Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 70

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 70 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Mao Zedong
Learn to swim. It is a sport all the peasants can play.
- Mao Zedong
Collection: Sports
Image of Henry Miller
Civilization is drugs, alcohol, engines of war, prostitution, machines and machine slaves, low wages, bad food, bad taste, prisons, reformatories, lunatic asylums, divorce, perversion, brutal sports, suicides, infanticide, cinema, quackery, demagogy, strikes, lockouts, revolutions, putsches, colonization, electric chairs, guillotines, sabotage, floods, famine, disease, gangsters, money barons, horse racing, fashion shows, poodle dogs, chow dogs, Siamese cats, condoms, peccaries, syphilis, gonorrhea, insanity, neuroses, etc., etc.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Sports
Image of John Wooden
Dictators lead through fear; good coaches do not.
- John Wooden
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill Bradley
A good coach must celebrate in private. He cannot gloat to the press after a victory or criticize heavily after defeat... His game is of such motivation and strategy that only a few people understand his craft.
- Bill Bradley
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill Bradley
People tell me, "I'm glad you said that." But this is not a spectator sport. This is an activity that requires daily moral awakening as well as a commitment that leads to real change.
- Bill Bradley
Collection: Sports
Image of Jello Biafra
I got out of that immediately was that now, all of a sudden, rock music had become a spectator sport, that corporate labels and their bands were the new establishment, and punk was there to fight them the way the activist hippies must have fought what the establishment must have been ten years before. And it was interesting to see the reactions in different parts of the country.
- Jello Biafra
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Williams
Golf is one of the few sports where a white man can dress like a black pimp and not look bad.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Sports
Image of David Foster Wallace
One answer to why public interest in men's tennis has been on the wane in recent years is an essential and unpretty thugishness about the power-baseline style that's become dominant on the tour. Watch Agassi closely sometime...he's amazingly absent of finesse, with movements that look more like a heavy-metal musician's than an athlete's...what a top PBer really resembles is film of the old Soviet Union putting down a rebellion. It's awesome, but brutally so, with a grinding, faceless quality about its power that renders that power curiously dull and empty.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Sports
Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
Alas! we are the sport of destiny.
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Sports
Image of Katharine Whitehorn
I cannot for the life of me see why the umpires, the only two people on a cricket field who are not going to get grass stains on their knees, are the only two people allowed to wear dark trousers.
- Katharine Whitehorn
Collection: Sports
Image of Vladimir Putin
I always had a problem when someone was trying to place sport in social and political context. Sport is a separate and unique kind of human activity, which functions under its own rules and principles. It has nothing to do with the political agenda, and neither it should. When politics interferes with sport, unjust things happen.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Sports
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
For youth, everything is sport.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Sports
Image of Carly Simon
I grew up not understanding what was true and what was not true. It gave me a sense of unreality. I was told that this man [mom's lover] was not my mother's lover - when he was. I was told he was there as a male babysitter for my brother so that he would learn sports and other manly things.
- Carly Simon
Collection: Sports
Image of Ouida
Sport inevitably creates deadness of feeling. No one could take pleasure in it who was sensitive to suffering; and therefore its pursuit by women is much more to be regretted than its pursuit by men, because women pursue much more violently and recklessly what they pursue at all.
- Ouida
Collection: Sports
Image of Pete Sampras
There is no doubt about how hard it is to stay on top in any sport, but to do it in an individual sport for the majority of your career, it is not easy.
- Pete Sampras
Collection: Sports
Image of Pete Sampras
When I tied the record five years in a row, even over in Europe, it wasn't really talked about. It is disap-pointing because it is one of the toughest things to do in sports.
- Pete Sampras
Collection: Sports
Image of Kristin Armstrong
To be honest, if I had to pick somebody to be related to in sport, who's better than Lance Armstrong with what he's done for the sport and with his cancer foundation?
- Kristin Armstrong
Collection: Sports
Image of Kristin Armstrong
I think USA Cycling really needs to ride this wave and start looking at growing the sport. It's a tough one because cycling is such an endurance sport.
- Kristin Armstrong
Collection: Sports
Image of Steve Nash
You make your own luck in life, so I'm not criticizing anyone - and I'm not even talking about myself for that - but I mean, every year, look at the team that wins. You can't control everything in a team sport. So I'm not going to cry about it, but yeah, there are moments where I'm like, "F - k." But I say it almost in an appreciative way, in a way where I realize it's great not everyone can do it. I wasn't fortunate enough to do it, but that's what makes winning a title so special.
- Steve Nash
Collection: Sports
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
There are bodybuilders who are afraid of indulging in sex or even of playing other sports for fear of harming their bodies. I think that's silly. What's the use of building your body if you don't use it?
