Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Order quotes.

Image of William Rehnquist
In any civilized society the most important task is achieving a proper balance between freedom and order. In wartime, reason and history both suggest that this balance shifts in favor... of the government's ability to deal with conditions that threaten the national well-being.
- William Rehnquist
Collection: Order
Image of Naum Gabo
The image my work invokes is the image of good - not evil; the image of order - not chaos; the image of life - not death. And that is all the content of my constructions amounts to.
- Naum Gabo
Collection: Order
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Poetry must speak of others, in order to speak for the poet's imagination, in order to speak of itself; it is slowed down by poetics after its flight is over.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Order
Image of David Rees
Nobody could be a professional cartoonist, because you have to do something you don't like to do in order to be a responsible adult and pay the rent.
- David Rees
Collection: Order
Image of Theodore Dalrymple
Orders can be benign or malign, but the habit of obeying them can become ingrained.
- Theodore Dalrymple
Collection: Order
Image of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Architecture depends on Order, Arrangement, Eurythmy, Symmetry , Propriety , and Economy.
- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Collection: Order
Image of Guy Debord
Revolution is not 'showing' life to people, but making them live. A revolutionary organization must always remember that its objective is not getting its adherents to listen to convincing talks by expert leaders, but getting them to speak for themselves, in order to achieve, or at least strive toward, an equal degree of participation.
- Guy Debord
Collection: Order
Image of Edith Starr Miller
A mind that is positive cannot be controlled. For the purposes of occult dominion, minds must therefore be rendered passive and negative in order that control may be achieved. Minds consciously working to a definite end are a power, and power can oppose power for good or for evil. The scheme for world dominion might be doomed by the recognition of this principle alone, but, as it is unfortunately unrecognized, it remains unchallenged.
- Edith Starr Miller
Collection: Order
Image of Tim Cook
We are the most focused company that I know of or have read of or have any knowledge of. We say no to good ideas every day. We say no to great ideas in order to keep the amount of things we focus on very small in number so that we can put enormous energy behind the ones we do choose.....It's not just saying yes to the right products, it's saying no to many products that are good ideas, but just not nearly as good as the other ones.
- Tim Cook
Collection: Order
Image of Esther Perel
If you start to feel that you have given up too many parts of yourself to be with your partner, then one day you will end up looking for another person in order to reconnect with those lost parts.
- Esther Perel
Collection: Order
Image of Keigo Higashino
Sometimes, all you had to do was exist in order to be someone's saviour.
- Keigo Higashino
Collection: Order
Image of Anna Bligh
Take risks in order to innovate
- Anna Bligh
Collection: Order
Image of Joseph Sittler
On the first page of the Bible there is an instance of how literalism is but an invitation to transcend the image to which literalism points. That first page is not geology, biology or paleontology; it is high religion. For there we are told who we are in terms of our constititutive text. And if we could understand that, we would worrying about whether the antelopes or the cantaloupes came in a certain order.
- Joseph Sittler
Collection: Order
Image of Russell E. Train
I do not recall ever receiving a suggestion, let alone an order, from the White House as to how I should make a regulatory decision. How times have changed.
- Russell E. Train
Collection: Order
Image of Rusty Schweickart
We are now able to very slightly and subtly reshape the solar system in order to enhance human survival.
- Rusty Schweickart
Collection: Order
Image of Piper Kerman
Do you have to find the evil in yourself in order to truly recognize it in the world?
- Piper Kerman
Collection: Order
Image of Stefan Halper
Promises controversy on a scale not seen since Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations sought to reframe a new world order.
- Stefan Halper
Collection: Order
Image of Masuji Ibuse
I wonder why people work so hard to become politicians just in order to do something wrong.
- Masuji Ibuse
Collection: Order
Image of Wilmer Valderrama
As Latinos, we are so aware of what people go through in order to come to America. It's very interesting to do research on something that's been culturally a part of your existence.
- Wilmer Valderrama
Collection: Order
Image of Amelia Gray
You lose everything you love in the order in which you love it.
- Amelia Gray
Collection: Order
Image of Kevin Mattson
A democratic public forms when citizens gather together to deliberate and make public judgments about local and national issues that affect their lives. By associating together for public discussion, citizens learn the skills necessary for the health of a democratic public; listening persuading, arguing, compromising, and seeking common ground. When these skills are nurtured within the institutions of a democratic public, citizens educate themselves in order to make informed political decisions.
- Kevin Mattson
Collection: Order
Image of Jesse L. Martin
I have plenty of Law & Order on my resume.
