Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 179

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 179 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Michael Chabon
I feel that in the past, my style has shown itself to be capable of handling dark and light in the same paragraph, or even in the same sentence. That's something I almost take for granted. I think it was more a concern to get the details right and persuasively recreate the world I was trying to write about.
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Chabon
I'm never going to be a Tom Clancy. And I wouldn't really want to be - not that I have anything against him, and I wish him continued success - because that's not why I'm writing novels. I'm doing it because I have to. I feel like I have to, anyway.
- Michael Chabon
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Busch
The importance to the world of what we scribblers write is in doubt, I would think.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Busch
What I try to do is read stuff that won't deal with the dangerous dark things I hope I am writing about.
- Frederick Busch
Collection: Writing
Image of John le Carre
A good writer can watch a cat pad across the street and know what it is to be pounced upon by a Bengal tiger.
- John le Carre
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Between the reputation of the author living and the reputation of the same author dead there is ever a wide discrepancy.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Clancy
I do not over-intellectualize the production process. I try to keep it simple: Tell the damned story.
- Tom Clancy
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Keen
I think we're always in the process of writing and rewriting the story of our lives, forming our experiences into a narrative that makes sense. Much of that work involves demythologizing family myths and cultural myths - getting free of what we have been told about ourselves.
- Sam Keen
Collection: Writing
Image of Lewis Carroll
Epithets, like pepper, Give zest to what you write; And if you strew them sparely, They whet the appetite: But if you lay them on too thick, You spoil the matter quite!
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
England has the most sordid literary scene I've ever seen. They all meet in the same pub. This guy's writing a foreword for this person. They all have to give radio programs, they have to do all this just in order to scrape by. They're all scratching each other's backs.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
You do an awful lot of bad writing in order to do any good writing. Incredibly bad. I think it would be very interesting to make a collection of some of the worst writing by good writers.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
Life is a cutup. And to pretend that you write or paint in a timeless vacuum is just simply . . . not . . . true, not in accord with the facts of human perception.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Claes Oldenburg
I knew I wasn't that good a writer, and all I could remember was that I could draw. I'm better at drawing than I am at writing.
- Claes Oldenburg
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cage
My favourite music is the music I haven't yet heard. I don't hear the music I write: I write in order to hear the music I haven't yet heard.
- John Cage
Collection: Writing
Image of John Cage
What is the purpose of writing music? One is, of course, not dealing with purposes but dealing with sounds. Or the answer must take the form of a paradox: a purposeful purposeless or a purposeless play. This play, however, is an affirmation of life--not an attempt to bring order out of chaos nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply a way of waking up to the very life we’re living, which is so excellent once one gets one’s mind and one’s desires out of its way and lets it act of its own accord.
- John Cage
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Bukowski
bad writing's like bad women: there's just not much you can do about it
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Writing
Image of Lewis Carroll
Why is a raven like a writing desk? - Mad Hatter I haven't the slightest idea. - Alice
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Writing
Image of Seymour Papert
Often kids in a computer lab learn about word-processing, but if they want to write an essay, they write it by hand. This is exactly the opposite of what you want them to learn. They're approaching the computer as just another abstract school subject.
- Seymour Papert
Collection: Writing
Image of A. S. Byatt
History, writing, infect after a time a man's sense of himself.
- A. S. Byatt
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Bradlee
Generals who can write always make me nervous.
- Ben Bradlee
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Cain
...remember the dangers of the New Groupthink. If it's creativity you're after, ask your employees to solve problems alone before sharing their ideas. If you want the wisdom of the crowd, gather it electronically, or in writing, and make sure people can't see each other's ideas until everyone has had a chance to contribute.
- Susan Cain
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
To write is to right things. A path will emerge.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
And [now] I think I’ll probably write a lot about birds. My new house has a deck that wraps around my writing room; my writing room has many windows, and outside the windows I’ve hung bird feeders … for enticing different species. So I imagine I will be writing about that.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Julia Cameron
Writing is an act of cherishing... It is an act of love.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Brown
Writing an informative yet compact thriller is a lot like making maple sugar candy. You have to tap hundreds of trees - boil vats and vats of raw sap - evaporate the water - and keep boiling until you've distilled a tiny nugget that encapsulates the essence.
