Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 188

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 188 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Lydia Davis
Part of my mind is working on how to end the thing while I'm going on. You need at least two brains to write.
- Lydia Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis C. K.
I'm close to my audience. I think I have more tools in my box than other guys who might try it. Also, I know how to do this stuff. I know how to write and shoot and edit. I'm technically adept and that helped with the website. You need a big skill set.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
I write to empty my mind and to fill my heart.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Andy Cohen
After three straight years of writing, though, I definitely needed a break to just go live my life.
- Andy Cohen
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Sherman-Palladino
This business [moviemaking] isn't easy. It's a hard business. You just keep plugging away until you figure it out. You write something you love and keep banging on people's heads until somebody lets you do it.
- Amy Sherman-Palladino
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Sherman-Palladino
It helps, if you've directed, to be able to write a script that is director-friendly. You're really telling them [directors], "This is how it works on this show." It takes some of the guesswork out of it.
- Amy Sherman-Palladino
Collection: Writing
Image of Anderson Cooper
It seems to me that [Andy Cohen] can write these diaries forever.
- Anderson Cooper
Collection: Writing
Image of Bryan Cranston
I enjoy storytelling. I like to write it, I like to direct it, I like to act in it, I like to produce it. I like to be around storytellers. That's what excites me.
- Bryan Cranston
Collection: Writing
Image of Plato
. . . Then anyone who leaves behind him a written manual, and likewise anyone who receives it, in the belief that such writing will be clear and certain, must be exceedingly simple-minded. . . .
- Plato
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Diamond
When I am not writing, I'm dying.
- Neil Diamond
Collection: Writing
Image of Charlie Day
Writing is like pulling your hair out. You have nothing, and you can't think of anything, but you have to think of something.
- Charlie Day
Collection: Writing
Image of Charlie Day
I had my own insecurities, which a lot of my comedy would come from, about not being able to live up to their academic expectations. Acting out those insecurities was a way of confronting them, like, “Let me just lean into being a guy who can’t read or write.”
- Charlie Day
Collection: Writing
Image of Bruce Cockburn
I always write the lyrics first. There are one or two exceptions over the years, but that's pretty much the way it's been. The process of applying music to words is a bit like scoring a film. You've got imagery.
- Bruce Cockburn
Collection: Writing
Image of Tracy Morgan
Stand-up is really personal. It's not like somebody else is writing the script and you have to do what they write.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Writing
Image of Sarah Dessen
I used to worry I was entirely uninteresting, but the truth is I think if my life was more exciting I'd never have any time to write.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Writing
Image of Mason Cooley
I am most drawn to writing when I have something else urgent to do.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Writing
Image of Isaac D'Israeli
Bayle, when writing on "Comets," discovered this; for having collected many things applicable to his work, as they stood quoted in some modern writers, when he came to compare them with their originals, he was surprised to find that they were nothing for his purpose! the originals conveyed a quite contrary sense to that of the pretended quoters, who often, from innocent blundering, and sometimes from purposed deception, had falsified their quotations. This is an useful story for second-hand authorities!
- Isaac D'Israeli
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Amis
I always do my draft in long hand because even the ink is part of the flow.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Writing
Image of Nat Hentoff
When John Adams - when - James Madison was writing - pretty much writing the Constitution, he got a letter from Thomas Jefferson, who was then-ambassador to France. And Jefferson said - I am paraphrasing - `Do not forget to keep habeas corpus and strengthen it.' That - in - that's the oldest English-speaking right. It goes back to the Magna Carta in 1215.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Nat Hentoff
[Margot Hentoff] stopped [writing]. She decided that she had nothing more to say. And yet, every day, she has a whole lot to say, and I wish she'd write it down.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Collins
I can't think of anything I would rather not - rather do than get up and not do anything. I have to do something. Whether it is painting, writing, acting, shopping, going to the gym, being with friends, going out - I just am a very active person. I have a lot of friends and I travel a lot.
- Joan Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Francis Ford Coppola
I'm very proud of my flops, as much as of my successes.
- Francis Ford Coppola
Collection: Writing
Image of Diablo Cody
If this whole writing thing doesn't work out, I'll be getting right back on the pole.
- Diablo Cody
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis C. K.
I wish I could [keep a journal]. I have a lot of journals with one page half written in. I sometimes will write myself a quick email on my Blackberry when I think of something.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Dickinson
Write me of hope and love, and hearts that endured.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
As a writer I have to find platforms that can use this writing process. The internet is one of them.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
I write because I need to share my thoughts with the audience.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Clowes
Writing a screenplay, I'm like, "All I'm responsible for is that final script, and I take great effort and pride in that." But once I give it to someone to make, I can disassociate with it entirely and not worry that my vision isn't being represented, because I understand fully that that's not how it works.
