Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 145

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 145 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Seth Rogen
We started when we're around 13 writing it - maybe 14. I'm a little older than Evan Goldberg is, like, only like six months. But like, I would say, like, the general structure of the movie, like, the series of events is very similar to what it was when we first wrote it.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
All words are pegs to hang ideas on.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt Taibbi
I try to be outraged by things that other people are just very accepting of, as though they're normal and can't be changed. A lot of what I write about is, "Hey, you know, this stuff is really awful, and it doesn't need to be, and that's why it's so offensive." Things should be better.
- Matt Taibbi
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexander Pope
Why did I write? What sin to me unknown dipped me in ink, my parents , or my own?
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexander Pope
Words are like Leaves; and where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
Write without pay until somebody offers to pay.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
You can't be a writer and have nothing to write about. You have to have life experiences.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
And when we are writing the life of a woman, we may, it is agreed, waive our demand for action, and substitute love instead. Love, the poet has said, is a woman's whole existence.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Watterson
The writing doesn't distract me while I'm drawing and vice versa. I can devote my full attention to each.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Bill Watterson
I don't enjoy lettering very much, but that's the way I write and that belongs in the strip because the strip is a reflection of me.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Hannah More
My plan of instruction is extremely simple and limited. They learn, on week-days, such coarse works as may fit them for servants. I allow of no writing for the poor. My object is not to make fanatics, but to train up the lower classes in habits of industry and piety.
- Hannah More
Collection: Writing
Image of Maurice Sendak
Peter Rabbit, for all its gentle tininess, loudly proclaims that no story is worth the writing, no picture worth the making, if it is not a work of imagination.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
Not to write, for many of us, is to die. We must take ares each and every day, perhaps knowing that the battle cannot be entirely won, but fight we must, if only a gentle bout. The smallest effort to win means, at the end of each day, a sort of victory.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
If you can't read and write you can't think. Your thoughts are dispersed if you don't know how to read and write. You've got to be able to look at your thoughts on paper and discover what a fool you were.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
We all are rich and ignore the buried fact of accumulated wisdom.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Tosh
People write a lot of similar material. That's why I try to come up with the most absurd jokes.
- Daniel Tosh
Collection: Writing
Image of Edna O'Brien
That is the mystery about writing: it comes out of afflictions, out of the gouged times, when the heart is cut open.
- Edna O'Brien
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Too many people write their blessings in the sand but engrave their sorrows in marble
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Writing
Image of Oscar Wilde
Anybody can make history; only a great man can write it.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Sexton
I think of myself as writing for one person, that one perfect reader who understands and loves.
- Anne Sexton
Collection: Writing
Image of Shel Silverstein
When I am gone what will you do? Who will write and draw for you? Someone smarter--someone new? Someone better--maybe YOU!
- Shel Silverstein
Collection: Writing
Image of John Steinbeck
Poetry is the mathematics of writing and closely kin to music.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Writing
Image of George Bernard Shaw
I do not know what I think until I write it.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of Al Pacino
It was a compromise. There was a sense that I could write my own memoirs, and Larry [Grobel] would help me down the line, or maybe not, maybe he was too close to me.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Writing
Image of Al Pacino
I never saw myself as a director. It's certainly a second language but making movies for 40 years, you pick stuff up. However, this style of making movies, this documentary style, is easier for me because I gather a lot of material and with an editor, write it on screen. You try to write based on what you shot.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Writing
Image of Al Pacino
I probably write a poem every 50 years.
- Al Pacino
Collection: Writing
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
When I used to teach creative writing, I would tell the students to make their characters want something right away.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Writing
Image of Seneca the Younger
It is dishonorable to say one thing and think another; how much more dishonorable to write one thing and think another.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Writing
Image of Joss Whedon
I go to movies expecting to have a whole experience. If I want a movie that doesn't end I'll go to a French movie. A movie has to be complete within itself, it can't just build off the first one or play variations.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
I imagine as long as people will continue to read novels, people will continue to write them, or vice versa; unless of course the pictorial magazines and comic strips finally atrophy man's capacity to read, and literature really is on its way back to the picture writing in the Neanderthal cave.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of David Bowie
On "Tonight" I think I was torn dreadfully between writing what I wanted to write, but keeping it in a style that would follow up what I had just done. That's where I feel I was untrue to myself as an artist . . . that album and, to a lesser extent, "Never Let Me Down."
