John Kessel

Image of John Kessel
Kafka's inevitable tropism for the allegorical puts him in marked opposition to the realism that dominated the literary world of the first half of the 20th century.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
There must be a dozen films now based on Philip K. Dick novels or stories, far more than any other published science fiction writer. He's sort of become the go-to guy for weird science fiction notions.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
I don't know if this is a stumbling block, but I had a real setback when I won a Nebula Award for the first story I ever had nominated for a Nebula in 1982. And you might think that was a good thing - and it was a wonderful thing, I don't regret it a bit. But I was sort of discombobulated by it.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
One of the influences of Kafka over later writers is not so much in the content of his work as in its form.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
The conventional Aristotelian plot proceeds by means of a protagonist, an antagonist, and a series of events comprising a rising action, climax and denouement.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
Since my first encounter with Kafka's writing, I've been interested in a quality that, while he was alive, stood in the way of his achieving a large reputation: his allegory.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
Kafka is not interested in documenting the manners and mores of any particular place; he is not interested in probing the psyche of individual characters.
- John Kessel
Image of John Kessel
Volleyball is like going to church ... many attend, but few understand.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Never back down, never fear anyone, for the best opponents will help you to play your best.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Make your mistakes with confidence. It is the only way you are going to learn anything. Never be afraid to do a skill, no matter how simple or hard it may seem someone has done it, and so can you, With enough committed practice and confidence.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
You cannot turn your winning attitude on when you think you 'need it.' You must work on it every day, every practice, every match - win or lose. Focus on playing to win, not playing to lose, for there is a season of difference between the two.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Coaching is something that takes place only when learning does. No matter what you are doing in your practices, if your players are not learning something significant, you're really not coaching. If a player fails in a game, the coach may have failed in practice.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The wise coach takes all the heat when his players lose, and gives them all the credit when they win.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There are three choices in life and sport - either you do it, you don't do it or you think about it. Most humans think about it. We will do it.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Volleyball rules are simple. If it is on the floor, pick it up and get it into the air. If it is in the air, keep it off the floor. —
- John Kessel
Collection: Volleyball
Image of John Kessel
Play your heart out each game, so you can look your teammates in the eyes and ask, without saying it, 'I played full out, did you?'
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Study hard, practice hard, play ferociously.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Never mishandle hope or self-confidence - those are elements of life, not just a game.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The sport of volleyball will never give you something that you can't handle; whether you do handle it is another question.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Too many players are so afraid to do anything that they seldom venture to do anything.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Focus on winning the contest with yourself.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
A coach must sometimes see players with his heart, and hear them with his eyes.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
It's hard for these athletes to stay healthy. They are constantly being bombarded with unhealthy advertising. Peer pressure can override the body's demand for health. Being healthy goes beyond 'not being sick' (where all lab reports indicate health), to feeling optimistic, energetic, strong and happy with their bodies. Teaching them to take charge of their bodies is a job of coaching. Help them gain discipline in conditioning, nutrition and attitude/emotional control.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
False teammates are like our shadows. They keep close to us when we are all walking in the sunshine, but they are gone the instant we just go into the shade, let alone the darkness.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
You have to learn every day. You can't be playing every day, but you can be practicing. If you cannot be practicing with a net and others daily, you still can be learning about the game by reading, watching and imaging. You must learn every day, if you want to be a real volleyball player. —
- John Kessel
Collection: Volleyball
Image of John Kessel
Most of us are referees at heart; we like to call throws and errors on someone else.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The pessimistic coach complains about the play. The optimistic coach expects it to change. The realistic coach adjusts what he can control.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Good players win volleyball games for you, not tall players.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There are two basic situations in volleyball - either you got the ball or you don't.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
It is ok to err, but it is not ok to stop playing; it is ok to lose, but it is not ok to give up.
- John Kessel
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Kessel
Being left-handed has its advantages in volleyball. Few people know enough about your spike and serve to give you advice.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Think positive, real volleyball happens too fast to think any other way.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There is no such thing as 'staying in shape;' you either work to get better, or you allow yourself to get worse.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There is nothing less important in life than the score after one game of a two out of three game match.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Kids on a team are like flowers in a bouquet, there is always one that wants to face a different way than the arranger desires.
- John Kessel
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Kessel
Less effort in this game makes more results.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
In volleyball there are many reasons for errors but not a single excuse.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Teachers all over the nation are doing the job they are asked to do, but one they are not really prepared to do. To teach volleyball as a physical activity that is also a positive experience. If you care about volleyball, help these teachers have fun and learn more of this great game. Teach the teachers.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Never underestimate your players; they can do it with enough game-like practice. Coaches must put more emphasis in practice and in life on making student-athletes aware of what they could or can do, rather than what they couldn't or presently can't do. The focus must be on solutions, not problems; what is wanted, not what is feared.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
I am here to give my players the little push they need, just like they needed long ago, when first learning the art of the swing. All you needed then was a little push, and quickly you were pumping away, flying higher and higher, without any more help from the 'coach.'
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Shared victory is a double victory, shared defeat is half-defeat.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Don't ask yourself what you did wrong; ask yourself what you did right.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Alter strategies and tactics, but never your principles.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Trying simply provides an excuse for not doing.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The kind of player who has turned his game around, he used to be lousy and lazy and now he is lazy and lousy.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Coaches and players at the start must think their way through problems where a more experienced person would react out of habit and memory. One must not gain this experience, however, without being careful of empty redundancy. Do not fall into the error of the artist who boasts of 20 years of experience at his craft while, in fact, all he has had is one year - 20 times.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
No jockey ever won a race by carrying the horse across the finish line; no coach ever won a volleyball match by touching the ball during play.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Profit by your own mistakes and profit by the mistakes of others. The referees were calling ball handling violations like they were getting commissions.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Too many coaches have too big a mouth and not big enough ears.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
An advantage to volleyball is that you have a scoreboard to tell how you have done as a team. The thing is, in life there is no scoreboard, at least not one that you can see.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports