Top war Quotes Collection - Page 121

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 121 provides more war quotes.

Image of George Packer
I'm reading a bunch of fiction by Afghan and Iraq War veterans for a New Yorker piece. There hasn't been that much, but it's starting to come out, and some of the fiction is really good.
- George Packer
Collection: War
Image of George Packer
I am reading "The Yellow Birds" by Kevin Powers and "Redeployment" by Phil Klay . Both Powers and Klay are Iraq War vets. Klay's stories are remarkable.
- George Packer
Collection: War
Image of George Packer
The literature of the Spanish Civil War is also important to me. Above all George Orwell's "Homage to Catalonia" as well as the writing of John Dos Passos and Ernest Hemingway. They worked on a film together in Spain during that war, which ended their friendship.
- George Packer
Collection: War
Image of Oliver Stone
Very few people know that there is a whole school of historians that have existed in the United States from the 1940s and the early '50s that were revisionists. They were attacking the whole basis of the history of the Cold War. People like D.F. Fleming, William Appleman Williams.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: War
Image of Tom Brokaw
Continuous coverage of the war in the Persian Gulf will resume in a moment.
- Tom Brokaw
Collection: War
Image of Stefan Molyneux
Do Libertarians care about the poor? Well, we're not ladening them down with debt, we're not sending them off to God damned wars, we're not creating a permanent underclass, we're not trapping them in shitty schools where they graduate unable to read, WE DO CARE ABOUT THE POOR, and that's why we want the State out of their way!!
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: War
Image of Stefan Molyneux
The war on drugs is really the war on people who buy drugs from people who don't lobby the government.
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: War
Image of Stefan Molyneux
If we have a bitcoin universe, you don't get to print money for war. You don't get to have money for a prison/industrial complex. You don't get money for a war on drugs. You have to ask the people.
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: War
Image of Jon Stewart
There's a disconnect there between - you're telling me this [war in Iraq] is fight of our generation, and you're going to increase troops by 10 percent. And that's gonna do it. I'm sure what [George W.Bush] would like to do is send 400,000 more troops there, but he can't, because he doesn't have them.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: War
Image of Rick Santorum
I don't want to go to a trade war, I want to beat China. I want to go to war with China and make America the most attractive place in the world to do business.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: War
Image of Dan Simmons
The Victorians, they were like the Germans in World War II. They could not stop recording details about their lives and their age.
- Dan Simmons
Collection: War
Image of Erwin Rommel
Which would your men rather be, tired, or dead?
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: War
Image of Erwin Rommel
The enemy must be annihilated before he reaches our main battlefield. We must stop him in the water, destroying all his equipment while it is still afloat!
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: War
Image of Erwin Rommel
The battle is going very heavily against us. We're being crushed by the enemy weight. We are facing very difficult days, perhaps the most difficult that a man can undergo
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: War
Image of Erwin Rommel
To every man of us, Tobruk was a symbol of British resistance and we were now going to finish with it for good.
- Erwin Rommel
Collection: War
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
Such an experiment without actual conditions of war to support it is a foolish waste of time. . . . I once saw a man kill a lion with a 30-30 caliber rifle under certain conditions, but that doesn't mean that a 30-30 rifle is a lion gun.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Helen Mirren
Love thy neighbor is difficult. That's why everybody - wars, you know. It's the hardest. And it's the most important. And respect thy neighbor. Love and respect. It means respect, really. Respect thy neighbor. Respect the other, the different.
- Helen Mirren
Collection: War
Image of Larry Niven
I am trying to prevent a bloodbath. Is that clear enough for you? I'm trying to prevent a civil war that could kill half the people in this world.
- Larry Niven
Collection: War
Image of Reza Aslan
The best way to constrain Iran's potential movement towards nuclear capability is to have peace in the Middle East, peace between the Israeli and the Palestinians. To end the official war that still exists between Israel and Syria, Israel and Lebanon.
- Reza Aslan
Collection: War
Image of William Saroyan
I can't decide for you whether or not you have got to write, but if anything in the world, war, or pestilence, or famine, or private hunger, or anything, can stop you from writing, then don't write . . . because if anything can even begin to keep you from writing you aren't a writer and you'll be in a hell of a mess until you find out. If you are a writer, you'll still be in a hell of a mess, but you'll have better reasons.
- William Saroyan
Collection: War
Image of Joss Whedon
You do not want a war. You have known violence, you have suffered loss, but you have seen nothing of war. War is not just the business of death; it is the anti-thesis of life. Hope, tortured and flayed, reason, dismembered, grinning at its limbs in its lap. Decency, raped to death... You will be a murderer and more.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: War
Image of Ron Paul
When you have war, whether it's a war against drugs, war against terrorism, war overseas, the mentality of the people change and they're more willing to sacrifice their liberties in order to be safe and secure.
