Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 181

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 181 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Sandra Cisneros
The ideal for me is to mix it up. When I have a writing workshop, I like to have people that are anthropologists and people who are poking around in other fields, I like to have them all in the same workshop, and not worry about genre.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Pearl S. Buck
Write a novel if you must, but think of money as an unlikely accident. Get your reward out of writing it, and try to be content with that.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: Writing
Image of Madonna Ciccone
When you're writing something and you know it's good, you get flushed, you can feel the blood coursing through your veins, you feel alive, all your nerve endings stand up, something just clicks.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Writing
Image of Madonna Ciccone
I know there's a lot of competition in the world of magazines and newspapers and we have to make headlines and be sensational and sell, and saying bad things about me is going to sell more papers than writing good things about me.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Writing
Image of Lois McMaster Bujold
One of the best things about writing is how it redeems, not to mention recycles, all of one's prior experiences, including or perhaps especially the failures.
- Lois McMaster Bujold
Collection: Writing
Image of Mariah Carey
I don't go out much. I'm also not promiscuous. If I went out with everyone the press said I did, I'd never have time to write or sing.
- Mariah Carey
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Tracy
Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. Think on paper and write them down!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Writing
Image of Louis-Ferdinand Celine
The novel can't compete with cars, the movies, television, and liquor. A guy who's had a good feed and tanked up on good wine gives his old lady a kiss after supper and his day is over. Finished.
- Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Collection: Writing
Image of Isabel Allende
All stories interest me, and some haunt me until I end up writing them.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert McKee
If you can't play all the instruments in the orchestra of story, no matter what music may be in your imagination, you're condemned to hum the same old tune.
- Robert McKee
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Child
Sometimes ... it takes me an entire day to write a recipe, to communicate it correctly. It's really like writing a little short story.
- Julia Child
Collection: Writing
Image of Clayton Christensen
I've concluded that getting the categories right is an absolutely crucial step to building useful management theory, and unfortunately too few writers do this. You've got to engage in serious scholarship, and then figure out how to write it in a way that lots of people can understand.
- Clayton Christensen
Collection: Writing
Image of Hillary Clinton
Heavens, no! It could get subpoenaed. I can't write anything. When asked if she had a diary.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
The purpose of my writing is to expose and arrest Nova Criminals.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Art Buchwald
I'm working when I'm fighting with my wife. I constantly ask myself-how can I use this stuff to literary advantage.
- Art Buchwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Art Buchwald
When it came to writing about wine, I did what almost everybody does - faked it
- Art Buchwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
My subconscious does the writing; I don't have control over that.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
Writing has enriched my life in ways I never imaged.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
With my own memoirs, they are truthful, and I write everything fully expecting to some day end up televised on Court TV, and I'm fully prepared to be challenged legally on it. Everything I write is the truth and I know that I would win.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
I don't have a fixed routine. I write every day but I don't "write" every day, if that makes any sense. In other words, I email with my friends constantly and sometimes I'll pull out something I've written and save it.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
The thing for someone just starting off [in writing] is to write. You need to have limber fingers, whether you write with your fingers or you type on your laptop, but you need to have a limber mind and you need to be able to write without judging what you've written, at least right away, and without editing right away.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Augusten Burroughs
There's a lot about being "A Writer" that has nothing to do with writing. That's one thing I've discovered. You've got to meet with the sales force, and you've got to have all these luncheons, and be gracious, and you've got to give a lot of presentations and you've got to give a lot of speeches, and you've got to be on tour.
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
Everyone seems to assume that the unscrupulous parts of journalism will be the frivolous or jocular parts. This is against all ethical experience. Jokes are generally honest. Complete solemnity is almost always dishonest. The writer of the snippet merely refers to a frivolous and fugitive fact in a frivolous and fugitive way. The writer of the leading article has to write about a fact he has known for 20 minutes as though he has studied it for 20 years.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
You know, we should have cards like the deaf have. "Can't talk, I'm writing today."
