Steve King

Image of Steve King
Our Founding Fathers crafted a constitutional Republic for the first time in the history of the world because they were shaping a form of government that would not have the failures of a democracy in it, but had the representation of democracy in it.
- Steve King
Collection: Government
Image of Steve King
Some want to rebrand the GOP, but they will never rebrand conservatives.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Yes, guns are to men what jewelry is to women!
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
The idea of multiculturalism, that every culture is equal - that's not objectively true.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Western civilization is the most successful civilization the world has ever seen. And some of the reasons for that is it's borrowed from other cultures along the way, back to Mosaic law, the Greek age of reason, Roman law and the Roman order of government, and the Republican form of government, by the way that we're guaranteed in our constitution.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
The current practice of extending U.S. citizenship to hundreds of thousands of 'anchor babies' must end because it creates a magnet for illegal immigration into our country. Now is the time to ensure that the laws in this country do not encourage law-breaking.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
But we need to quit taxing people upon death. No taxation without respiration.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
We should recognize that on the day that we are born, our glass is half full. In America your chance to fill your glass the rest of the way up is greater than it is anyplace else on this planet.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
That's the key: get the constitution in place. Get rule of law in place, capital will come, electricity will follow.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
The solution really has to lie within the Iraqi people.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
I created jobs and saved the taxpayers money on every road I built.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
In Iowa, we take care of people. That's all I think I need to say.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Equal justice under the law, even if it's your mother. That was a point of admiration in our household. It was drilled into me.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Rewarding law breakers produces more law breakers.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
I'm more the conscience of the conservative than I am someone looking for consensus.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
We've heard some things from Pope Francis that are not fully supportive of free enterprise capitalism. That should be a problem from an American perspective.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Of course I would disagree that there's a definitive science that has concluded that mankind has turned the earth's thermostat up and that we can turn the earth's thermostat down at will, we just haven't yet found the will. That's the argument on climate change.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
My faith, and especially my faith as a Catholic, does inform me and does guide me.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
I've noticed that some Democrats, who seldom mention their faith or maybe never mention their faith, will seize on to a phrase that Pope Francis may have said, and they want to attach themselves to that agenda. Political opportunists is what they are.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Our focus on melanin and people's skins - can't we talk about the diversity of ideology? Can't we look at people for their minds and what they can contribute? And I'd like to see us go more toward a respect for people's ability to contribute, and I actually want to get to a society where we disregard race.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
I believe Ted Cruz is the candidate that's the answer to my prayers. A candidate whom God will use to restore the soul of America.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
This bill, this badly named ENLIST Act, would put out the advertisement that says, 'Sneak into America. Sneak into the military, and that's going to be the most expeditious path to American citizenship and the whole smorgasbord of benefits that come from American citizenship.'
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Citizenship must be precious, not handed out like candy in a parade. We don't ride along and throw out citizenship like you do M&M's or Tootsie Rolls or whatever it is we're tossing out in our parades.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Obamacare has got to go.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Being a son of the South puts you in a different position when it comes to the Confederate flag. It means something entirely different to the people who have ancestors who fought in the Civil War on the south side of the Mason-Dixon line.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Liberals want to amend our country's history to eradicate the role of Christianity in America and chisel references to God or faith from our historical buildings.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Christian abolitionists gave their lives by the hundreds of thousands to end slavery.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Great American leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. worshipped God just as our Founding Fathers did. We must never forget this important aspect of our heritage or use it as a political bargaining chip.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
We've got to stand up at some point and say, 'We are not gonna pay slavery reparations in the United States Congress.' That war's been fought. That was over a century ago. That debt was paid for in blood, and it was paid for in the blood of a lot of Yankees, especially. And there's no reparations for the blood that paid for the sin of slavery.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
Google that, 'old white men,' and you'll find that comes out of the mouths of liberals in a daily basis across the country. They're disparaging a group of people, and it's time somebody stood up for that group of people.
- Steve King
Image of Steve King
When the legislation that passed in the farm bill that says that it’s a federal crime to watch animals fight or to induce someone else to watch an animal fight but it’s not a federal crime to induce somebody to watch people fighting, there’s something wrong with the priorities of people that think like that.
- Steve King
Collection: Fighting
Image of Steve King
For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there who weigh 130 pounds - and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert. Those people would be legalized with the same act.
- Steve King
Collection: Memorable
Image of Steve King
There`s one way of looking at the Trump phenomenon that he`s essentially a Doofus or he is an opportunist.
- Steve King
Collection: Way
Image of Steve King
What Planned Parenthood is doing is not the faith that I believe in, but Jesus never ordered anyone to be killed and he never raised his hand to injure anyone specifically. But Mohammed did and there is a big difference in this.
- Steve King
Collection: Jesus
Image of Steve King
I`d like to say is that I am a patriotic, loyal American. I love my country and the values that it stands for. And I am a Muslim.
- Steve King
Collection: Country
Image of Steve King
My point is, as civilization is progressing, Mosaic law came down from the mountain, was handed to civilization, it emerged through the Greek civilization as the Greeks were developing their Age of Reason. And we're talking about the foundation of Western Civilization, and almost concurrently with that, Roman law was emerging as well.
- Steve King
Collection: Talking
Image of Steve King
This definition about against their will, that's a made up term. Did any of those little kids say I didn't want to come here? Did they say I was brought here against my will? Some of them were walking across the border on their own, lots of them, and we'll see them coming across every day at McCallum, Texas. They're still pouring across the border. They know what they're doing. It's not against their will.
- Steve King
Collection: Kids
Image of Steve King
It needed to be in the public record that no matter the size of the disaster, no matter the level of our compassion, that we have a responsibility to get emergency help to people the right way, but we also have a responsibility to be prudent in our planning.
- Steve King
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Steve King
I hope we are able to shift debate over to the Middle East and change this debate to how we help the people in their home countries rather than believing we can be their relief valve for the poverty and the grief that`s in the world by bringing people here.
- Steve King
Collection: Country
Image of Steve King
Muslims are a part of the fabric of this country. By the way, they always have been, and more so now than ever.
- Steve King
Collection: Country
Image of Steve King
Which is superior, the Constitution or Sharia law? In Sharia law by their teachings is superior to everything else, it replaces everything else, it replaces the Constitution itself. So, you can`t be assimilated into the American civilization and accept Sharia law as being superior to our Constitution. It`s antithetical to Americanism.
- Steve King
Collection: Teaching
Image of Steve King
These two value systems [islam and U.S constitution] do not clash in any way, and my son is a member of the United States Armed Forces active duty. He`s proud to serve his country. And there are many more people who are exact same thing.
- Steve King
Collection: Country
Image of Steve King
Even Republicans seem to think that these undocumented Democrats could be made [GOP] voters...and what happens is that two out every three that would be legalized [and] become Democrats. And it's not 12 million. It's more like 20 million...But it isn't just the equation of 2/3 of over 20 million that will vote for the guy who opposes our conservative candidate whoever that might be, but it's also those who will leave us if we fail them...We have to go back and tie together and restore the pillars of American exceptionalism and the rule of law is essential.
- Steve King
Collection: Thinking
Image of Steve King
I`m quite confident that when you spew out hateful [anti-islam]rhetoric, you green-light people who are - who have violent and who are dangerous, and that`s why we have to watch what we say. Words do matter.
- Steve King
Collection: Light
Image of Steve King
I'm a champion for western civilization and, yes, our English language is a big part of it. It's a carrier of freedom. Wherever the English language has gone globally, freedom went with it. Science technology has always lifted up the standard of living on average of everybody on the planet. I want more of that, not less. There are civilizations that produce very little, if any. This western civilization is a superior civilization, and we want to share it with everybody.
- Steve King
Collection: Technology
Image of Steve King
I think Steve King is absolutely wrong and I just hope that we can try to reach higher ground, because when you are spewing this kind of nonsense, things that Donald Trump says, Ben Carson says, but also [Marco] Rubio and [Ted] Cruz and even Jeb Bush have said.
- Steve King
Collection: Kings
Image of Steve King
Earl Nightingale never let a day go by that he didn`t learn something new and, in turn, pass it on to others. It was his consuming passion.
- Steve King
Collection: Passion
Image of Steve King
I've assimilated the hit. I've passed along most of what I can and now I'm prepared to live with it. But in my opinion, prices will come down.
- Steve King
Collection: Opinion
Image of Steve King
Every Republican that I know of ran on the full repeal of Obamacare...The voters have spoken.
- Steve King
Collection: Obamacare