Muhammad Ali

Image of Muhammad Ali
I always bring out the best in men I fight, but Joe Frazier, I'll tell the world right now, brings out the best in me. I'm gonna tell ya, that's one helluva man, and God bless him.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Best
Image of Muhammad Ali
When I won the Golden Gloves in 1960, that made me realize I had a chance. And when I won at the Olympics, that sealed it: I was the champ.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Chance
Image of Muhammad Ali
The word 'Islam' means 'peace.' The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' But the press makes us seem like haters.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Peace
Image of Muhammad Ali
I'm more at home with my log cabins than I am in my house in Cherry Hill.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Home
Image of Muhammad Ali
The name Muhammad is the most common name in the world. In all the countries around the world - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon - there are more Muhammads than anything else. When I joined the Nation of Islam and became a Muslim, they gave me the most famous name because I was the champ.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Famous
Image of Muhammad Ali
Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Good
Image of Muhammad Ali
I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Muhammad Ali
When you can whip any man in the world, you never know peace.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Peace
Image of Muhammad Ali
My only fault is that I don't realize how great I really am.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Great
Image of Muhammad Ali
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Imagination
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's hard to be humble, when you're as great as I am.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Great
Image of Muhammad Ali
No boxer in the history of boxing has had Parkinson's. There's no injury in my brain that suggests that the illness came from boxing.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: History
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Faith
Image of Muhammad Ali
The only thing that matters is submitting to the will of God.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: God
Image of Muhammad Ali
I believe in the religion of Islam. I believe in Allah and peace.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Religion
Image of Muhammad Ali
Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Life
Image of Muhammad Ali
I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Motivational
Image of Muhammad Ali
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Religion
Image of Muhammad Ali
Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Power
Image of Muhammad Ali
I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Love
Image of Muhammad Ali
Old age is just a record of one's whole life.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Age
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Muhammad Ali
Wars of nations are fought to change maps. But wars of poverty are fought to map change.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Change
Image of Muhammad Ali
My principles are more important than the money or my title.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Money
Image of Muhammad Ali
A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Life
Image of Muhammad Ali
Ali's got a left, Ali's got a right - when he knocks you down, you'll sleep for the night; and when you lie on the floor and the ref counts to ten, hope and pray that you never meet me again.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Hope
Image of Muhammad Ali
Anywhere I go, there is always an incredible crowd that follows me. In Rome, as I land at the airport, even the men kiss me. I love Rome.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Men
Image of Muhammad Ali
Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Friendship
Image of Muhammad Ali
I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Great
Image of Muhammad Ali
God tries you in certain, certain ways. Some people are rich, and they believe in God. They lose the money, things get hard, they get weak and quit going to church. Quit serving God like they did.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Money
Image of Muhammad Ali
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Life
Image of Muhammad Ali
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Age
Image of Muhammad Ali
Boxing is a lot of white men watching two black men beat each other up.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Men
Image of Muhammad Ali
I'm just hoping that people understand that Islam is peace and not violence.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Peace
Image of Muhammad Ali
My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Truth
Image of Muhammad Ali
Never put your money against Cassius Clay, for you will never have a lucky day.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Money
Image of Muhammad Ali
At home I am a nice guy: but I don't want the world to know. Humble people, I've found, don't get very far.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Home
Image of Muhammad Ali
I used to tease Joe Louis by reminding him that I was the greatest of all time. But Joe Louis was the greatest heavyweight fighter ever.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Time
Image of Muhammad Ali
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale; handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalised a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
It's not bragging if you can back it up.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
What keeps me going is goals.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong.
- Muhammad Ali
Image of Muhammad Ali
I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing, and the shadow won.
- Muhammad Ali