Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 46

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 46 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of C. S. Lewis
Men propound mathematical theorems in besieged cities, conduct metaphysical arguments in condemned cells, make jokes on the scaffold, discuss a new poem while advancing to the walls of Quebec, and comb their hair at Thermopylae. This is not panache; it is our nature.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Tim Berners-Lee
Web applications will become more and more ubiquitous throughout our human environment, with walls, automobile dashboards, refrigerator doors all serving as displays giving us a window onto the Web.
- Tim Berners-Lee
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The threat of a government shutdown has caused the Republicans and Donald Trump, as of now, to delay the funding for the wall until the fiscal year 2017-18 budget year, which will happen in September. This has the potential of bothering some Trump supporters. This is not nearly enough callers to make any kind of scientific statement, but every caller we took on said - delaying the wall is not what I want. The more you delay it, the greater the chance it isn't gonna happen.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Money...buys privacy, silence. The less money you have, the noisier it is; the thinner your walls, the closer your neighbors.... The first thing you notice when you step into the house or apartment of a rich person is how quiet it is.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
To some people, bankers - code word for Jewish - and guess who Obama's assaulting? He's assaulting bankers. He's assaulting money people. And a lot of those people on Wall Street are Jewish. So I wonder if there's starting to be some buyer's remorse there.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Democrats are coming along, and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have made it look like, "Hey, we're willing to work with Donald Trump. Hey, we'll help him get what he wants, but it's gotta be what we want." They struck a deal. Chuck and Nancy go out there tell the media, "Hey, we got rid of the wall! Trump's joining us on the DACA kids and we got rid of the wall." They report that; everybody believes it. Everybody believes the first thing that they hear.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Laurel Nakadate
I have very little interest in endlessly telling people about my artistic process. It sounds like throwing yourself against a wall and crying. It's not interesting to most people. It's interesting to yourself. But it's your problem, not anyone else's.
- Laurel Nakadate
Collection: Wall
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
The thoughts written on the walls of madhouses by their inmates might be worth publicizing.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephen King
By the time I was fourteen the nail in my wall would no longer support the weight of the rejection slips impaled upon it. I replaced the nail with a spike and went on writing.
- Stephen King
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Trump's not showing up and trying to politely insert himself in political system and the way politicians do things. He's not trying to ingratiate himself. He doesn't care. He's elected to do specific things. His campaign, his agenda, his rallies, a very long list of specific things, and he reminded everybody, if you're thinking he's not gonna build a wall, if you're thinking that was just chatter, I'd change my mind if I were you.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Kingsley
Now, to tell my story--if not as it ought to be told, at least as I can tell it,--I must go back sixteen years, to the days when Whitbury boasted of forty coaches per diem, instead of one railway, and set forth how in its southern suburb, there stood two pleasant house side by side, with their gardens sloping down to the Whit, and parted from each other only by the high brick fruit-wall, through which there used to be a door of communication; for the two occupiers were fast friends.
- Charles Kingsley
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
Critics of the Wall Street protesters claim that they have old ideas, nothing new, and they're never going to work. Wait a minute., that sounds like this show.
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
You know who's also joining the Wall Street protesters? Kanye West. That's a real good idea -- a guy with diamonds in his teeth protesting greed.
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephen King
There should be no telephone in your writing room, certainly no TV or videogames for you to fool around with. If there’s a window, draw the curtains or pull down the shades unless it looks out at a blank wall.
- Stephen King
Collection: Wall
Image of David Levithan
His books are kept on freestanding shelves hung at different angles on a sea-green wall. They defy gravity, as good books should.
- David Levithan
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephen King
I wanted to write a balls-to-the-wall supernatural horror story, something I haven't done in a long time.
- Stephen King
Collection: Wall
Image of Tom Baker
I was cutting and threading pipe in the tunnels to get water into the shower rooms for athletics. I was repairing old metal windows, fixing cement walls where rain was coming through, and drying out the maple gym floors in hopes of removing the warping.
- Tom Baker
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump's opponents believe are governing illegal immigration, the racism and so forth that they believe is why Trump wants to build a wall, because the nation is racist. The people that want to end illegal immigration, according to these idiots, are racists and bigots. They couldn't see they are way clear to understand that illegal immigration wasn't being talked about.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Jaron Lanier
A digital sound sample in angry rap doesn't correspond to the graffiti but the wall.
- Jaron Lanier
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Lamb
I grow ominously tired of official confinement. Thirty years have I served the Philistines, and my neck is not subdued to the yoke. You don't know how wearisome it is to breathe the air of four pent walls without relief day after day, all the golden hours of the day between ten and four without ease or interposition ... these pestilential clerk-faces always in one's dish. O for a few years between the grave and the desk!
- Charles Lamb
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The United States is guilty. We're not treating people fairly. We're not treating people with dignity. Building a wall is an affront and an insult, and we have no right.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
In Wall Street now, you have to hide what you're doing. It's more fun when you don't have to do that. But I don't think its sense of purpose has changed at all.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve King
I'm calling upon president-elect [Donald] Trump to not just settle for a wall.Let's build a fence, then a wall, then a fence, so we create two no man's lands, one on either side of the wall. That way when we pick people up there they don't really have an excuse.
- Steve King
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve King
If his order from the president is to build a wall, John Kelly will build a wall. And I've got a design out there and I hope it's considered. There are other good designs out there. But he will get it done. He's a doer.
- Steve King
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve King
That way when we pick people up there they don't really have an excuse. They weren't out there picking mushrooms. They were illegally in the United States. It will simplify the adjudication and will expedite the voluntary return, and it will allow our border patrol officers to patrol both sides of that wall. And we can put surveillance devices on top of the wall, vibration detectors and other devices.
- Steve King
Collection: Wall
Image of Steve King
When you say a wall, you mean a wall. You want to build a fence, you say fence. You don't use it as a euphemism for a virtual, say surveillance from hot air balloons that are floating over the border which some people have advocated.
- Steve King
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Krauthammer
You can have the most advanced and efflorescent of cultures. Get your politics wrong, however, and everything stands to be swept away. This is not ancient history. This is Germany 1933... Politics is the moat, the walls, beyond which lie the barbarians. Fail to keep them at bay, and everything burns.
- Charles Krauthammer
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Oh, look at this. NBC/Wall Street Journal: "Thirty-eight percent of the American people say [Donald] Trump's comments about women disqualify him from being president."
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
To revolt within society in order to make it a little better, to bring about certain reforms, is like the revolt of prisoners to improve their life within the prison walls; and such revolt is no revolt at all, it is just mutiny. Do you see the difference? Revolt within society is like the mutiny of prisoners who want better food, better treatment within the prison; but revolt born of understanding is an individual breaking away from society, and that is creative revolution.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Wall
Image of Talib Kweli
I was kind of just too lazy to take my money out of the bank until I saw how Citi Bank responded to Occupy Wall Street.
- Talib Kweli
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
Wall Street is not being made a scapegoat for this crisis: they really did this.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
Looking into it a bit, Jamie found that the model used by Wall Street to price LEAPs, the Black-Scholes option pricing model, made some strange assumptions.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
What are the odds that people will make smart decisions about money if they don't need to make smart decisions--if they can get rich making dumb decisions? The incentives on Wall Street were all wrong; they're still all wrong.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
The CDO was, in effect, a credit laundering service for the residents of Lower Middle Class America. For Wall Street it was a machine that turned lead into gold.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Stephen King
I simply think that there are things in this world that are relics. We have unsettling remnants of Atlantis. They have found things off Bermuda, great walls and things of that sort. This seems to indicate that there were races and cultures that went before us. And to me, that's an unsettling idea.
- Stephen King
Collection: Wall
Image of David Letterman
Sarah Palin had a big op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, and she said she's against death panels. And I thought, 'Really? She's the one who pulled the plug on the McCain campaign.'
- David Letterman
Collection: Wall
Image of Lawrence Lessig
Change the way we fund campaigns. Until we do, Wall Street will always be able to blackmail the Dems and GOP to giving them what Wall Street wants.
- Lawrence Lessig
Collection: Wall
Image of Kellyanne Conway
Trump is going to secure the border. He's going to build the wall. He said Mexico will pay for it. And then he's going to take a look at who's here and decide - he's made this very clear - and decide, with his experts, what should happen.
- Kellyanne Conway
Collection: Wall
Image of Jay Leno
The United States have developed a new weapon that destroys people but it leaves buildings standing. It's called the stock market.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Wall
Image of Jay Leno
I'm trying to sum up President Obama's first 11 months in office. He gave billions to Wall Street, cracked down on illegal immigrants getting health care, and he's sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan. You know something, he may go down in history as our greatest Republican president ever.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Wall
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Here's Hillary Clinton getting away with tying the Republicans to rich people. She's tying the Republican Party to Wall Street, to the big banks. She's tying the Republican Party to the financial crisis in 2008. It's all their fault. She's tying herself as with the low-income crowd - and the average, ordinary middle class American - as their champion, as their defender. They don't know that it's not the Republicans in bed with banks. They don't know that it's the banks that are practically paying for and underwriting the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton today.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Wall
Image of Milan Kundera
Looking out over the courtyard at the dirty walls, he realized he had no idea whether it was hysteria or love.
- Milan Kundera
Collection: Wall
Image of Charles Lindbergh
These phantoms speak with human voices — friendly, vapor- like shapes, without substance, able to vanish or appear at will, to pass in and out through the walls of the fuselage as though no walls were there. At times, voices come out of the air itself, clear yet far away, traveling through distances that can't be measured by the scale of human miles; familiar voices, conversing and advising on my flight, discussing problems of my navigation, reassuring me, giving me messages of importance unattainable in ordinary life.
- Charles Lindbergh
Collection: Wall
Image of Lawrence Lessig
[Conservatives] go to church, they do lots of things for free for each other. They hold potluck dinners. ... They serve food to poor people. They share, they give, they give away for free. It's the very same people leading Wall Street firms who, on Sundays, show up and share.
- Lawrence Lessig
Collection: Wall
Image of Milan Kundera
It was futile to attack with reason the stout wall of irrational feelings that, as is known, is the stuff of which the female mind is made.
- Milan Kundera
Collection: Wall
Image of C. S. Lewis
When the police arrived and found no lion, no broken wall, and no convicts, and the Head behaving like a lunatic, there was an inquiry into the whole thing. And in the inquiry all sorts of things about Experiment House came out, and about ten people got expelled. After that, the Head's friends saw that the Head was no use as a Head, so they got her made an Inspector to interfere with other Heads. And when they found she wasn't much good even at that, they got her into Parliament where she lived happily ever after.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Anne Morrow Lindbergh
The world has different owners at sunrise... Even your own garden does not belong to you. Rabbits and blackbirds have the lawns; a tortoise-shell cat who never appears in daytime patrols the brick walls, and a golden-tailed pheasant glints his way through the iris spears.
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
The big Wall Street firms, seemingly so shrewd and self-interested, had somehow become the dumb money. The people who ran them did not understand their own businesses, and their regulators obviously knew even less.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall
Image of Michael Lewis
The idea that it's smart to allow Wall Street firms, with this "too big to fail" imprimatur, to become hedge funds again - it's unconscionable. You're essentially saying we're going to take some elites in our society and let them roll the bones in the marketplace, and if it works out they get rich, and if it doesn't work out the taxpayer comes in again. That seems absolutely crazy to me. That seems to be where they're headed. I mean, maybe they're not and I'm wrong. Maybe they'll do sensible things. It's hard to know! There doesn't seem to be a plan.
- Michael Lewis
Collection: Wall