Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 191

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 191 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Diablo Cody
I think when you're writing prose there's a lot of attendant description and that's were I used to really go bananas. With a screenplay that all gets filled in by the director, so it just sort of pulls you back by virtue of the form. You also have to use more economy as a screenwriter and so it's kind of limiting in a good way.
- Diablo Cody
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
That is why I write - to try to turn sadness into longing, solitude into remembrance.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
There are some who write, talk, and think, so much about vice and virtue, that they have no time to practice either the one or the other.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Cousins
Words have to be crafted, not sprayed. They need to be fitted together with infinite care.
- Norman Cousins
Collection: Writing
Image of Edsger Dijkstra
If there is one 'scientific' discovery I am proud of, it is the discovery of the habit of writing without publication in mind.
- Edsger Dijkstra
Collection: Writing
Image of Teju Cole
Not explicitly, no. Compared to this enormous, relentless evolutionary activity in the built environment, writing is small potatoes.
- Teju Cole
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I've never worked with a co-author before [Alison McGhee]. Writing for me is a pretty scary thing, so it was a huge comfort to have someone in the room working with me. It became less like work and more like play.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
This is the great thing about writing for kids. Adults might not do anything if they recognized me. But if they do see me, and they're with a kid, they'll tell the kid who I am. They think they should give that to the kid. So generally that sends the kid over.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I journal for about half an hour, and by the time that's done, the business day on the East Coast has begun. The phone starts to ring, and the rest of the day is spent dealing with the business of writing. My workday is done at about 3:00.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of James Dickey
Yet technique matters, even so. God uses it, for a buffalo is not a leopard.
- James Dickey
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Amis
Faith is a talent, and it goes the way of all your talents. Getting old is the subtraction of your powers. Which very much goes for writing.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Amis
You can't sort of write the novel as if you're taking dictation from heaven.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Writing
Image of Martin Amis
Often it doesn't occur to you what kind of novel you're writing until quite late on.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Day
The work is more important than the talking and the writing about the work.
- Dorothy Day
Collection: Writing
Image of Kenneth Clark
A visual experience is vitalizing. Whereas to write great poetry, to draw continuously on one's inner life, is not merely exhausting, it is to keep alight a consuming fire.
- Kenneth Clark
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexandra Daddario
I love the idea of directing, I'm not confident enough, but I'm more confident in, well, I'd love to write. I've sort of written my whole life and I think I have a knack for it, so I'd like to write something and see what people think and that would be my first step to directing.
- Alexandra Daddario
Collection: Writing
Image of John Petrucci
If I'm not in an environment where I can record, it's great to be able to write something down, to be able to know how to do that, to be able to write notation. You grab a piece of paper and there it is. It's the cheapest recording equipment you can buy: a piece of manuscript paper and a pencil!
- John Petrucci
Collection: Writing
Image of Paulo Coelho
Instead of noting down things I’m unlikely to forget, I will write a poem. Even if I have never written one before and even if I never do so again, I will at least know that I once had the courage to put my feelings into words.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Collins
I don't think you get to good writing unless you expose yourself and your feelings.
- Judy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Julio Cortazar
When one wants to write, one writes. If one is condemned to write, one writes.
- Julio Cortazar
Collection: Writing
Image of Julio Cortazar
The best literature is always a take [in the musical sense]; there is an implicit risk in its execution, a margin of danger that is the pleasure of the flight, of the love, carrying with it a tangible loss but also a total engagement that, on another level, lends the theater its unparalleled imperfection faced with the perfection of film. I don’t want to write anything but takes.
- Julio Cortazar
Collection: Writing
Image of Miles Davis
I put all those synthesizer sounds behind "Decoy" and "Code M.D." A lot of things we write together. A lot of things are his, but they don't have that thing I want on the bottom. I often tell him, I say, "Bobby [Irving], if there's a melody, there's another one somewhere that goes with it."
- Miles Davis
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Flanagan
You have to attempt to find new forms that will force you to write freshly and better and hopefully more truthfully.
- Richard Flanagan
Collection: Writing
Image of Ram Dass
A Tibetan Lama said to me, "The best place to stand, Ram Dass, is halfway between hope and hopelessness." So I can write a scenario for the 21st century in either direction. One is that it all goes to hell and that it's truly the dark age.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Writing
Image of Ice Cube
You become a writer on a television show, and you see yourself doing bigger and better things, you don't wait till they tell you, "Here's the way to do bigger and better things," you start writing. You start writing that material that you might be doing off to the side. Nobody's going to be paying you for that, but it could turn into something big.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Writing
Image of Junot Diaz
I've been trying to write. I also spent a lot of time on different campuses, in conversation, helping other writers. That's what I do: I teach them writing.
