Top war Quotes Collection - Page 123

Discover a curated collection of war quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 123 provides more war quotes.

Image of Arundhati Roy
The genocide will not necessarily take the form of war, or death camps. Most likely it will take the form of ecocide, in which landscapes are devastated and the populations that live there slowly starve or turn upon each other savagely because there isn't enough food or water to go around.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: War
Image of Arundhati Roy
What is happening to our world is almost too colossal for human comprehension to contain...To contemplate its girth and its circumference, to attempt to define it, to try and fight it all at once, is impossible. The only way to combat it is by fighting specific wars in specific ways.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: War
Image of Carl Sagan
All over the world there are enormous numbers of smart, even gifted, people who harbor a passion for science. But that passion is unrequited. Surveys suggest that some 95% of Americans are "scientifically illiterate." That's...the same fraction...of slaves who were illiterate before the Civil War.
- Carl Sagan
Collection: War
Image of Margaret Mitchell
There'll always be wars because men love wars. Women don't, but men do.
- Margaret Mitchell
Collection: War
Image of Jeffrey Sachs
We are not at war (except with our own demons).
- Jeffrey Sachs
Collection: War
Image of Zadie Smith
When I see my friends engaging in a Twitter war for an afternoon, I think that would destroy me for a month.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: War
Image of Vladimir Putin
The fact is that there was a long war in which Serbia and its capital Belgrade were bombarded and attacked with missiles. It was a military intervention of the West and NATO against the then rump Yugoslavia.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: War
Image of Edward Snowden
The reality is if we sit back and allow a few officials behind closed doors to launch offensive attacks without any oversight against foreign nations, against people we don't like, against political groups, radicals, and extremists whose ideas we may not agree with, and could be repulsive or even violent - if we let that happen without public buy-in, we won't have any seat at the table of government to decide whether or not it's appropriate for these officials to drag us into some kind of war activity that we don't want, but we weren't aware of at the time.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: War
Image of George Washington
[L]eave nothing to the uncertainty of procuring a warlike apparatus at the moment of public danger.
- George Washington
Collection: War
Image of Sun Myung Moon
If the world had attended me after World War II, it would have been united within seven years, and there would have been no suffering of the Unification Church and no damage to the democratic world.
- Sun Myung Moon
Collection: War
Image of Camille Paglia
There's something retro about your persona. It's like the pre-World War II generation of reporters - those unpretentious, working-class guys who hung around saloons and used rough language. Now they've all been replaced with these effete Ivy League elitists who swarm over the current media. Nerds - utterly dull and insipid.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
When Donald Trump was first elected, there was a lot of fear of a trade war. They listened to Trump's rhetoric on the campaign. Oh, we're going to put a 45 percent tariff on China, a 35 percent tariff on Mexico. We haven't seen any of that.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Donald Trump
Just as we won the Cold War in part by exposing the evils of communism and the virtues of free markets, so, too, must we take on the ideology of radical Islam.
- Donald Trump
Collection: War
Image of Sherman Alexie
I'm not a pacifist by any measure, but I'm also fully aware that the reasons I might go to war could be very dubious.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: War
Image of Dick Cheney
Two days ahead of schedule, the world witnessed the arrival of a free and sovereign Iraq.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: War
Image of Dick Cheney
After 9/11 we were prepared to use military force. We were prepared to go after not only the terrorists, but those who sponsor terror and provide sanctuary and safe harbor for them. We were prepared to use our intelligence assets the way we would against an enemy that threatened the United States itself, to put in place, for example, things like the Terror Surveillance Program and to have a robust interrogation program on detainees. Those are the acts you take when you feel you're at war and that the very existence of the nation is threatened.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: War
Image of Dana Gould
Rejected names for World War II: 'Global Super Killfest', 'Germaniacal Japandamonium', 'World War 1: New Moon'.
- Dana Gould
Collection: War
Image of Noam Chomsky
One of the questions asked in that study was, How many Vietnamese casualties would you estimate that there were during the Vietnam war? The average response on the part of Americans today is about 100,000. The official figure is about two million. The actual figure is probably three to four million. The people who conducted the study raised an appropriate question: What would we think about German political culture if, when you asked people today how many Jews died in the Holocaust, they estimated about 300,000? What would that tell us about German political culture?
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: War
Image of Wesley Clark
I don't think it was a patriotic war. I think it was a mistake, a strategic mistake, and I think that the president of the United States wasn't patriotic in going after Saddam Hussein. He simply misled America and cost us casualties and killed and injured America's reputation around the world without valid reason for doing so. It's not patriotic; it's wrong.
