Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Walter Russell
Do not attempt to accomplish greater results by a greater effort of your little understanding, but by a greater understanding of your little effort. The greater your understanding of the power within yourself, the less effort you need to make in order to achieve.
- Walter Russell
Collection: Order
Image of Taisen Deshimaru
You cannot separate any part from the whole: interdependence rules the cosmic order.
- Taisen Deshimaru
Collection: Order
Image of Josephine Hart
That is my story, simply told. Please do not ask again. I have told you in order to issue a warning. I have been damaged. Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.
- Josephine Hart
Collection: Order
Image of Gabriel Byrne
This notion that Americans have. . . that they don't have to do anything other than be American in order to lead - that's very pervasive in the culture, it goes very deep into how they see themselves here.
- Gabriel Byrne
Collection: Order
Image of Philip Caputo
Belief is a virus, and once it gets into you, its first order of business is to preserve itself, and the way it preserves itself is to keep you from having any doubts, and the way it keeps you from doubting is to blind you to the way things really are. Evidence contrary to the belief can be staring you straight in the face, and you won't see it... True believers just don't see things the way they are, because if they did, they wouldn't be true believers anymore.
- Philip Caputo
Collection: Order
Image of Lynne McTaggart
People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.
- Lynne McTaggart
Collection: Order
Image of David Feherty
I don't want anybody to understand what my depression feels like because in order to understand it you have to have been there, and I don't want anybody else to go.
- David Feherty
Collection: Order
Image of Jon Hendricks
Mike Vax plays trumpet the way you have to play in order to hold down the lead chair with Stan Kenton.
- Jon Hendricks
Collection: Order
Image of Andre-Marie Ampere
It seemed to me that one should make an effort to banish artificial classifications from chemistry and begin to assign to each element the place it must occupy in the natural order by comparing it in succession to others.
- Andre-Marie Ampere
Collection: Order
Image of John Dickinson
No free people ever existed, or can ever exist, without keeping the purse strings in their own hands. Where this is the case, they have a constitutional check upon the administration, which may thereby by brought into order without violence. But when such a power is not lodged in the people, oppression proceeds uncontrolled in its career, till the governed, transported into rage, seek redress in the midst of blood and confusion.
- John Dickinson
Collection: Order
Image of Anatoliy Golitsyn
Behind the mask of diplomatic and political cooperation and partnership with the United States and Europe, the current Russian leaders are following the strategy of their predecessors and working towards a 'New World Order'. When the right moment comes the mask will be dropped and the Russians with Chinese help will seek to impose their system on the West on their own terms.
- Anatoliy Golitsyn
Collection: Order
Image of Joseph McCabe
Today we know not only that there is a terrible amount of disorder in the heavens - great catastrophes or conflagrations occur frequently - but evolution gives us a perfectly natural explanation of such order as there is. No distinguished astronomer now traces "the finger of God" in the heavens; and astronomers ought to know best.
- Joseph McCabe
Collection: Order
Image of Bob Hartley
You can't go to the pharmacy to buy a pack of experience, you have to be in those games in order to acquire that experience.
- Bob Hartley
Collection: Order
Image of Allan Sandage
The world is too complicated in all parts and interconnections to be due to chance alone. I am convinced that the existence of life with all its order in each of its organisms is simply too well put together. Each part of a living thing depends on all its other parts to function. How does each part know? How is each part specified at conception? The more one learns of biochemistry the more unbelievable it becomes unless there is some type of organizing principle-an architect.
- Allan Sandage
Collection: Order
Image of Isamu Noguchi
To order space is to give it meaning.
- Isamu Noguchi
Collection: Order
Image of Ernest Bramah
There are those who collect the refuse of the public streets, but in order to be received into the band it is necessary to have been born one of the Hereditary Confederacy of Superfluity Removers and Abandoned Oddment Gatherers.
- Ernest Bramah
Collection: Order
Image of Kay Arthur
In any trial, in any bitter situation, you are not alone, you are not helpless, you are not a victim. You have a tree, a cross, shown to you by the Sovereign God of Calvary. Whatever the trial or temptation, it is not more than you can bear. It is bearable. It can be handled. You can know as Joseph knew, "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive" (Genesis 50:20).
- Kay Arthur
Collection: Order
Image of Sextus Empiricus
The Mode of circular reasoning is the form used when the proof itself which ought to establish the matter of inquiry requires confirmation derived from the matter; in this case, being unable to assume either in order to establish the other, we suspend judgement about both.
- Sextus Empiricus
Collection: Order
Image of Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot
It seems to me very important to begin by an indication of the darkest values (assuming that the canvas is white), and to continue in order to the lightest value. From the darkest to the lightest I would establish twenty shades...
- Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot
Collection: Order
Image of Geoffrey Elton
Since historical reconstruction is a rational process, only justified and indeed possible if it involves the human reason, what we call history is the mess we call life reduced to some order. pattern and possibly purpose.
- Geoffrey Elton
Collection: Order
Image of Mildred Fay Jefferson
I became a physician in order to help save lives. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live.
- Mildred Fay Jefferson
Collection: Order
Image of Tony Buzan
The human brain has left and right brain symmetry with its own nature and can process information which initially appears to have no pattern or order. However, the brain has the ability to process visual information much more efficiently.
