Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 74

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 74 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Muhammad Ali
I just try to stay half way decent looking. Boxing's a rough sport and you get hit a lot.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Lindsey Vonn
Roger Federer and my boyfriend, Tiger Woods, inspire me. It's incredible what they've done in their respective sports, especially Roger. He is the nicest and humblest guy. You would never know that he's the best tennis player of all time. And Tiger is so mentally tough. He can block everything completely out and stay in the moment.
- Lindsey Vonn
Collection: Sports
Image of Keith Olbermann
Without humor, a sports fan is a religious fanatic. Without humor, a newscast is a terrible, depressing, unpalatable thing.
- Keith Olbermann
Collection: Sports
Image of Willa Cather
Every American travelling in England gets his own individual sport out of the toy passenger and freight trains and the tiny locomotives, with their faint, indignant, tiny whistle. Especially in western England one wonders how the business of a nation can possibly be carried on by means so insufficient.
- Willa Cather
Collection: Sports
Image of Denis Waitley
A good life is a collection of happy memories.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Sports
Image of Wilt Chamberlain
My thing I liked was to challenge guys that were smaller, guys that were supposed to be quicker. Because I think self-consciously I was trying to prove to people it wasn't just my height that was getting me across in these various sports. It was some other intrinsic things that I had that made me a good athlete.
- Wilt Chamberlain
Collection: Sports
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Sport strips away personality, letting the white bone of character shine through. Sport gives players an opportunity to know and test themselves. The great difference between sport and art is that sport, like a sonnet, forces beauty within its own system. Art, on the other hand, cyclically destroys boundaries and breaks free.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Sports
Image of Andre Dubus
Proportion is all; and, in sports at school, I lost it by surrendering to the awful significance of my self-consciousness. Shyness has a strange element of narcissism, a belief that how we look, how we perform, is truly important to other people.
- Andre Dubus
Collection: Sports
Image of Richard Jeni
Sports are an acceptable way for men to show emotion. A guy who won't hug his kid will slip a guy a tongue in a sports bar when his team wins.
- Richard Jeni
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
Don't talk too much or too soon.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Denis Waitley
Habits start out as off-hand remarks, magazine advertisements, friendly hints, experiments - like flimsy cobwebs with little substance. They grow with practice, layer by layer - thought on thought - fused with imagination and emotion until they become like steel cables - unbreakable. Habits are attitudes which grow from cobwebs into cables that control your everyday life. Self-discipline alone can make or break a habit. Self discipline alone can effect a permanent change in your self image and in you. Self-discipline achieves goals. Self discipline is not 'doing without,' it is 'doing within.'
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Sports
Image of Cassandra Clare
There's nothing wild about me. I'm a solid middle-aged man." "Except that once a month you turn into a wolf and go tearing around slaughtering things," Clary said. "It could be worse," Luke said. "Men my age have been known to purchase expensive sports cars and sleep with supermodels.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Sports
Image of Kenny Chesney
We leaned on family, church, school, friends and sports. That's basically all we had. All those things really shaped my life and shaped me musically. It's why I write the way I do.
- Kenny Chesney
Collection: Sports
Image of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Pride was his life force; for us it was a live nerve that he could teach us to brush. One stroke, a good practice, and we could tingle for days ... First, he found the pride in each of us, then he taught us how good it could feel. What he was ultimately after was for every one of us to learn to light our own fires and glow our brightest.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Collection: Sports
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
I entertain a private suspicion that physical sports were much more really effective and beneficent when they were not taken quite so seriously. One of the first essentials of sport being healthy is that it should be delightful; it is rapidly becoming a false religion with austerities and prostrations.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
Most coaches study the films when they lose. I study them when we win -to see if I can figure out what I did right
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
I ain't never had much fun. I ain't never been two inches away from a football. Here guys go fishing on the day of the game, hunting, golfing, and all I want to do is be alone, studying how not to lose.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
You're still going to win with preparation and dedication and plain old desire. If you don't have genuine desire, you won't be dedicated enough to prepare properly.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
A few minutes ago, I had a hard time getting through the lobby because of all the people. After today, that won't be happening.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Eric Cantona
Without spontaneity in any sport, you cannot succeed.
- Eric Cantona
Collection: Sports
Image of William J. Clinton
When it comes to anything that's social, whether it's your family, your school, your community, your business or your country, winning is a team sport.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Sports
Image of Philip Kotler
I admire firms that have achieved a real differentiation from their competitors. Nike is all about mastering sports. Apple is all about creating technologies to make life easier and better. Audi is is all about introducing new technologies to make automobiles safer and better performing.
- Philip Kotler
Collection: Sports
Image of Karch Kiraly
I was fortunate to start the sport at a young age. I was 6 years old when my dad started teaching me. We started playing tournaments together when I was 11, in the lower ranking of beach volleyball in California. We weren't playing against kids; we played against grown men, so immediately, I had to raise my game to compete.
- Karch Kiraly
Collection: Sports
Image of Hippocrates
From nothing else but the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations
- Hippocrates
Collection: Sports
Image of John Cena
It wasn't until after I received my education that I seriously looked at sports entertainment as a way to make a career for myself. And they've got to take it in stride. It's very much like acting or playing professional sports: One percent of one percent of the people who try out for it can actually say they make their living off of doing it.
- John Cena
Collection: Sports
Image of Gregory of Nyssa
The three most ancient opinions concerning God are Anarchia, Polyarchia, and Monarchia. The first two are the sport of the children of Hellas, and may they continue to be so. For Anarchy is a thing without order; and the Rule of Many is factious, and thus anarchical, and thus disorderly. For both these tend to the same thing, namely disorder; and this to dissolution, for disorder is the first step to dissolution. But Monarchy is what we hold in honor.
- Gregory of Nyssa
Collection: Sports
Image of Noam Chomsky
The elections are run by the same guys who sell toothpaste. They show you an image of a sports hero, or a sexy model, or a car going up a sheer cliff or something, which has nothing to do with the commodity, but it's intended to delude you into picking this one rather than another one.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Sports
Image of Muhammad Ali
Anyhow, I don't think Don King's a very good man. But then again, I doubt that a good man *could* succeed in his business. I'm sure boxing was a dirty sport before he came around. He may have just made it moreso. So that's about all I've got to say about him.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Muhammad Ali
I would like to say boxing cannot compared with war. We have gloves on, we have cushions, we have referees, we have judges, we have ambulances there, the intention not to kill, we don't have steel there, we don't have bullets, we don't kill momma, kill daddy, kill baby, our intention is a sport, and we're not there to kill, so boxing cannot be compared in no way with machineguns and bombs and everything that used.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Lindsey Vonn
My goal, for almost my entire career, has been to promote ski racing not just in America, but across the world. I think it's an amazing sport. I am happy to be an ambassador for the next Olympics and I will do my best to honour the Olympics spirit and to hopefully encourage kids to participate in sports, especially in Asia and Korea and I am looking forward to an amazing Olympics.
- Lindsey Vonn
Collection: Sports
Image of Winston Churchill
You can measure a man's character by the choices he makes under pressure.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Sports
Image of James Branch Cabell
In the beginning the Gods made man, and fashioned the sky and the sea, And the earth's fair face for man's dwelling-place, and this was the Gods' decree: "Lo, We have given to man five wits: he discerneth folly and sin; He is swift to deride all the world outside, and blind to the world within: So that man may make sport and amuse Us, in battling for phrases or pelf, Now that each may know what forebodeth woe to his neighbor, and not to himself.
- James Branch Cabell
Collection: Sports
Image of Narendra Modi
I don't look at sports as something which merely tones up the body. I look at it as a tool of education that stimulates the mind and brings in a culture of discipline.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The substitute that thinks his place below him, will certainly be below his place.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Work hard - beat out half the team. Be committed, play fair as a team player - Beat out another quarter of the team. The last quarter is your desire and beliefs, and where you are playing.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Coaches must be flexible, for then they won't get bent out of shape.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Coaches need to have the ability of tact - to teach the team to rub out mistakes rather than to rub them in.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Nothing makes a player more productive than the last minute.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
You must allow your players to become the athletes they can be. Don't make them into anything just to become the kind of winners fans, friends and others think they must be.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of Ronnie Coleman
I'm always positive when it comes to professional bodybuilding, hell I'm Mr. Olympia for God's sake. If I'm number one in our sport and I have a negative attitude then our sport don't need me and I don't need our sport. There are problems and controversy in all sports. That's really unavoidable.
- Ronnie Coleman
Collection: Sports
Image of George W. Bush
You have to be optimistic about golf. I mean it's physically demanding, particularly if you're on one leg. But it's psychologically demanding regardless of your physical infirmities. I mean, it's a tough sport. You've got to be disciplined and optimistic. And if you have a bad hole, you've got to be optimistic that you'll do well on the next hole.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Sports
Image of Phife Dawg
I am totally involved with music, but my goal is to do the sports thing.
- Phife Dawg
Collection: Sports
Image of Phife Dawg
One of my main goals is to become a sports broadcaster. That is the ultimate for me.
- Phife Dawg
Collection: Sports
Image of Phife Dawg
There were only two things you did in New York City, Queens to be exact, music or sports.
- Phife Dawg
Collection: Sports
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Life and sports cannot be separated; they are one.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Sports
Image of Orson Scott Card
Apparently the Dutch now prided themselves on being better at queues than the English, which was absurd, because standing cheerfully in line was the English national sport.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Sports
Image of Lleyton Hewitt
He'll go down as one of the guys who changed our sport in a lot of ways, not only the way he played the game, but also the way that he conducted himself on and off the court.
- Lleyton Hewitt
Collection: Sports
Image of John Hurt
I was keen on sports-that's how my nose got this way. It's not actually broken; the nose was just pushed up a little bit and moved over. It's an aquiline nose, quite Irish.
- John Hurt
Collection: Sports