- Junot Diaz
Collection: Writing
Image of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The faults of great authors are generally excellences carried to an excess.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Didion
When you're writing fiction, you don't have notes necessarily. You don't carve it, it's not like a piece of sculpture, it's more like water color.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Didion
I use an IBM Thinkpad. I just use it like a typewriter, but when I started using it in 1987, I thought I won't be able to write anymore, so I thought I'd go back to the typewriter. But you couldn't go back to the typewriter after using the computer.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Watson
There's nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win. Then you write history.
- Paul Watson
Collection: Writing
Image of Noel Coward
I write at high speed because boredom is bad for my health.
- Noel Coward
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Dennett
To put it bluntly but fairly, anyone today who doubts that the variety of life on this planet was produced by a process of evolution is simply ignorant — inexcusably ignorant, in a world where three out of four people have learned to read and write.
- Daniel Dennett
Collection: Writing
Image of Rob Corddry
I've always defined myself as a writer, I've never decided what it was I was gonna write. [...] I always fancied myself one, but I'm not. I'm so far from a writer.
- Rob Corddry
Collection: Writing
Image of Sheryl Crow
Technology has helped me with the writing and recording processes, and it's a great way to reach out to fans of my music, ... Dell's combining all these different technologies and making it really easy to enjoy them.
- Sheryl Crow
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Cronkite
I have never pretended to be a great writer. I am totally immodest about being a great reporter and a good news writer. I write fast and I write accurately, nearly as accurately as anybody can be, and that's my skill.
- Walter Cronkite
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Conrad
A writer without interest or sympathy for the foibles of his fellow man is not conceivable as a writer.
- Joseph Conrad
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
When I do it [writing] by myself, there's a lot more terror and uncertainty.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I write two pages - that's all I write. It takes me about an hour. I've learned that's all I'm capable of and to push myself beyond that is foolhardy. It's a very delicate thing, and I will not abuse it. So I write two pages, then I get up from the computer.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate DiCamillo
I need to write, and I can't write when I'm on the road.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I didn't realize how different our band's senses of melody actually were. I would write a part that just made perfect sense to me, but for them, it was mind-boggling. Likewise, they could play stuff with relative ease that I never could have. If there was something lost in translation melodically, it wouldn't work at all - we'd just be 17 people in a giant room staring awkwardly at each other. When that happened, I'd go home, figure out what was wrong, fix it, and then return to smooth sailing.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I released that side of things really as kind of an introduction to where I came from musically, back in the day when all I had was a keyboard, a drum machine, and a four-track. So I was doing these little synth-pop ditties, and it's how I learned to write.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Zach Condon
I have tried to write soundtracks, and the main problem with those was that the directors often had in their minds a much stronger sense of what they wanted to hear, than what I was willing to give them, and I guess there was no way to say, "Well why don't you write your scene around my music?" Because that's just cocky and awful.
- Zach Condon
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
When I'm constructing a poem, I'm trying to write one good line after another. One solid line after another. You know a lot of the lines - some hold up better as lines than others. But I'm not thinking of just writing a paragraph and then chopping it up.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
I always think W.S. Merwin's poems will last of anyone writing today. If I had to bet on posterity I would bet Merwin. My poems could easily evaporate. So I don't know. If you find yourself as a writer thinking about posterity you should probably go out for a brisk walk or something.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
There's this pet phrase about writing that is bandied around particularly in workshops about "finding your own voice as a poet", which I suppose means that you come out from under the direct influence of other poets and have perhaps found a way to combine those influences so that it appears to be your own voice. But I think you could also put it a different way. You, quote, find your voice, unquote, when you are able to invent this one character who resembles you, obviously, and probably is more like you than anyone else on earth, but is not the equivalent to you.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Collins
To write poetry is to be very alone, but you always have the company of your influences. But you also have the company of the form itself, which has a kind of consciousness. I mean, the sonnet will simply tell you, that's too many syllables or that's too many lines or that's the wrong place. So, instead of being alone, you're in dialogue with the form.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Writing
Image of Don DeLillo
I am not comfortable with abstract writing, stories that look like essays: you have to see, I need to see.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Writing
Image of Megan Chance
I know that sounds ineffective and daunting, but it [throw hundreds of pages away] is actually my favorite part of the writing process.
- Megan Chance
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Doerr
Short stories are wonderful and extremely challenging, and the joy of them, because it only takes me three or four months to write, I can take more risks with them. It's just less of your life invested.
- Anthony Doerr
Collection: Writing