- Ron Paul
Collection: War
Image of Sam Shepard
I was in the war. I know how to kill. I was over there. I know how to do it. I've done it before. It's no big deal. You just make an adjustment. You convince yourself it's all right. That's all. It's easy. You just slaughter them.
- Sam Shepard
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
All warfare is based on deception. There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Sun Tzu
Bestow rewards without respect to customary practice; publish orders without respect to precedent. Thus you may employ the entire army as you would one man.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: War
Image of Brendan Behan
A general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles ... it takes your mind off the cost of living.
- Brendan Behan
Collection: War
Image of Henry Rollins
There's a lot of stuff like that that American's don't know and since a lot of Americans don't have a passport, I'll get a passport for them and since a lot of Americans don't know what a war looks like thirty, forty years later and it's still doing damage.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
The US tactical nuclear weapons are in Europe, let us not forget this. Does it mean that the US has occupied Germany or that the US never stopped the occupation after World War II and only transformed the occupation troops into the NATO forces?
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of George Washington
The General most earnestly requires, and expects, a due observance of those articles of war, established for the government of the army which forbid profane cursing, swearing and drunkenness; and in like manner requires and expects, of all officers, and soldiers, not engaged on actual duty, a punctual attendance on divine service, to implore the blessings of heaven upon the means used for our safety and defence.
- George Washington
Collection: War
Image of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
No, I most certainly do not think advertising people are wonderful. I think they are horrible, and the worst menace to mankind, next to war; perhaps ahead of war. They stand for the material viewpoint, for the importance of possessions, of desire, of envy, of greed. And war comes from these things.
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Collection: War
Image of Ronald Reagan
Some years ago, the federal government declared war on poverty, and poverty won.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: War
Image of Robin Williams
Terrible wars have been fought where millions have died for one idea - freedom. And it seems that something that means so much to so many people would be worth having.
- Robin Williams
Collection: War
Image of John Ray
He that preaches war is the devil's chaplain.
- John Ray
Collection: War
Image of Nora Roberts
He looked around when he heard a window-rattling roar. "Earthquake? Volcano? Nuclear war?" "Beaver," Peter told him. "I don't care if it is Alaska, you don't have beavers big enough to sound like that.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: War
Image of Derek Landy
I cannot have chaos erupting around me until I am prepared for it. I am a collector. I am an observer. I don't participate. My resources, and my standing, must be secure before I can allow the uncertainty of war to crash down upon us.
- Derek Landy
Collection: War
Image of Otto von Bismarck
Show me an objective worthy of war and I will go along with you.
- Otto von Bismarck
Collection: War
Image of Tariq Ali
The West and its media have barely covered the recent wave of repression in Turkey. The reason is simple. They are paying billions to Ankara to control and take back the refugees of the Syrian war. They are fearful that if they offend Tayyip Erdogan he will use the refugees as a political weapon. So they keep quiet.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: War
Image of Linda Howard
Honey, the only experts in PMS are men. That's why men are so good at fighting wars; they learned Escape and Evade at home.
- Linda Howard
Collection: War
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
There will always be war, but we must always work to oppose it.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: War
Image of Rachel Carson
Along with the possibility of extinction of mankind by nuclear war, the central problem of our age has therefore become the contamination of man's total environment with such substances of incredible potential for harm-substances that accumulate in the tissues of plants and animals and even penetrate the germ cells to shatter or alter the very material of heredity upon which the shape of the future depends.
- Rachel Carson
Collection: War
Image of John Milton
The conquer'd, also, and enslaved by war, Shall, with their freedom lost, all virtue lose.
- John Milton
Collection: War
Image of Lewis Mumford
War is both the product of an earlier corruption, and a producer of new corruptions.
- Lewis Mumford
Collection: War
Image of Gertrude Stein
Near a war is always not very near.
- Gertrude Stein
Collection: War
Image of Gertrude Stein
A nice war is a war where everybody who is heroic is a hero, and everybody more or less is a hero in a nice war. Now this war is not at all a nice war.
- Gertrude Stein
Collection: War
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Yesterday, December 7, 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan... We will gain the inevitable triumph so help us God.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Franklin D. Roosevelt
In time of this grave national danger, when all excess income should go to win the war, no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Collection: War
Image of Ayelet Waldman
I really think we were charting a course to having a more sane response to mass incarceration, to drug use, and to understanding that the war on drugs has resulted only in the empowerment of vast criminal enterprises and the destruction of democracies around the world. And all that is coming to a miserable, horrific halt.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: War
Image of Ayelet Waldman
States began to realize how much money they were spending on incarceration and how much money they were spending fighting this ludicrous war on drugs that was actually counterproductive.
- Ayelet Waldman
Collection: War