- Jesse L. Martin
Collection: Order
Image of Jean Helion
All each ism does, in its revolt against the inadequacy of the previous one, is to thoroughly upset the order of terms of this ideal entity and to bring to the fore yet another inadequacy.
- Jean Helion
Collection: Order
Image of Jean Helion
The image gets built one way or another... it doesn't get done by following the natural order of things, but arises instead from an order that you have in your mind.
- Jean Helion
Collection: Order
Image of Ian McHarg
It is not really necessary to destroy nature in order to gain God's favor or even his undivided attention.
- Ian McHarg
Collection: Order
Image of Hans Frank
Gentlemen, I must ask you to rid yourselves of all feeling of pity. We must annihilate the Jews wherever we find them and wherever it is possible in order to maintain there the structure of the Reich as a whole.
- Hans Frank
Collection: Order
Image of Iris van Herpen
Everybody could have their own body scanned and just order clothes that fit perfectly.
- Iris van Herpen
Collection: Order
Image of Bill Buxton
My thesis [is] that in order to design a tool, we must make our best efforts to understand the larger social and physical context within which it is intended to function
- Bill Buxton
Collection: Order
Image of Gary Panter
Don’t worry about a style. It will creep up on you and eventually you will have to undo it in order to go further.
- Gary Panter
Collection: Order
Image of Sam Waterston
In order to continue to do interesting work, you need to be...proceeding.
- Sam Waterston
Collection: Order
Image of Tyrese Gibson
Life is a menu. Whatever you order is what's delivered to the table.
- Tyrese Gibson
Collection: Order
Image of Y. C. James Yen
Go to the people and live among them in order to know them and learn from them.
- Y. C. James Yen
Collection: Order
Image of John Turturro
Even people within a relationship can be really alone, and then have to go outside of it in order to find something, whatever it is. It may be very bizarre and maybe something very tender.
- John Turturro
Collection: Order
Image of Joshua Schachter
If you need scale in order to create value, it's hard to get scale, because there's little incentive for the first people to use the product.
- Joshua Schachter
Collection: Order
Image of Pepe Romero
There's always been good and bad music. Many composers hide behind modern music in order to not make music.
- Pepe Romero
Collection: Order
Image of Martin Wolf
In order to change the system, we need to change our ideas.
- Martin Wolf
Collection: Order
Image of Michael A. Ledeen
In order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to 'enter into evil.' This is the chilling insight that has made Machiavelli so feared, admired, and challenging. It is why we are drawn to him still.
- Michael A. Ledeen
Collection: Order
Image of Michael A. Ledeen
They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.
- Michael A. Ledeen
Collection: Order
Image of Keith K. Hilbig
Time is a most precious asset. Would you consider investing more of your time in the things of eternity in order to merit the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and to benefit more fully from His influence?
- Keith K. Hilbig
Collection: Order
Image of Jackie Stewart
Sometimes you need to ease off in order to go faster
- Jackie Stewart
Collection: Order
Image of Naomi Oreskes
Scientific monitoring is going to be terrifically important, because whatever steps we take ... we will have to monitor those steps in order to know if they're actually working.
- Naomi Oreskes
Collection: Order
Image of Ali Vincent
In order to truly give to others, you have to give to yourself first.
- Ali Vincent
Collection: Order
Image of Walter Brueggemann
God will recruit as necessary from the human cast in order to reorder human history.
- Walter Brueggemann
Collection: Order
Image of Seth Lloyd
We couldn't build quantum computers unless the universe were quantum and computing. We can build such machines because the universe is storing and processing information in the quantum realm. When we build quantum computers, we're hijacking that underlying computation in order to make it do things we want: little and/or/not calculations. We're hacking into the universe.
- Seth Lloyd
Collection: Order
Image of Seth Lloyd
In order to figure out how to make atoms compute, you have to learn how to speak their language and to understand how they process information under normal circumstances.
- Seth Lloyd
Collection: Order
Image of Seth Lloyd
Quantum mechanics is weird. I don't understand it. Just live with it. You don't have to understand the nature of things in order to build cool devices.
- Seth Lloyd
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Burchfield
At all periods of the [English] language it is difficult to assign a beginning date to most new words and meanings. They tend to slip into the language silently, and are placed in date order only when scholars subsequently get to work.
- Robert Burchfield
Collection: Order
Image of Yoweri Museveni
One of the emphases of the new democratic order is no impunity.
- Yoweri Museveni
Collection: Order
Image of Auguste Comte
The sacred formula of positivism: love as a principle, the order as a foundation, and progress as a goal.
- Auguste Comte
Collection: Order