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Sports
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
The Irish landowner, partly from laziness but also from an indifferent delicacy, does not interfere in the lives of the people round. Sport and death are the two great socializing factors in Ireland, but these cannot operate the whole time: on the whole, the landowner leaves his tenants and work-people to make their own mistakes, while he makes his.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Sports
Image of Percy Bysshe Shelley
There is no sport in hate where all the rage Is on one side.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Collection: Sports
Image of Frank Zappa
lf you’re going to deal with reality, you’re going to have to make one big discovery: Reality is something that belongs to you as an individual. If you wanna grow up, which most people don’t, the thing to do is take responsibility for your own reality and deal with it on your own terms. Don’t expect that because you pay some money to somebody else or take a pledge or join a club or run down the street or wear a special bunch of clothes or play a certain sport or even drink Perrier water, it’s going to take care of everything for you.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Sports
Image of Barack Obama
I've called Chicago home for nearly 25 years. It's a city of broad shoulders and big hearts and bold dreams; a city of legendary sports figures, legendary sports venues, and legendary sports fans.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Sports
Image of Condoleezza Rice
I love sports. I play golf now, which is relatively new for me. I only took it up about five years ago. I also like playing piano, and I love being with my family and friends.
- Condoleezza Rice
Collection: Sports
Image of Diana Nyad
Swimming is probably the ultimate of burnout sports.
- Diana Nyad
Collection: Sports
Image of Tiger Woods
Did you guys take enough freakin' pictures already?
- Tiger Woods
Collection: Sports
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
True eloquence consists in saying all that should be said, and that only.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Sports
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Have a good physical outlet of some sport or exercise. Overcome evil with good. You can overcome many evil inclinations through good physical exertion and healthful activities. A healthy in better condition to overthrow the devil.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Sports
Image of Emily Post
To be a good sportsman, one must be a stoic and never show rancor in defeat, or triumph in victory, or irritation, no matter what annoyance is encountered. One who can not help sulking, or explaining, or protesting when the loser, or exulting when the winner, has no right to take part in games or contests.
- Emily Post
Collection: Sports
Image of Ice T
A lot of times people would offer me movies and, because I'm a car freak, I'd look in a magazine and say, 'How much is this car? If you give me this car I'll show up and do the movie' I call 'em 'sports car flicks'.
- Ice T
Collection: Sports
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We who preach the gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big business, the press, the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Sports
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
I was always dreaming about very powerful people. Dictators and things like that. I was always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years. Even like Jesus, being remembered for thousands of years.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Sports
Image of Arnold Palmer
If Tiger Woods slamming his club into the ground is the biggest worry wehave, our sport isinprettygood shape.
- Arnold Palmer
Collection: Sports
Image of Friedrich Schiller
Man, living, feeling man, is the easy sport of the over-mastering present.
- Friedrich Schiller
Collection: Sports
Image of Thomas Sowell
If politics were like sports, we could ask Israel to trade us Benjamin Netanyahu for Barack Obama. Of course, we would have to throw in trillions of dollars to get Israel to agree to the deal, but it would be money well spent.
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Winton
In Australia surfing was for the oiks. It was always rebellious. And sadly it was for a long time a bit unreflective and macho and anti-intellectual. Unlike other sports it was essentially a youth cult, like rock and roll. But like rock and roll its people grew up.
- Tim Winton
Collection: Sports
Image of Zig Ziglar
Individuals score points, but teams win games.
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Sports
Image of Steve Almond
I do think, as crazy as it sounds, that sports is an addiction and that it should be accorded some of the same supports as any other addiction.
- Steve Almond
Collection: Sports
Image of Omar N. Bradley
Every member of our baseball team at West Point became a general: this proves the value of team sports.
- Omar N. Bradley
Collection: Sports
Image of Rick Riordan
Writing is like a sport. If you don't practice, you don't get any better.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Sports
Image of David Beckham
[Meeting Mandela] was the highlight of my career; to meet such a great man and a strong man and such a passionate man about sport and life will always stay with me.
- David Beckham
Collection: Sports
Image of Carl Linnaeus
All the species recognized by Botanists came forth from the Almighty Creator's hand, and the number of these is now and always will be exactly the same, while every day new and different florists' species arise from the true species so-called by Botanists, and when they have arisen they finally revert to the original forms. Accordingly to the former have been assigned by Nature fixed limits, beyond which they cannot go: while the latter display without end the infinite sport of Nature.
- Carl Linnaeus
Collection: Sports
Image of Thomas McGuane
The essence of sport is courage.
- Thomas McGuane
Collection: Sports
Image of Ai Weiwei
There are no outdoor sports as graceful as throwing stones at a dictatorship.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Sports
Image of James Patterson
They aren't the brightest crayons in the box -Max(saving the world and other extreme sports)
- James Patterson
Collection: Sports
Image of Joan Rivers
Whatever you do to recover from a loss, people will be critical because they believe that the only way to recover is their way. And you will even run into some people who should be run into by rhinos because they actually don't want to see you get over your tragedy at all; grief is a spectator sport for them.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sports