- Tony Buzan
Collection: Order
Image of Polybius
Since the masses of the people are inconstant, full of unruly desires, passionate, and reckless of consequences, they must be filled with fears to keep them in order. The ancients did well, therefore, to invent gods, and the belief in punishment after death.
- Polybius
Collection: Order
Image of Karl Hess
The Declaration of Independence is so lucid were afraid of it today. It scares the hell out of every modern bureaucrat, because it tells them there comes a time when we must stop taking orders.
- Karl Hess
Collection: Order
Image of James Callaghan
If we have to prove our Europeanism by accepting that French is the dominant language in the Community, then my answer is quite clear, and I will say it in French in order to prevent any misunderstanding: Non, merci beaucoup .
- James Callaghan
Collection: Order
Image of Freeman Patterson
The abstracting of visual elements in order to recognize their particularity has become automatic, but seeing, combining, and creating them as integrated 'wholes' will remain a lifelong challenge.
- Freeman Patterson
Collection: Order
Image of David Foreman
We must all work together in order to save the environment and the world that we live in from further change.
- David Foreman
Collection: Order
Image of Julie B. Beck
When our priorities are out of order, we lose power. It takes personal revelation every day to help us prioritize and keep at bay the influences of the world that would draw us from what we are to do.
- Julie B. Beck
Collection: Order
Image of Rhonda Britten
In order to make any permanent changes, you have to be willing. Willing to see things differently. Willing to experience new ideas. Willing to listen to the people who cheered you on rather than ones who echoed your fears.
- Rhonda Britten
Collection: Order
Image of John Brady
I order various types of breakfast and lunches. I do not just come in and order hamburgers all the time. I order the specials, pancakes, bacon and eggs.
- John Brady
Collection: Order
Image of Derek Luke
I've always had to bind up and wrestle fear, because acting is really about faith. And faith and fear can't really stay in the same room. So, in order for you to be more than a conqueror, you're going to have to defeat fear with faith.
- Derek Luke
Collection: Order
Image of John Allen Paulos
In listening to stories we tend to suspend disbelief in order to be entertained, whereas in evaluating statistics we generally have an opposite inclination to suspend belief in order not to be beguiled.
- John Allen Paulos
Collection: Order
Image of Mike Mentzer
In order to lead the orchestra, you must first turn your back to the crowd.
- Mike Mentzer
Collection: Order
Image of Jose Arguelles
What appears to be the established order of present-day civilization is actually only the inert but spectacular momentum of a high velocity vehicle whose engine has already stopped functioning.
- Jose Arguelles
Collection: Order
Image of Nicolas Malebranche
We are rational creatures: Our virtue and perfection is to love reason, or rather to love order.
- Nicolas Malebranche
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Kagan
International order is not an evolution; it is an imposition. It is the domination of one vision over others- in this case, the domination of liberal free market principles of economics, democratic principles of politics, and a peaceful international system over other visions that other nations and peoples may have. It will last only as long as those who favor it retain the capacity to defend it.
- Robert Kagan
Collection: Order
Image of Michael Dorris
Considering that virtually none of the standard fare surrounding Thanksgiving contains an ounce of authenticity, historical accuracy, or cross-cultural perception, why is it so apparently ingrained? Is it necessary to the American psyche to perpetually exploit and debase its victims in order to justify its history?
- Michael Dorris
Collection: Order
Image of James Packer
New management at Nine has launched a concerted attack on its cost base in order to restore margins through eliminating waste, improving efficiency and lowering programming costs.
- James Packer
Collection: Order
Image of Madeleine Sophie Barat
We must suffer in order to go to God. We forget this truth far too often.
- Madeleine Sophie Barat
Collection: Order
Image of Eberhard Arnold
Life in community is no less than a necessity for us, an inescapable ‘must’all life created by God exists in communal order and works toward community.
- Eberhard Arnold
Collection: Order
Image of John Knox
To promote a woman to bear rule, superiority, dominion, or empire above any realm, nation, or city, is repugnant to nature; contumely to God, a thing most contrary to his revealed will and approved ordinance; and finally, it is the subversion of good order, of all equity and justice.
- John Knox
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Bandler
Don't re-open old wounds in order to examine their origins. Leave them healed.
- Richard Bandler
Collection: Order
Image of Saul Alinsky
A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Order
Image of Richard Saul Wurman
Order is no guarantee of understanding. Sometimes just the opposite is true.
- Richard Saul Wurman
Collection: Order
Image of Octavia Butler
In order to rise From its own ashes A phoenix First Must Burn.
- Octavia Butler
Collection: Order
Image of M.I.A.
Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
- M.I.A.
Collection: Order
Image of Charles Warren Stoddard
Grace is savage and must be savage in order to be perfect.
- Charles Warren Stoddard
Collection: Order
Image of Peter Joseph
Nothing produced can be allowed to maintain a lifespan longer than what can be endured in order to continue cyclical consumption.
- Peter Joseph
Collection: Order
Image of Rebecca Twigg
In order to be the best, you have to know your breaking point-go to the edge of it, but never go beyond.
- Rebecca Twigg
Collection: Order