Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Philip French
In the late 1930s, both the British and American movie industries made a succession of films celebrating the decency of the British Empire in order to challenge the threatening tide of Nazism and fascism and also to provide employment for actors from Los Angeles's British colony. The best two were Hollywood's Gunga Din and Britain's The Four Feathers...
- Philip French
Collection: Order
Image of Torbjorn Tannsjo
It is hard to tell if capital punishment has such an effect. And even if, in some contexts it has (such as in the American South with a very high incidence of murder), this effect may very well go away if a decent welfare state was replaced for the existing social order.
- Torbjorn Tannsjo
Collection: Order
Image of Dan Mangan
I am trying to keep my voice in order. Basically not talking much in the van throughout the day to preserve it, which I'm sure is welcomed by the band.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Order
Image of Shelagh Delaney
There aren't enough secrets to go round anymore. Some spies are having to invent secrets in order to earn a living.
- Shelagh Delaney
Collection: Order
Image of Jacques Attali
What is noise to the old order is harmony to the new.
- Jacques Attali
Collection: Order
Image of Alexis Tsipras
Cooperation and solidarity are necessary requirements in order to bring about the solutions that will once again bring stability to the European integration and bring it back to the track of growth.
- Alexis Tsipras
Collection: Order
Image of Alexis Tsipras
I will continue to decisively promote reforms that will promote growth, and at the same time, I will continue to negotiate hard in order to avoid any reforms that would undermine growth.
- Alexis Tsipras
Collection: Order
Image of Graham Taylor
In order to stay connected with my fans I do my best to sign autographs before and after every game as well sign all cards that are sent to me via throughout the year.
- Graham Taylor
Collection: Order
Image of Lee L Jampolsky
Resistance is a result of our mind being attached to having things a certain way rather than the way they actually are. It is a mental habit of the ego that we need to become aware of in order to see the consequences. Only then can we see into our thought system and realize that nothing could be more of a waste of time than to resist and complain about what already is.
- Lee L Jampolsky
Collection: Order
Image of John Coltrane
Working with Monk brought me close to a musical architect of the highest order. I felt I learned from him in every way--through the senses, theoretically, technically. I would talk to Monk about musical problems, and he would sit at the piano and show me the answers just by playing them. I could watch him play and find out the things I wanted to know. Also, I could see a lot of things that I didn't know about at all.
- John Coltrane
Collection: Order
Image of David Pryce-Jones
Democracy sometimes appears paralyzed by those who take advantage of its freedoms in order to abuse them for undemocratic ends.
- David Pryce-Jones
Collection: Order
Image of Ruth Simmons
Bureaucratic systems are not set up to be what we refer to as human service organizations. They were established to collect revenue and maintain law and order and they used a law and order approach in providing family planning services.
- Ruth Simmons
Collection: Order
Image of Lisa Delpit
In order to teach you, I must know you.
- Lisa Delpit
Collection: Order
Image of Grady Booch
Hierarchy is a kind of order of abstractions.
- Grady Booch
Collection: Order
Image of Tom Kelley
Fail early, fail often, in order to succeed sooner.
- Tom Kelley
Collection: Order
Image of Robin Cook
She thought about how marvelous is would be to have a wife keeping the house in order, the meals on the table. At the same time it seemed ridiculously unfair that she could never have a wife. In fact, if she married, she would be expected to be the wife.
- Robin Cook
Collection: Order
Image of Bhagat Singh
The people generally get accustomed to the established order of things and begin to tremble at the very idea of a change. It is this lethargical spirit that needs be replaced by the revolutionary spirit.
- Bhagat Singh
Collection: Order
Image of Jerzy Grotowski
I wasnt political in order to be political
- Jerzy Grotowski
Collection: Order
Image of Kate Spade
I love order and organization.
- Kate Spade
Collection: Order
Image of Evanna Lynch
It’s true that the mind is where all ideas are born, but the body is the tool that translates and expresses those ideas to the wider world. It is nothing but a vehicle for our greater creative purpose but if we don’t give it fuel and keep it in good working order it instead becomes another obstacle to transcend, a physical one, as well as the many million fictitious mental ones that society presents.
- Evanna Lynch
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas A. Stewart
Intelligence becomes an asset when some useful order is created out of free-floating brainpower.
- Thomas A. Stewart
Collection: Order
Image of Anne Applebaum
We may be reaching the end of the liberal world order.
- Anne Applebaum
Collection: Order
Image of Charlemagne
Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right.
- Charlemagne
Collection: Order
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Flow is the process of achieving happiness through control over one's inner life. The optimal state of inner experience is order in consciousness. This happens when we focus our attention (psychic energy) on realistic goals and when our skills match the challenges we face.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Order
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Unless a person knows how to give order to her thoughts, attention will be attracted to whatever is most problematic at the moment.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Order
Image of Santino Marella
Since we ate taking orders, get me some sunchips!