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I just started writing and writing for people. And then, like I guess after (a) year of getting some placements, I kinda got a shot to be an artist. Long story short I think, yeah.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
As far as in my adult life, it kinda started (with) writing first 'cause I went to school in Nashville. I mean, not Nashville but close to Nashville, and I met my managers in L.A. at a convention randomly. And then, it kinda just started from there. And then, I got my publishing deal.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Breault
The first goal of writing is to have one's words read successfully.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Cain
you once said to would like to sit beside me while I write. Listen in that case I could not write at all. For writing means revealing one self to excess; that utmost of self-revelation and surrender, in which a human being, when involved with others, would feel he was losing himself, and from which, therefore, he will always shrink as long as he is in his right mind...That is why one can never be alone enough when one writes, why there can never be enough silence around one when one writes, why even night is not night enough.
- Susan Cain
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
If you want to write a novel, it's the Divine mind wanting to express.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Kitcher
I'm often quite gloomy about the prospects for the human future. But, although I have no competence to intervene directly in a political movement, I hope that what I write may, in combination with the suggestions of others, cause a shift in perspective that will inspire a world-wide movement to accept the only solution to climate change. And before it's too late.
- Philip Kitcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Kitcher
To my mind, Death in Venice represents an enormous advance in Mann's literary development, not simply for the commonly appreciated reason that he crafted a superbly supple and elegant style, apparently well suited to the kind of prose Aschenbach is supposed to write.
- Philip Kitcher
Collection: Writing
Image of A. S. Byatt
I do not want to be a relative and passive being, anywhere. I want to live and love and write.
- A. S. Byatt
Collection: Writing
Image of Sogyal Rinpoche
Thich Nhat Hanh writes with the voice of the Buddha.
- Sogyal Rinpoche
Collection: Writing
Image of Agatha Christie
God bless my soul, woman, the more personal you are the better! This is a story of human beings - not dummies! Be personal - be prejudiced - be catty - be anything you please! Write the thing your own way. We can always prune out the bits that are libellous afterwards!
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Pfeffer
Many of our students want to do what they have done and that has made them successful thus far in their lives: play by the rules, and do what is expected. But as much social science research and writing by Malcolm Gladwell, among others, make clear, the rules are mostly created by those already in power so obtaining power often entails standing out and breaking rules and social conventions.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Carroll
Writing a short story is like having a short intense affair, whereas writing a novel is like a long rich marriage.
- Jonathan Carroll
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Burgess
The writer's life seethes within but not without.
- Anthony Burgess
Collection: Writing
Image of Lewis Carroll
Here is a golden Rule.... Write legibly. The average temper of the human race would be perceptibly sweetened, if everybody obeyedthis Rule!
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Writing
Image of Truman Capote
One of the most difficult things in writing a novel or anything at all is to choose the point of view from which it's going to be told.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Writing
Image of John le Carre
When it's going well [writing] goes terribly fast. It isn't at all surprising to write a chapter in a day, which for me is about twenty-two pages. When it's going badly, it isn't really going badly; it's just the beginning.
- John le Carre
Collection: Writing
Image of John le Carre
It's a principle of mine to come into the story as late as possible, and to tell it as fast as you can.
- John le Carre
Collection: Writing
Image of Winston Churchill
Perfecting and selling your writing is a lifelong task. If you are a persistent writer, you can expect your abilities to improve with time. Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Writing
Image of George W. Bush
We expect the states to show us whether or not we're achieving simple objectives-like literacy, literacy in math, the ability to read and write.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Writing
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
What the world wants, what the world is waiting for, is not Modern Poetry or Classical Poetry or Neo-Classical Poetry - but Good Poetry. And the dreadful disreputable doubt, which stirs in my own skeptical mind, is doubt about whether it would really matter much what style a poet chose to write in, in any period, as long as he wrote Good poetry.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Chabon
Most science fiction seemed to be written for people who already liked science fiction; I wanted to write stories for anyone, anywhere, living at any time in the history of the world.
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Writing
Image of Roy H. Williams
Writing good ads is easy when you have something to say.
- Roy H. Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Orson Scott Card
Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Writing
Image of Orson Scott Card
You can't write a novel all at once, any more than you can swallow a whale in one gulp. You do have to break it up into smaller chunks. But those smaller chunks aren't good old familiar short stories. Novels aren't built out of short stories. They are built out of scenes.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Writing