a storyteller.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Roxane Gay
I write toward both idealism and reality - how things are and how I wish they could be.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Roxane Gay
I probably write the same story a hundred different ways. I suppose right now I am looking for the 101st different way to write that same story. And the 102nd, and 103rd and 111th and 133rd.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Roxane Gay
I read constantly because there is so much to learn from the writing in the world.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Roxane Gay
Knowing that a story needs to be told is a great motivator, even if telling a given story comes at a price. Writing Hunger has been the most difficult writing of my life, and it's the rawest and perhaps most necessary. We'll see how people take it. I always strive to write beyond personal catharsis because though I write first and foremost for myself, I do recognize that I need to look outward as much if not more than I look inward, so the reader has something with which they can engage.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Roxane Gay
The actual act of writing brings me such pleasure - to tell stories, to engage in cultural criticism, to reflect, to question, all of it is invigorating.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin J. Anderson
For a feature in next month's issue of Prog magazine, the photographer spent many hours setting up a photo shoot of me with part of my music collection in my writing office. Since I do most of my writing outside in nature, we felt this shot was most representative.
- Kevin J. Anderson
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Didion
Short stories demand a certain awareness of one's own intentions, a certain narrowing of the focus.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Didion
I don't know what I think until I write it down.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
I've found in my own life that if my writing isn't going well, not much else will. It is the one constant, the key to everything else.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
I think I'm too lazy a writer to do something like historical fiction. You have to do so much research. I just write what I know.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
I never really know what I'm going to write next until it comes to me. So we'll just have to see what happens.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
Some writers pick a topic and write around that, but I like to include it all.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
I was actually pretty miserable in high school. I couldn't wait for it to be over. And when it finally was, I remember sitting at graduation with all these classmates getting nostalgic and emotional already and all I could think was, "Get me out of here. I never want to see you people again." So it's ironic that I spend half my day putting myself back there by choice [while writing].
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of David Rees
I'd always been really intimidated by prose writing.
- David Rees
Collection: Writing
Image of Nelson DeMille
I think it's more difficult now to write a spy thriller with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Many authors have tried, but few have succeeded in capturing the interest of readers.
- Nelson DeMille
Collection: Writing
Image of Nelson DeMille
I do write my manuscripts by hand, in pencil on legal pads. Then they are typed on a word processor by my typist.
- Nelson DeMille
Collection: Writing
Image of Jackie Collins
I'm a storyteller; I write what I want to read.
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosario Dawson
I am the queen of hashtags! I love hashtags. I think in hashtags. I wish I could write everything in hashtag.
- Rosario Dawson
Collection: Writing
Image of Elvis Costello
I can write orchestrations, but I can't sight-read music and play at the same time. I don't have enough facility.
- Elvis Costello
Collection: Writing
Image of Mason Cooley
Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Writing
Image of Plato
A man is not learned until he can read, write and swim.
- Plato
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
Writing is seeing. It is paying attention.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilles Deleuze
The shame of being a man - is there any better reason to write?
- Gilles Deleuze
Collection: Writing
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Write down each day what surprised you and how you surprised others. When something strikes a spark of interest, follow it.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Writing
Image of Don DeLillo
Writing is a concentrated form of thinking...a young writer sees that with words he can place himself more clearly into the world. Words on a page, that's all it takes to help him separate himself from the forces around him, streets and people and pressures and feelings. He learns to think about these things, to ride his own sentences into new perceptions.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Don DeLillo
Writing is a concentrated form of thinking.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Sophocles
I write a woman's oaths in water.
- Sophocles
Collection: Writing
Image of Aleister Crowley
There are hardly half a dozen writers in England today who have not sold out to the enemy. Even when their good work has been a success, Mammon grips them and whispers: More money for more work.
- Aleister Crowley
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
I need to write about love. I need to think and think and write about love-otherwise, my soul won’t survive.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Roald Dahl
By the time I am nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and altered and corrected at least one hundred and fifty times. I am suspicious of both facility and speed. Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
Often I'm struck by something that I read; then I go and research it a little more, especially if I begin a poem, and I find out that I need to know more. Then I usually get intrigued and excited about whatever it is I'm writing about.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
I don't write or think too much about the word "salvation." I might; I probably should. We are such needy creatures, needing to be saved, to feel we are saved or might be, however we define ourselves, however we define that word.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Pattiann Rogers
From the beginning I felt that I didn't ever want to leave the impression that the process of writing a poem is totally mysterious. I couldn't explain everything that went on in the creation of a poem, but I could try to explain as much as I knew. I thought readers deserved that. I didn't want to set myself apart as being someone special.
- Pattiann Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Robertson Davies
I think of the author as somebody who goes into the marketplace and puts down his rug and says, 'I will tell you a story' and then he passes the hat.
- Robertson Davies
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Cormier
I write very tightly, and my big fear is boring people. I want them to read quickly, stopped in their tracks. I resist indulging myself.
- Robert Cormier
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Cormier
When I write, I never think of segments as chapters; I think of them as scenes. I always visualize them in my mind. Then I try to get the scene down on paper as closely as I can. That's the one thing that readers don't see - what you have in your mind. The reader can only see what you get on the page.
- Robert Cormier
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Cormier
When people say they write for themselves, that's probably what they do. I will admit that I don't write for myself; I write to be read. I've got the reader in my mind all the time.
- Robert Cormier
Collection: Writing
Image of Phil Collins
I just figured if I'm going to call myself a songwriter throughout my life, then writing for most genres of music is something I should at least attempt.
- Phil Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of William Cobbett
He who writes badly thinks badly
- William Cobbett
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis C. K.
The Jackass movies are honestly some of the best movies I've ever seen. I laugh so hard at them. Those guys are geniuses. If they had grown up with a different group of people, they could've been performance artists at Bard College, and people would be writing papers about them.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Writing
Image of Kool Keith
I'm not against women. I'm not against men. I just write about me telling my side of how I would say something.
- Kool Keith
Collection: Writing
Image of Kool Keith
I think I write more outspoken than the average rapper.
- Kool Keith
Collection: Writing
Image of Gautama Buddha
A person writing at night may put out the lamp, but the words he has written will remain. It is the same with the destiny we create for ourselves in this world.
- Gautama Buddha
Collection: Writing
Image of Nat Hentoff
I felt better about myself that I did it [calling Max Askeli Commander Askeli], rather than have - rather than thinking it and not writing it for being afraid of what might happen to me.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Nat Hentoff
What's wrong with it is, it lowers, to say the least, the credibility of the magazine. And if I were writing for [The New Republic ], I would feel diminished because the owner had done such a thing [fire a journalist].
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Dane Cook
My advice is: to try and stay really true to the things that make YOU laugh, as opposed to trying to create a character that you think is funny. Some comedians get into bad habits when they are trying to create something that is not them, and they are trying to write a voice that isn't their true voice.
- Dane Cook
Collection: Writing
Image of Dane Cook
I'm sure that people who have been tweeting funny things have ended up on writing staffs of a late night show.
- Dane Cook
Collection: Writing
Image of Salvador Dali
I dedicate this novel to Gala, who was constantly by my side while I was writing it, who was the good fairy of my equilibrium, who banished the salamanders of my doubts and strengthened the lions of certainties.
- Salvador Dali
Collection: Writing