Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 35

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 35 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Marge Piercy
If sex is a war, I am a conscientious objector: I will not play.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Sex
Image of Selma Blair
I've had sex, so I'm not wearing white.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
The more mind is filled with chattering, more sex has appeal.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
Only in sex the noise sometimes stops. I say "sometimes". If you have become habitual in sex also, as husbands and wives become, then it never stops. The whole act becomes automatic and the mind goes on its own. Then sex also is a boredom.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
If you fight sex, sex becomes the center. Then, continuously, you are engaged in it, occupied with it. It becomes like a wound. And wherever you look, that wound immediately projects, and whatsoever you see becomes sexual.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
When you are feeling very passionate, lust, sex takes over. Just try to be tranquil in the breathing, and you feel sex has disappeared.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
If you can come to this nowness without sex, sex, by and by will become useless, it will disappear. It will not be a desire then. If you want to move in it you can move into it as a fun, but not as a desire. Then there is no obsession in it because you are not dependent on it.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Andrew Sullivan
I think sex is completely absurdly demonized in our culture. But in the end, however much sex you want to have, with however many people in how many ways, to be loved and to love is what human beings really want.
- Andrew Sullivan
Collection: Sex
Image of Christina Aguilera
People take sex far too seriously.
- Christina Aguilera
Collection: Sex
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
The artist's experience lies so unbelievably close to the sexual, to its pain and its pleasure, that the two phenomena are really just different forms of one and the same longing and bliss.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Sex
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Get married before the sex gets boring or you'll never get married.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
Sex pretty much cures everything.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Sarah Silverman
In your twenties, I think you should have all of the sex that you're inclined to have, as long as you're safe about it. Use condoms and everything. Go with your instincts. This is the time to have a lot of sex and do drugs. But make sure you live through it.
- Sarah Silverman
Collection: Sex
Image of Maria Shriver
What we heard loud and clear is that the Battle Between the Sexes is over. It was a draw. Now we're engaged in Negotiation Between the Sexes.
- Maria Shriver
Collection: Sex
Image of Zach Braff
I'm a big proponent of 'Don't Ask, Don't tell,' in fact, I enforce it strictly on all of my dates. First, I don't ask them for sex, and then I warn them not to tell anyone after I'm through.
- Zach Braff
Collection: Sex
Image of Leo Tolstoy
Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Sex
Image of Jacqueline Carey
A nervous silence loosens tongues
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Sex
Image of Jacqueline Carey
And for a price, I will pretend absolutely nothing.
- Jacqueline Carey
Collection: Sex
Image of Mae West
Reason was nowhere, time was an immovable object nailed high on the wall, except where the world kept shop.
- Mae West
Collection: Sex
Image of Mae West
One more drink and I'll be under the host.
- Mae West
Collection: Sex
Image of Mae West
all pleasures should be taken in great leisure and are worth going into in detail; love is not like eating a quick lunch with one's hat on.
- Mae West
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
Whether you have an abortion, what you put in your own body, with whom you have sex - these are not affairs of the state. A government does not exist to control the citizens. When it does, it is a tyranny, and must be fought. The tree of liberty, Jefferson warned us, must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of Joseph Addison
Virgil has very finely touched upon the female passion for dress and shows, in the character of Camilla; who though she seems to have shaken off all the other weaknesses of her sex, is still described as a woman in this particular.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Sex
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
If you don't know what sex is before you're 21 you're going to have a problem and should go to your psychiatrist.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Sex
Image of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
... women feel the humiliation of their petty distinctions of sex precisely as the black man feels those of color. It is no palliation of our wrongs to say that we are not socially ostracized, so long as we are politically ostracized as he is not.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Collection: Sex
Image of Harold S. Kushner
The idea is to find some bit of holiness in everything-food, sex, earning and spending money, having children, conversations with friends. Everything can be seen as a miracle, as part of God's plan. When we can truly see this, we nourish our souls.
- Harold S. Kushner
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Moore
Sexually progressive cultures gave us literature, philosophy, civilization and the rest, while sexually restrictive cultures gave us the Dark Ages and the Holocaust.
