Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Order quotes.

Image of April Greiman
I'm a fan of balance and order, but I like to put that extra layer on top. It makes it more dynamic.
- April Greiman
Collection: Order
Image of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
It seems as though the goal of my work has always been to dissolve myself completely into the sensations of the surroundings in order to then integrate this into a coherent painterly form.
- Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Collection: Order
Image of Alan Bersin
We must recognize that this massive economic bloc that's emerging in North America cannot be accomplished unilaterally. It must be accomplished in partnership with Mexico and Canada. And we have to work together to secure the continent in order to keep dangerous people and dangerous things out and strengthen perimeter security on a continental basis.
- Alan Bersin
Collection: Order
Image of Peter Orner
I agonize over things like this - the order of things, section titles, all this architectural sort of stuff. Takes me years to figure out.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Order
Image of Stephen R. Donaldson
We need metaphors of magic and monsters in order to understand the human condition.
- Stephen R. Donaldson
Collection: Order
Image of Wallace Thurman
The Negro and all things negroid had become a fad, and Harlem had become a shrine to which feverish pilgrimages were in order . . . Seventh Avenue was the gorge into which Harlem cliff dwellers crowded to promenade.
- Wallace Thurman
Collection: Order
Image of Laurance Labadie
From the Anarchist standpoint, these artificial hindrances which are the cause of three main forms of usury-interest, profit, and rent, are, in the order of their importance, monopoly in the control of the circulating medium-money and credit, private property in land not based on occupancy and use, patent rights and copyrights, and tariffs.
- Laurance Labadie
Collection: Order
Image of Jorge Rafael Videla
My subordinates followed my orders.
- Jorge Rafael Videla
Collection: Order
Image of Walter A. Shewhart
Every sentence in order to have definite scientific meaning must be practically or at least theoretically verifiable as either true or false upon the basis of experimental measurements either practically or theoretically obtainable by carrying out a definite and previously specified operation in the future. The meaning of such a sentence is the method of its verification.
- Walter A. Shewhart
Collection: Order
Image of Janet Street-Porter
Esther Rantzen, like me, is an egomaniac of the highest order.
- Janet Street-Porter
Collection: Order
Image of Alexandre Dumas
As a general rule...people ask for advice only in order not to follow it; or if they do follow it, in order to have someone to blame for giving it.
- Alexandre Dumas
Collection: Order
Image of Mark Parker
Designers are by nature more inquisitive, more connected. They dig a little deeper in terms of insights. They turn those insights into innovation. That connection to the consumer is absolutely critical in driving innovation. It’s critical that design isn’t subjugated to the back room as a short order cook for marketing or for merchandising or sales. It has to be up front.
- Mark Parker
Collection: Order
Image of Raul Hilberg
As the Nazi regime developed over the years, the whole structure of decision-making was changed. At first there were laws. Then there were decrees implementing laws. Then a law was made saying, ‘There shall be no laws.’ Then there were orders and directives that were written down, but still published in ministerial gazettes. Then there was government by announcement; orders appeared in newspapers. Then there were the quiet orders, the orders that were not published, that were within the bureaucracy, that were oral. And finally, there were no orders at all. Everybody knew what he had to do.
- Raul Hilberg
Collection: Order
Image of Shulamith Firestone
But in psychoanalysis there are no unimportant thoughts; there are only thoughts that pretend to be unimportant in order to not be told.
- Shulamith Firestone
Collection: Order
Image of Peter Burke
Justice is restoring order, not furthering chaos.
- Peter Burke
Collection: Order
Image of Mike Matusow
You realize how many times lightning has to strike in order for you to be sitting here?
- Mike Matusow
Collection: Order
Image of Black Elk
It is not enough to have a vision. In order to have its power, you must enact your vision on earth for all to see. Only then do you have the power.
- Black Elk
Collection: Order
Image of Robert F. Williams
I have asserted the right of Negroes to meet the violence of the Ku Klux Klan by armed self-defense — and have acted on it. It has always been an accepted right of Americans, as the history of our Western states proves, that where the law is unable, or unwilling, to enforce order, the citizens can, and must act in self-defense against lawless violence.
- Robert F. Williams
Collection: Order
Image of Ian Bogost
Wouldn't we all rather have the possibility of finding pleasure and delight in literally anything we might encounter? Instead of assuming that actually there are only these three things where pleasure and delight are possible. Like oh, it's television and socialization and work, and then everything else is the smoke I have to somehow choke my way through in order to get to the good parts.
- Ian Bogost
Collection: Order
Image of Rami Malek
When you do something that people respond to, and then you start altering the blueprint for what worked, it's pretty fear-inducing. But sometimes, you have to do that, in order to push the boundaries.
- Rami Malek
Collection: Order
Image of Ralph Ellison
In order to travel far you have to be detached.
- Ralph Ellison
Collection: Order
Image of Aphex Twin
When you get new rules that work, you're changing the physiology of your brain. And then your brain has to reconfigure itself in order to deal with it.
- Aphex Twin
Collection: Order
Image of John Gruber
Here's how Apple does marketing in a nutshell: Make a great product, then let people know about it. That's it. Neither aspect of that is easy, but the important thing is it has to happen in that order. It all starts with a great product.
- John Gruber
Collection: Order
Image of Pierre Levy
Collective Intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.
- Pierre Levy
Collection: Order
Image of Tom McClintock
I know theres a great deal that Arnold Schwarzenegger could teach me about making movies. Theres a great deal I could teach him about the fiscal reforms that are needed - desperately needed - to set California back in good order.
- Tom McClintock
Collection: Order
Image of John C. Lilly
You don't have to suffer continual chaos in order to grow.
- John C. Lilly
Collection: Order
Image of Luis J. Rodriguez
In order to stay out of trouble I worked in industry. You can't even do that nowadays; there were all those factories.
- Luis J. Rodriguez
Collection: Order
Image of Edward S. Curtis
To the oft-asked question, What camera or lens do you use? I can only reply I couldn't tell to save my soul - it is enough for me to know that I have something that will make pictures and that it is in working order.
- Edward S. Curtis
Collection: Order
Image of Fritz Kreisler
My wife volunteered her services as Red Cross nurse, insisting upon being sent to the front, in order to be as near me as could be, but it developed later that no nurse was allowed to go farther than the large troop hospitals far in the rear of the actual operations
- Fritz Kreisler
Collection: Order
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
Sometimes you have to put your fears in order.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Order
Image of Peter Drucker
The relevant question is not simply what shall we do tomorrow, but rather what shall we do today in order to get ready for tomorrow.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Order
Image of Francis James Grimke
History is full of examples of people compromising their beliefs in order to keep themselves alive.
- Francis James Grimke
Collection: Order
Image of Malaclypse the Younger
To choose order over disorder, or disorder over order, is to accept a trip composed of both the creative and the destructive. But to choose the creative over the destructive is an all-creative trip composed of both order and disorder
- Malaclypse the Younger
Collection: Order
Image of Dikembe Mutombo
When an elevator brings u upstairs, you better send it back down in order to bring others up!
- Dikembe Mutombo
Collection: Order
Image of Michel Chossudovsky
Relentlessly feeding on poverty and economic dislocation, a New World Order was taking shape.
- Michel Chossudovsky
Collection: Order
Image of Leonard Shlain
Language was such a profoundly new evolutionary innovation that our brains had to be completely redesigned in order to handle it.
- Leonard Shlain
Collection: Order
Image of Jesse Robredo
It's not enough for an official to be good. There has to be a system that forces them to be good.
- Jesse Robredo
Collection: Order
Image of Kent Hovind
They [the New World Order] want to reduce the population [to 500 million] and their target date is May 5th of 2000. [.....] The demons who call themselves spirit guides have told them. "You know, you have to reduce the population by May 5th." Because May 5th is Karl Marx's birthday, you know, enter the Age of Aquarius. [.....] I suspect they may use Y2K as an excuse to create some little problems here, we shall have to wait and see.
- Kent Hovind
Collection: Order
Image of Kent Hovind
Is the NAFTA a stepping stone toward the New World Order? Absolutely!
- Kent Hovind
Collection: Order
Image of Saul Leiter
I leave these speculations to others. It’s quite possible that my work represents a search for beauty in the most prosaic and ordinary places. One doesn’t have to be in some faraway dreamland in order to find beauty.
- Saul Leiter
Collection: Order
Image of Tommy Douglas
Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege.
- Tommy Douglas
Collection: Order
Image of Samuel Longfellow
The word; the forth-speaking of a thought, an idea, a truth, is the beginning of every new creation, or pulse of creation. It is the inauguration of every new order of things; it begins every new messianic reign, every coming of a better time. The darkness never comprehends it; but always, to as many as receive it, it gives power.
- Samuel Longfellow
Collection: Order
Image of Joseph Kallinger
I was only following God's orders.
- Joseph Kallinger
Collection: Order
Image of Mike Hernacki
In order to accomplish something, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.
- Mike Hernacki
Collection: Order
Image of James Kelman
The beauty of prose fiction that I see is simply that in order to create something you need only pay attention to personal exigency.
- James Kelman
Collection: Order
Image of Raghuram Rajan
Let us remember that postponement of tapering is only that-a postponementLet's not lose the chance, the warning that we have been given, because this is going to come back and what we need to do is put our house in order before.
- Raghuram Rajan
Collection: Order
Image of Mordechai Vanunu
I have sacrificed my freedom and risked my life in order to expose the danger of nuclear weapons which threatens this whole region. I acted on behalf of all citizens and all of humanity.
- Mordechai Vanunu
Collection: Order
Image of Arno Allan Penzias
If there are a bunch of fruit trees, one can say that whoever created these fruit trees wanted some apples. In other words, by looking at the order in the world, we can infer purpose and from purpose we begin to get some knowledge of the Creator, the Planner of all this. This is, then, how I look at God. I look at God through the works of God's hands and from those works imply intentions. From these intentions, I receive an impression of the Almighty.
- Arno Allan Penzias
Collection: Order