- Dan Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
The comments you'll get from a filmmaker about your performance are going to be very different. My writing workshop is about mixing it up, cross-pollinating, not only in genres but in occupations.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
I want to write an essay called "Fear of Mexico," because I always feel like Mexico's this lover that never writes to me.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
I don't really think our government at heart wants peace. So I urge you, write to Mrs. Laura Bush, because she reads.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of Sandra Cisneros
You meditate and then you can put on your pajamas, or you can imagine you're wearing your pajamas, and you talk about your piece of writing in the language you would use if you were wearing your pajamas and you were seated at a table with your very good friend. And you wouldn't have to get all dressed up or clean up the table.
- Sandra Cisneros
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I'm finding that writing poetry is strengthening my songwriting, because you're learning to make a piece of writing work on a page with nothing else. I was also finding within poetry I felt a lot more free to write about very different matters, to write about social issues or things that are going on around me.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I do write a lot of prose. It's not disciplined enough yet that it's actually become stories, or short stories. The idea of writing a novel seems impossible.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
I don't hold onto anything, because it's a waste of energy to do so, really. There's nothing that I can do about the way people want to write about me. I just try and concentrate on my work and do that as well as I can.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of PJ Harvey
In the same way, I write some of my more difficult pieces when I'm at very happy stages in my life.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
The danger in writing about a world you don't know very well is that you can get lost in it, and sometimes I'll end up with a hundred pages I don't know what to do with.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
I start with an image, then I go from the image toward exploring the situation. Then I write a scene, and from the scene I find the character, from the character I find the larger plot. It's like deductive reasoning - I start with the smaller stuff and work backward.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
That's how I work, whether with stories or novels - they start with an image that comes to me in a daydream, and a lot of times I'm walking around with these pictures in my head for awhile before I start writing.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
Writing about women's sexuality is very scary for me because I'm always afraid I'll get it wrong.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
I also have just my own limits about stuff. I'm not interested in writing graphically about sexual assault for example. I feel like the stuff that I'm fascinated by is the stuff that's part of the public imagination of what horror is. The bleakness is a different issue. I think that just stems from my personality. I wish that I offered a little more glimmer of hope sometimes.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
The thing that made me turn more towards writing was realizing how hard it was going to be to get a singular vision on film and how much more control I would have if I were writing novels.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Chaon
For me, the process of writing a novel happens mostly in your head before you actually start writing.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Rogers
The basic skills of math, English and writing are not enough, ... You must develop a basic system of values to form and guide the use of these skills. The true test will not be what you learned in college, but how you used what you learned.
- Jim Rogers
Collection: Writing
Image of Noam Chomsky
When [ Paul Johnson] got to me he was in trouble, because I'm an old-fashioned conservative: married when I was 21, stayed married, 3 kids, live in the suburbs, no scandals, so nothing to write about. So what he did is concoct one of the nuttiest claims I've ever seen.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
[Jack] Kerouac was writing fiction. What he did when he wrote about me...he made me out with Russian Countesses and Swiss accounts and other things I didn't have or didn't happen and so on.
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of William S. Burroughs
All writing is in fact cut-ups. A collage of words read heard overheard. What else?
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Writing
Image of Art Buchwald
Writing humor in my column isn't as dangerous as performing it. If I fail in front of a live audience, the humiliation is as great as anything a human being can suffer.
- Art Buchwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Cassandra Clare
Someday," Magnus said, looking at the crumpled royal person at his feet, "I must write my memoirs.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Writing
Image of John Carmack
Programming in the abstract sense is what I really enjoy. I enjoy lots of different areas of it... I'm taking a great deal of enjoyment writing device drivers for Linux. I could also be having a good time writing a database manager or something because there are always interesting problems.
- John Carmack
Collection: Writing
Image of Isabel Allende
The connection that I have with my readers makes me very happy, and gives meaning to the strange profession of writing
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Writing
Image of Isabel Allende
Everyone has a story, the air is full of stories. The creative process is mysterious, I don't know why it is that suddenly a theme will take hold of me and refuse to leave me in peace until I investigate it and write it.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Writing