- Santino Marella
Collection: Order
Image of Arnold Kling
Your generosity is reflected in what you do with your own money, not in what you do with other people's money. If I give a lot of money to charity, then I am generous. If you give a smaller fraction of your money to charity, then you are less generous. But if you want to tax me in order to give my money to charity, that does not make you generous.
- Arnold Kling
Collection: Order
Image of Peter Dale Scott
Disinformation, in order to be effective, must be 90% accurate.
- Peter Dale Scott
Collection: Order
Image of Larry David
Sometimes you have to wander a bit, and do what you don't want to in order to figure out what it is you're supposed to do.
- Larry David
Collection: Order
Image of Jay Conrad Levinson
In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the consumer. It must build trust and rapport. It must understand the customer's needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits.
- Jay Conrad Levinson
Collection: Order
Image of Wilhelm Keitel
A field marshal who issued orders to the armed forces but had no idea of the results they would have in practice.
- Wilhelm Keitel
Collection: Order
Image of Crystal Renn
Too many of us feel that we have to be perfect, in order to be loved.
- Crystal Renn
Collection: Order
Image of Laurie Penny
The problem is capitalism. The problem is that in order to sell seven billion people on the necessity of globalisation, we've created a moral universe where people who do not work to create profit are considered less than human, and used as surplus labour to drive down the cost of wages.
- Laurie Penny
Collection: Order
Image of Roger Caillois
The fantastic is always a break in the acknowledged order, an irruption of the inadmissible within the changeless everyday legality
- Roger Caillois
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Venturi
When circumstances defy order, order should bend or break: anomalies and uncertainties give validity to architecture.
- Robert Venturi
Collection: Order
Image of Erik Spiekermann
These days, information is a commodity being sold. And designers-including the newly defined subset of information designers and information architects-have a responsible role to play. We are interpreters, not merely translators, between sender and receiver. What we say and how we say it makes a difference. If we want to speak to people, we need to know their language. In order to design for understanding, we need to understand design.
- Erik Spiekermann
Collection: Order
Image of James Q. Wilson
Public order is a fragile thing, and if you don't fix the first broken window, soon all the windows will be broken.
- James Q. Wilson
Collection: Order
Image of Rick Joyner
What is about to come upon the earth is not just a revival, or another awakening, it is a veritable revolution. The vision was given in order to begin to awaken those who are destined to radically change the course, and even the very definition of Christianity.
- Rick Joyner
Collection: Order
Image of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Governments should be role models of leadership and improve the utilization of ICT in all the governmental departments in order to improve the efficiency of governmental services and motivate ICT industries.
- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Collection: Order
Image of Connie Nielsen
I'm definitely more attracted to chaos than to order.
- Connie Nielsen
Collection: Order
Image of Lambert of Maastricht
We cheat ourselves in order to enjoy a calm conscience without possessing virtue.
- Lambert of Maastricht
Collection: Order
Image of Donald O. Clifton
. . . our lives are shaped by our interactions with others. Whether we have a long conversation with a friend or simply place an order at a restaurant, every interaction makes a difference.
- Donald O. Clifton
Collection: Order
Image of Anthony Lawlor
For thousands of years, much of humankind has believed that only special places are infused with the sacred and that you must get away from the everyday in order to find it. Not so, everything is infused with the holy--from chairs to clothing to kitchen stoves.
- Anthony Lawlor
Collection: Order
Image of Mike Vance
Survivors are cooperators. In order to survive in anything we need others to cooperate with or partner with.
- Mike Vance
Collection: Order
Image of Ian Hamilton Finlay
The present order is the disorder of the future.
- Ian Hamilton Finlay
Collection: Order
Image of John Ankerberg
But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture.
- John Ankerberg
Collection: Order
Image of Hugh Hewitt
My analysis is that most faith based systems depend upon an absolute moral order. The declaration of things as absolutely evil or absolutely good, as sin or virtue, puts liberalism into a horrible position because it's founded on no judgment on anything. As a result, any faith that is seriously practiced or understood is a challenge to the politics that depend on constituencies that would rather not be told that their choices are bad and their lives are not virtuous.
- Hugh Hewitt
Collection: Order
Image of Simon Critchley
Peace is nothing more than the regulation of the psycho-political economy of awe and reverential fear, of using the threat of terror in order to bind citizens to the circuit of their subjection.
- Simon Critchley
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Lucas, Jr.
The potential gains from improved stabilization policies are on the order of hundredths of a percent of consumption, perhaps two orders of magnitude smaller than the potential benefits of available supply-side fiscal reforms.
- Robert Lucas, Jr.
Collection: Order