Selma Blair

Image of Selma Blair
A wedding is such a girl thing.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Wedding
Image of Selma Blair
I played teen roles until high definition came out, and I could never understand it. I would go in for adult roles and be older than many of the people auditioning, but they'd cast the girl without a line on her face.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Teen
Image of Selma Blair
Bathroom humor, fart, and poo poo humor in movies gets a laugh. It's a pretty easy audience, and that's been around for ages.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Humor
Image of Selma Blair
I was a smoker for about 20 years.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I went through a period of pulling away from everything - acting, people - not sure if I would ever have a voice in this business.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I'm pretty much a loner and I've lived under the radar.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I have no ego, I'll make fun of myself, and I'll make fun of being humiliated. I get it.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
My sister, I have a sister who's 12 years older, she was always the party girl, the outrageous one.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think I'm more approachable with long hair. When it's short, I come across as being artsy and weird.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
God knows, I never want to hurt someone's feelings.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
My first crush was Spock. I thought it didn't get any better than Spock.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I will do almost anything for the sake of a joke or for the sake of someone's real belief in something to help tell a story. I will not do something shocking for the sake of being nasty. If it's not hurting anyone's feelings, I'm in on the joke.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I have three sisters, that's it for the family.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
If I get married, it's something you really have to work at. It's hard enough to work at having a relationship with best friends and girls that are in the business.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
It was like I had a baby and I suddenly started to feel I could play anything.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I don't have the pressure of being a world-famous bombshell that has detonated.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
Perhaps I have managed some sort of longevity because I haven't won the lead roles. I don't have the pressure of being a world-famous bombshell that has detonated.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
Jason Lee made me laugh all the time because he's so big, and I love how goofy bodies can be.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I love to laugh and well, who doesn't?
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I never want to be a showoff or attention getter or something that, truthfully, is kind of repulsive to me, but I get uncomfortable.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I don't always know how to communicate. I think I get a bit unfiltered and a bit strange to people.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think I'm under the radar enough where I don't think I'm typecast as anything yet, so I'm pretty free and clear.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I do turn down things that I feel aren't right for me, like when it's some kind of adolescent thing that might typecast me, but I'm not worried about it.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
It's fun to go to the movies and be scared.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
It's fun to play mom. Last I knew I was playing a 17-year-old who graduated.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I have no fears when it comes to my hair or clothes.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
In high school I would mess with my hair and makeup all the time.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I used to wear a lot of red lipstick, and when I got a pimple, I'd cover it up with eyeliner to turn it into a beauty mark.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
Part of me would love to have been a leading lady because there's a lot of glamour that goes with that and a lot of applause, but I've been very blessed.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I'm a working actress able to make choices based on characters rather than what I 'should' do for my career.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think it's been confusing for people because I haven't had a linear career.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I have very little faith that I'll ever find someone. I've had some bad luck and I've made some bad choices - not in men, but in how I've chosen to deal with relationships.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I go from being hugely hopeful and entertaining to... really not. I'm not manic depressive, but I can really go to the darker side.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think we all feel like misfits when we open our mouth sometimes, you know?
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
My mother dressed me always very conservatively.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I don't like slugs and tentacles and calamari or anything. Actually, tentacles made me turn into a vegetarian in high school. I'm not anymore, but in high school, we were dissecting squid.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think getting married gave me a focus. It gave me a focus and direction I want to have in my life. And I think having another person that you make such a purposeful bond with has given me the opportunity to see how that can be with all the other aspects of my life.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I'm one of those hovering mothers and I know it's really important to have an independent child, so I'm trying to back off, but it's hard. I love him so much, and he's so funny and cute to me.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I think Vegas is the answer for pregnant people because of insomnia. It's open all the time and you go down and play your silly slots.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I can't afford security. I can't afford a gated house. So, I feel a little vulnerable. I wish some laws would come into play.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
The problem with paparazzi is that it makes you question your boundaries, like, how do I say, 'That's enough guys?'
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I'm open to anything. I would love to play someone completely off the wall.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I'm flatchested, I'm short, I'm brunette, I have droopy eyes, and so people have a hard time casting me as a 'beauty.'
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
I put my foot in my mouth every time I'm interviewed.
- Selma Blair
Image of Selma Blair
The only time he cries is if he’s hungry. We all have nipples. I don’t care who I offend; my baby wants to eat. If I can’t get a cover over me quick enough, so be it.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Baby
Image of Selma Blair
The whole point to life-that you have to experience yourself, but then when you do you realize that you've learned so much from the bad things that sometimes they're better than the good things.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Sometimes
Image of Selma Blair
I just think it's strange when people say, "There is no God." Because I feel so connected to people and things that I just can't deny that there's a God who wants us to tell good stories and be the best we can be and forgive and be forgiven, even if we're not the best we can be. I really believe innately that we do the best we can.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Believe
Image of Selma Blair
I remember my first meeting with Guillermo Del Toro - he couldn't have been warmer, but I always had a kind of immaturity about me dealing with people that were in charge. Not really knowing how to conduct myself. And I got on the floor and curled up into a ball under a desk, which is so weird - as I was doing it, I was like, "Oh, my god, you're a freak. Get up. What are you doing?" And I looked at him like, "I'm so sorry," and he's like, "No, it's natural. Why wouldn't you want to do that?" He's just the most giving person and made me feel not like a freak.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Sorry
Image of Selma Blair
Legally Blonde was a game-changer. That's an American classic. I was so proud to be Vivian Kensington. I still have an argyle barrette. Sophie Carbonell did such an amazing job with the wardrobe - it's just iconic. Yeah, that'll forever be - girls still like it. It's not dated to them. Little girls now still watch it.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Girl
Image of Selma Blair
I remember the audition process for Xena: Warrior Princess; I was driving there and I was listening to The Cranberries' "Dreams," so I was thinking of that audition again recently with the sudden passing of Dolores O'Riordan, Cranberries singer. And I remember that song, I was like, "Okay, I can do anything" as I was driving onto the lot at Universal.
- Selma Blair
Collection: Dream