- Alan Moore
Collection: Sex
Image of Jeanette Winterson
Somewhere between fear and sex passion is.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
What happens with your sex energy depends on how you use it. What it can become does not depend on it alone, but on your understanding and on how you live your life. Have you not observed that it becomes brahmacharya, the state of celibacy when it is transformed? bramhacharya is not hostile to passion; brahmacharya is the purification, the transcendence, the sublimation of passion. In the same way, the energy that manifests itself in violence becomes peace, serenity and tranquility. It is only a question of transformation.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
Be a witness of sex too. Don't be the controller of it. Don't try to forcibly bring it under control, remain a witness of it too. Just as you are a witness of everything else, remain a witness of sex too.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
To my understanding, sex is your only energy, it is life energy. What you do with it depends on you. It can become sin, and it can become also your highest peak of consciousness. It all depends on you how you use the energy.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
Love can become devotion. Love is the first step; only then can devotion flower. But for us even love is a faraway reality, sex is the only real thing. Love has two possibilities: either it falls into sex and becomes a bodily thing, or it rises into devotion and becomes a thing of the spirit. Love is just in between. Just below it is the abyss of sex, and beyond it is the open sky - the infinite sky of devotion.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
When sex becomes conscious it is love, it is no longer lust. Love brings freedom, and lust simply creates prisons for you.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
If you want to change from sex towards love, try to understand your sexuality. Watch it, watch the mechanicalness of it. See the futility, see the whole absurdity of it - it is not leading you anywhere. Become a little more refined, become a little more subtle. Look not for the body, but somebody's being. Watch, explore. Sooner or later you will find somebody who fits with you.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
Ordinarily we think sex makes people loving - sex can never make people loving. In fact, it is sexuality that prevents love from growing - because it is the same energy that has to become love. It is being destroyed in sex. To become love, the same energy has to move to the heart centre.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Marcus Buckingham
You shouldn't take pride in your natural talents any more than you should take pride in your sex, your race or color of your hair
- Marcus Buckingham
Collection: Sex
Image of Anthony Trollope
When once a woman is married she should be regarded as having thrown off her allegiance to her own sex. She is sure to be treacherous at any rate in one direction.
- Anthony Trollope
Collection: Sex
Image of Mark Victor Hansen
I can't fill the hole with money. I can't fill it with alcohol, or drugs, or sex, so what do I need to fill it with?
- Mark Victor Hansen
Collection: Sex
Image of Cass Sunstein
There are bursts of things like Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan or Franklin Delano Roosevelt or same-sex marriage that change very much what we thought we were all about.
- Cass Sunstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Rivers
I have no sex appeal. If my husband didn't toss and turn, we'd never have had any kids.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Rivers
My sex life is so bad, my G-spot has been declared a historical landmark.
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Sex
Image of Rebecca West
When those of our army whose voices are likely to coo tell us that the day of sex antagonism is over and that henceforth we only have to advance hand in hand with the male, I do not believe it.
- Rebecca West
Collection: Sex
Image of Rebecca West
There is one common condition for the lot of women in Western civilization and all other civilizations that we know about for certain, and that is, woman as a sex is disliked and persecuted, while as an individual she is liked, loved, and even, with reasonable luck, sometimes worshipped.
- Rebecca West
Collection: Sex
Image of Michelle Obama
Discriminating against same-sex couples just isn't right.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Sex
Image of Nicki Minaj
Sex game kinky, niggas call me Pinky
- Nicki Minaj
Collection: Sex
Image of Paul Simon
A lot of talent is a gift, but a lot is also luck. I'm very aware of that. I was born in the right place at the right time. I am also blessed because I've never been a sex symbol. I'm spared the embarrassment of acting young.
- Paul Simon
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
I'm devoted to promiscuity, and always have been. I believe the more you do, the better it is for you. I'm a great health nut, and sex is, I think, absolutely marvelous for the whole system; tones you up.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
Sex was a great no-no for Americans, so that was obviously an attraction to the writers, and since sex is a great part of most people's lives, it's a great subject.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex