Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 73

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 73 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Hippocrates
Sport is a preserver of health.
- Hippocrates
Collection: Sports
Image of Landon Donovan
The first goal is always important.
- Landon Donovan
Collection: Sports
Image of A. A. Gill
Sport is how poor kids from poor countries pass through the eye of the needle to riches and recognition.
- A. A. Gill
Collection: Sports
Image of Karel Capek
The English gentleman is a combination of silence, courtesy, dignity, sport, newspapers and honesty.
- Karel Capek
Collection: Sports
Image of Stephanie Mills
Given the diverse raiment life sports, one never knows what the guises of the gods may be.
- Stephanie Mills
Collection: Sports
Image of Henry Blodget
People don't have to go to cable news or network news. Live sports is the one of many things that's kind of community television. There are a lot of people who still tune in to "Sunday Night Football" or "Thursday Night Football" the way they did before.
- Henry Blodget
Collection: Sports
Image of Hippocrates
Men ought to know that from nothing else but the brain come joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency, and lamentations. And by this, in an especial manner, we acquire wisdom and knowledge, and see and hear and know what are foul and what are fair, what are bad and what are good, what are sweet and what are unsavory…. And by the same organ we become mad and delirious, and fears and terrors assail us….All these things we endure from the brain when it is not healthy….In these ways I am of the opinion that the brain exercises the greatest power in the man.
- Hippocrates
Collection: Sports
Image of Noam Chomsky
I've often been struck by the extensive knowledge that people have of sports, and particularly, their self-confidence in discussing it with experts. . . . In contrast, when discussing matters of concern to human lives - their own and others - people tend to defer to experts.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Allen
The people that hunt are the guys that really vehemently protect the environment. You find that people that live on ranches tend to want to keep it that way, and I've always loved that about the hunters that I've known. They eat what they kill, and they carry it out. They don't shoot for sport.
- Tim Allen
Collection: Sports
Image of Dick Vitale
Gowdy had a love affair with the microphone and the fans had a love affair with him. American sports fans truly lost an icon, a legend who never felt he was bigger than anyone else. He had that humility that made him special, and he made everyone feel like they were so important.
- Dick Vitale
Collection: Sports
Image of Muhammad Ali
We have one life / It soon will be past / What we do for God / Is all that will last.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Narendra Modi
If sports do not hold significance in our life, we cannot nurture sportsman spirit as a "Sanskar" in our society and without such "Sanskars", the society cannot flourish!
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill Bryson
It is not true that the English invented cricket as a way of making all other human endeavors look interesting and lively; that was merely an unintended side effect... It is the only sport that incorporates meal breaks. It is the only sport that shares its name with an insect. It is the only sport in which spectators burn as many calories as players - more if they are moderately restless.
- Bill Bryson
Collection: Sports
Image of Denis Waitley
The greatest communication skill is paying value to others.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Sports
Image of Bear Bryant
I can reach a kid who doesn't have any ability as long as he doesn't know it.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Jessica Chastain
One comment by a female lobbyist really shocked me. She said, "Washington is a contact sport." I asked, "What do you mean by that?" And she just said, "Well, it's all men - and they're very contact-y. They touch a lot." Women say that's just part of the game.
- Jessica Chastain
Collection: Sports
Image of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
Westward, beyond the still pleasant, but, even then, no longer solitary, hamlet of Charing, a broad space, broken here and there by scattered houses and venerable pollards, in the early spring of 1467, presented the rural scene for the sports and pastimes of the inhabitants of Westminister and London.
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton
Collection: Sports
Image of Muhammad Ali
I only read the Holy Koran, the Bible and the sports pages
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Sports
Image of Biz Stone
The determination that led me to create a new sports team taught me an important lesson: opportunity is manufactured.
- Biz Stone
Collection: Sports
Image of Agatha Christie
Surfing is like that. You are either vigorously cursing or else you are idiotically pleased with yourself.
- Agatha Christie
Collection: Sports
Image of Kobe Bryant
I write all day and outline stories, a sports mythological universe.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Sports
Image of Deepak Chopra
If you're studying for an exam you're not thinking about the results. If you're always worried about the results, you can't study a lot. So to be engaged and detached from the outcome is excellent. Excellence is behavior. I mean, isn't that what martial arts is about? And that's what meditation is about, that's what, in many ways, sports are about.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Sports
Image of George Carlin
Bowling is not a sport because you have to rent the shoes. When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? This title offends all three major religions, and even vegetarians!
- George Carlin
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There is no such thing as 'staying in shape;' you either work to get better, or you allow yourself to get worse.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
There is nothing less important in life than the score after one game of a two out of three game match.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Less effort in this game makes more results.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
In volleyball there are many reasons for errors but not a single excuse.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Teachers all over the nation are doing the job they are asked to do, but one they are not really prepared to do. To teach volleyball as a physical activity that is also a positive experience. If you care about volleyball, help these teachers have fun and learn more of this great game. Teach the teachers.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Never underestimate your players; they can do it with enough game-like practice. Coaches must put more emphasis in practice and in life on making student-athletes aware of what they could or can do, rather than what they couldn't or presently can't do. The focus must be on solutions, not problems; what is wanted, not what is feared.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
I am here to give my players the little push they need, just like they needed long ago, when first learning the art of the swing. All you needed then was a little push, and quickly you were pumping away, flying higher and higher, without any more help from the 'coach.'
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Shared victory is a double victory, shared defeat is half-defeat.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Don't ask yourself what you did wrong; ask yourself what you did right.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Alter strategies and tactics, but never your principles.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Trying simply provides an excuse for not doing.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The kind of player who has turned his game around, he used to be lousy and lazy and now he is lazy and lousy.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Coaches and players at the start must think their way through problems where a more experienced person would react out of habit and memory. One must not gain this experience, however, without being careful of empty redundancy. Do not fall into the error of the artist who boasts of 20 years of experience at his craft while, in fact, all he has had is one year - 20 times.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
No jockey ever won a race by carrying the horse across the finish line; no coach ever won a volleyball match by touching the ball during play.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Profit by your own mistakes and profit by the mistakes of others. The referees were calling ball handling violations like they were getting commissions.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Too many coaches have too big a mouth and not big enough ears.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
An advantage to volleyball is that you have a scoreboard to tell how you have done as a team. The thing is, in life there is no scoreboard, at least not one that you can see.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
The meaning of volleyball, is to give meaning to volleyball, as the meaning of coaching is to give meaning to coaching.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
Perform the best you can for when you find that you perform your best, there is still so much more in volleyball to do better, harder, faster, and smarter. It is just like when you go for a long journey. You go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
If you are serious about volleyball, the only months to stop playing are those without a vowel.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of John Kessel
You can be harsh on your players and still coach, but it is easier when you are kind to them.
- John Kessel
Collection: Sports
Image of Cam Newton
The way I represent my individuality is by mixing classic pieces - like sports jackets - with little, unexpected additions.
- Cam Newton
Collection: Sports
Image of Cam Newton
This is what makes sports so amazing, that we can start a discussion around a table, in the newspaper, in the magazines, that will get people's attention. And that's what sports does.
- Cam Newton
Collection: Sports
Image of Shana Alexander
The rich plankton of pop heroes and pop villains on which we Americans are accustomed to feed, the daily media soup of sports figures, ax murderers, politicians, and rock singers, the ever-running river of celebs, heavies, and oddballs that we use to spice up our own relatively humdrum lives has of late become a very watery gruel. Where have all the good guys and bad guys gone? Why does everyone out there look so gray?
- Shana Alexander
Collection: Sports
Image of Brian Tracy
Decide upon your major definite purpose in life and then organize all your activities around it.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Sports