- David Bowie
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Rice
I do not allow fan-fiction. The characters are copyrighted. It upsets me terribly to even think about fan-fiction with my characters. I advise my readers to write your own original stories with your own characters. It is absolutely essential that you respect my wishes.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Writing
Image of Harold Bloom
What is literary tradition? What is a classic? What is a canonical view of tradition? How are canons of accepted classics formed,and how are they unformed? I think that all these quite traditional questions can take one simplistic but still dialectical question as their summing up: do we choose tradition or does it choose us, and why is it necessary that a choosing take place, or a being chosen? What happens if one tries to write, or to teach, or to think, or even to read without the sense of a tradition? Why, nothing at all happens, just nothing.
- Harold Bloom
Collection: Writing
Image of Harold Bloom
You know, I don't want to be offensive. But 'Infinite Jest' [regarded by many as Wallace's masterpiece] is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can't think, he can't write. There's no discernible talent.
- Harold Bloom
Collection: Writing
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
If I ask you to write down the last 4 digits of your social security number, and then take you out to lunch and ask you how many dentists there are in Manhattan, there's going to be a high correlation between those two numbers. What happens is that the number psychologically makes you feel confident.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Writing
Image of Nina Simone
If I get an idea I put it on tape and somebody else writes it out.
- Nina Simone
Collection: Writing
Image of Larry Niven
It is a cardinal sin to bore the reader.
- Larry Niven
Collection: Writing
Image of Gail Carson Levine
I had always been the hardest on myself when I drew and painted. I am not hard on myself when I write. I like what I write, so it is a much happier process.
- Gail Carson Levine
Collection: Writing
Image of Slash
I've been on the road for so long that it's a part of my being. Even after all these years, I love playing. I love recording. I love writing. I love rehearsing. I love touring. I love all that stuff.
- Slash
Collection: Writing
Image of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
To win applause one must write stuff so simple that a coachman might sing it.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Collection: Writing
Image of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
When I am at peace with myself . . . then thoughts flow into me most easily and at their best. Where they come from and how - that I cannot say . . . I'd be willing to work forever and forever if I were permitted to write only such music as I want to write and can write - which I myself think good.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Collection: Writing
Image of Haruki Murakami
I write weird stories. I don't know why I like weirdness so much ... But when I write, I write weird. That's very strange. When I'm getting more and more serious, I'm getting more and more weird.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Writing
Image of Bruce Springsteen
I'm used to writing something, it becomes a record, it comes out. Then I go perform and I play it and I get this immediate feedback from the audience. So that's been the pattern of my life.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Writing
Image of Jose Rizal
Each one writes history according to his convenience.
- Jose Rizal
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
The difference between writing where you know where to draw the line and writing where you're being way too mean is whether you can tell that the writer is not talking to family or friends anymore. Generally, if you say something bad about somebody on stage, you need to say two bad things about yourself. A lot of times, I think I'm the worst person in the room.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
When forced to leave my house for an extended period of time, I take my typewriter with me, and together we endure the wretchedness of passing through the X-ray scanner. The laptops roll merrily down the belt, while I’m instructed to stand aside and open my bag. To me it seems like a normal enough thing to be carrying, but the typewriter’s declining popularity arouses suspicion and I wind up eliciting the sort of reaction one might expect when traveling with a cannon. It’s a typewriter,’ I say. ‘You use it to write angry letters to airport security.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
At first, writing for The New Yorker was very scary to me. I couldn't imagine anything that I would write in that typeface.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
Homo Americanus is going to go on speaking and writing the way he always has, no matter what dictionary he owns.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Writing
Image of Joss Whedon
I tried to write a TV series, and then I discovered first of all that I love writing more than anything on this earth, and that you could write exactly as well as you want to.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Writing