- Wesley Clark
Collection: War
Image of Chris Cleave
I do think it is harder to acknowledge our strengths, or to forgive ourselves and each other for our shortcomings, when there has not been a result we can all agree on. And it is certainly impossible to imagine forgiving the enemy while their animus remains undefeated. Yet war doesn't end with armistice, it only ends with forgiveness and reconciliation.
- Chris Cleave
Collection: War
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Let reason govern desire.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: War
Image of Edward Heath
We shall have a harder Christmas than we have known since the war.
- Edward Heath
Collection: War
Image of Vincent Bugliosi
George Bush is guilty of murder for the deaths of over 4000 young American soldiers who have died in the Iraqi war.
- Vincent Bugliosi
Collection: War
Image of John le Carre
You can't make war against terror. Terror is a technique of battle. It's a tactic that has been employed since time immemorial. You can conduct clandestine action against terrorists, and that must be done.
- John le Carre
Collection: War
Image of Noam Chomsky
A number of analysts have observed that although bin Laden was finally killed, he won some major successes in his war against the U.S.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: War
Image of Lord Byron
For all we know that English people are/ Fed upon beef - I won't say much of beer/ Because 'tis liquor only, and being far/ From this my subject, has no business here;/ We know too, they are very fond of war,/ A pleasure - like all pleasures - rather dear;/ So were the Cretans - from which I infer/ That beef and battle both were owing her
- Lord Byron
Collection: War
Image of Pearl S. Buck
Only very coarse persons wanted wars.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: War
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
There is pleasure in calm remembrance of a past sorrow.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: War
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
War should be undertaken in such a way as to show that its only object is peace.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: War
Image of George H. W. Bush
Extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Had we gone the invasion route, the U.S. could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land. It would have been a dramatically different - and perhaps barren - outcome.
- George H. W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of George H. W. Bush
I think it's very hard to fight the war on terrorism if we're in retreat.
- George H. W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of George H. W. Bush
I don't worry about superpower confrontation. You know, I lived through the Cold War days, and where everybody was worried about a Soviet Union armed to the teeth. I think we're going to get along fine with Russia, and I don't see them as internationally ambitious.
- George H. W. Bush
Collection: War
Image of Lee Child
Plan A is to hitch a ride out of here. But if they want a war, then plan B is to win it.
- Lee Child
Collection: War
Image of Hillary Clinton
I respect the second amendment and the right of individuals to own firearms. But I think that we all agree that there are some people who should not be able just to walk in and buy weapons of war.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: War
Image of Leroy Chiao
This was the first time we had two ex-Soviet Cosmonauts in Houston. A lot of us, including me, viewed it with some skepticism, because I grew up during the Cold War, so I had been hit with all this propaganda all along that their stuff wasn't that good, it wasn't that safe and we were so much better. What I found out later was that their space stuff was very good and good enough that I was certainly comfortable flying on their equipment. So, it was kind of a revelation of sorts as the years went by and I think it underscores the importance right now of international cooperation.
- Leroy Chiao
Collection: War
Image of Johnny Cash
Call him drunken Ira Hayes, he won't answer any more. Not the whiskey drinking Indian, nor the Marine that went to war.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: War
Image of Benjamin Graham
The Reservoir system will function not only as an equalizer of business conditions, but also as a national store to meet further emergencies, such as war and drought, and-most important of all-as the concrete means of developing a steadily higher living standard for all.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: War
Image of Judy Woodruff
President Trump say that relations between the United States and Russia may be at their lowest point since the end of the Cold War.
- Judy Woodruff
Collection: War
Image of Thomas Carlyle
We remove mountains, and make seas our smooth highway; nothing can resist us. We war with rude Nature; and, by our resistless engines, come off always victorious, and loaded with spoils.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: War
Image of Jeb Bush
They [terrorists] have declared war on us and we need to have a serious strategy to destroy ISIS.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: War
Image of George Carlin
Germany lost the Second World War. Fascism won it. Believe me, my friend.
- George Carlin
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
More than 80 per cent of the British casualties of the Great War were English. More than 80 per cent of the taxation is paid by the English taxpayers. We are entitled to mention these facts, and to draw authority and courage from them.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
...Have the stresses of war been as bad to you personally as carrying through the policy of Collective Farms?
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
England has been offered a choice between war and shame. She has chosen shame and will get war.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
The Navy can lose us the war, but only the Air Force can win it. The fighters are our salvation, but the bombers alone provide the means of victory.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
There is no merit in putting off a war for a year if, when it comes, it is far worse or much harder to win.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Winston Churchill
The only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: War
Image of Michael Caine
The Quiet American is anti the people who took them into the Vietnam War.
- Michael Caine
Collection: War