- Daniel Clowes
Collection: Writing
Image of Edwidge Danticat
No, women like you don't write. They carve onion sculptures and potato statues. They sit in dark corners and braid their hair in new shapes and twists in order to control the stiffness, the unruliness, the rebelliousness.
- Edwidge Danticat
Collection: Writing
Image of Vin Diesel
When I'm writing, I'm locking myself in a room. I'm the worst critic in the world. I write something and then I beat myself up. I'm like "Vin, you're retarded, that makes no sense."
- Vin Diesel
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Ames
No one I interact with - except maybe for family and strangers at the Russian baths and other weird places I may go to - is just friends or lovers with me: they also know something of my writing and this distorts their take on me.
- Jonathan Ames
Collection: Writing
Image of Mike White
Sometimes when you write something on the page, it can seem very funny, but when you act it out - and this happens to me a lot, actually - the melancholy of the situation becomes more front and center.
- Mike White
Collection: Writing
Image of Charli XCX
When I first began writing music I was really inspired by the French electro scene.
- Charli XCX
Collection: Writing
Image of Charli XCX
I have a really good relationship with my label and with people I've worked with since I was younger. I've always had a really good relationship, with both men and women. I think, for me, the way I face sexism in the music industry is when people are like, "Oh, she must not write her own music." That's frustrating, in a way. But it's cool. I'm mostly just like, "Meh." I'm just doing my thing.
- Charli XCX
Collection: Writing
Image of Annie Dillard
The written word is weak. Many people prefer life to it. Life gets your blood going, & it smells good. Writing is mere writing, literature is mere. It appeals only to the subtlest senses—the imagination’s vision, & the imagination’s hearing—& the moral sense, & the intellect. This writing that you do, that so thrills you, that so rocks & exhilarates you, as if you were dancing next to the band, is barely audible to anyone else.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Writing
Image of Annie Dillard
He is careful of what he reads, for that is what he will write. He is careful of what he learns, for that is what he will know.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeff Hardy
My worlds are completely different. Painting is a peaceful world, and it's a different vibe than having a great match. You are able to look back at what you created when you finish. Recording music is an entirely different monster. When you finally write something, you do a demo and then you go into the studio. Doing the master version, that's the best feeling ever - especially when you're so proud of what you've written, and you can't wait for people to hear it. That's actually very similar to trying to tell a story in a wrestling match.
- Jeff Hardy
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
We should have a glorious conflagration, if all who cannot put fire into their works would only consent to put their works into the fire.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Writing
Image of Vito Acconci
I always thought of writing as public, I never thought of writing a diary. I had been struck by, jolted by things I had read, and I wanted to do the same to others. I don't think it ever was the notion of an autobiography; I skipped that phase totally, I think.
- Vito Acconci
Collection: Writing
Image of Vito Acconci
Writing was always a laborious thing for me. I never wrote fluently, I never wrote fluidly, there was something very awkward in my writing. But it seemed to me purposely awkward. It's almost as if I made the labor part of writing.
- Vito Acconci
Collection: Writing
Image of Vito Acconci
Yeah, it's not that I wanted to do a painting, I wanted to do writing like that. What jolted me about Jasper Johns was how important it is to start with a convention, how important it is to start with what everybody knows and everybody takes for granted, whether it's a number, an alphabet letter, a set of alphabet letters, a target.
- Vito Acconci
Collection: Writing
Image of Demian Bichir
When your show keeps coming back, year after year, you have a responsibility because your fans know your show sometimes better than you do. You can't play games with them. You have to be really focused and concentrated, and play at your best in every department. The writing staff has to be fantastic. Our director line-up has to be great. Everything has to be better and better. Your fans keep track of the details.
- Demian Bichir
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Words in prose ought to express the intended meaning; if they attract attention to themselves, it is a fault; in the very best styles you read page after page without noticing the medium. Works of imagination should be written in very plain language; the more purely imaginative they are, the more necessary it is to be plain.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
I remember going to see Amiri Baraka. It wasn't actually too long before he died. He said, "You've got to write to change the world!" I was like, "Not me, no, no, no, no."
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
Like when you have the right title for something you're writing and you get lost - you can always go back to the title and go, "Yeah, that's what this is about."
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Beatty
I can't say that I love writing, but I do love the satisfaction that it gives me.
- Paul Beatty
Collection: Writing
Image of Simon Van Booy
Royal Young's writing is that rare blend of irony and beauty.
- Simon Van Booy
Collection: Writing