Top Names Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Names quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Names quotes.

Image of André Brink
I can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it - but I can never be on the inside of it with you. I cannot even be sure whether I really know what it is like. Is it 'like' my own? Or incomparable? Just as I can never know if what you see at any given moment is exactly the same as what I see. We look at a colour. We both call it red. But it is only because we have been taught to call it by that name. There is no guarantee - not ever - that we see it in the same way, that your red is my red.
- André Brink
Collection: Names
Image of Scott Westerfeld
My name is tally youngblood and my mind is very ugly
- Scott Westerfeld
Collection: Names
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
One of the poets, whose name I cannot recall, has a passage, which I am unable at the moment to remember, in one of his works, which for the time being has slipped my mind, which hits off admirably this age-old situation.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Names
Image of Jaclyn Smith
I was the first actress who branded her own line at a time when everyone just lent their name to a product. Everyone said I shouldnt do it, but it was probably the best thing Ive ever done.
- Jaclyn Smith
Collection: Names
Image of N. Scott Momaday
They have assumed the names and gestures of their enemies, but have held on to their own, secret souls; and in this there is a resistance and an overcoming, a long outwaiting.
- N. Scott Momaday
Collection: Names
Image of Monique Wittig
I refuse to pronounce the names of possession and nonpossession.
- Monique Wittig
Collection: Names
Image of Phyllis Chesler
[On highly politicized Islamists:] In the name of freedom they demand the right to renounce freedom. In the language of tolerance they demand that intolerance be granted a dignified place at the table.
- Phyllis Chesler
Collection: Names
Image of Keith Donohue
To lose one’s name is the beginning of forgetting.
- Keith Donohue
Collection: Names
Image of Valentino Rossi
I try to have a different relationship with the bike. I don't give it a name, but I always speak with it. I don't know if the other riders do the same. This is not only a piece of metal - there is a soul. The bike talks back too. But not with a voice, with the components
- Valentino Rossi
Collection: Names
Image of Harvey Milk
The fact is that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, THAT my friends, is true perversion.
- Harvey Milk
Collection: Names
Image of Ivanka Trump
I've never lived in a building without my name on it.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Names
Image of Storm Constantine
We had given it a name, a substance, and somehow, in doing that, we had condemned ourselves.
- Storm Constantine
Collection: Names
Image of Rachel Renée Russell
BTW, the roach's name is Max (courtesy of Brianna, "because of I had a puppy, I'd name him Max").
- Rachel Renée Russell
Collection: Names
Image of Carl Perkins
You can knock me down, step on my face, slander my name all over the place. Do anything that you want to do, but uh-oh, honey, lay off of my shoes.
- Carl Perkins
Collection: Names
Image of Burt Rutan
When you have a transportation system that the price of propellant is essentially negligible something is very wrong. If you look at any other transportation system, a car, a motorcycle, a train, an oil tanker, an airliner, you name it; about a quarter to a third of the operating cost is buying the propellant.
- Burt Rutan
Collection: Names
Image of Louise Brooks
After a person dies, his biographers feel free to give him a glittering list of intimate friends. Anecdotes are so much tastier spiced with expensive names.
- Louise Brooks
Collection: Names
Image of Sheldon B. Kopp
We all live in a tragicomic situation, a life that is in part absurd simply because it is not of our own making. We are born into a disordered world, into a family we did not choose, into circumstances we would have had somewhat improved, and we are even called by a name we did not select. (40)
- Sheldon B. Kopp
Collection: Names
Image of Sheri Holman
It's the greatest of Southern honors . . . to have one's name incorporated into a family tree. It's an honor not lightly given.
- Sheri Holman
Collection: Names
Image of Ariana Franklin
Crime, after all, can be a way of establishing identity or acquiring security - at least the magistrate addresses you by name.
- Ariana Franklin
Collection: Names
Image of Miguel de Unamuno
There is no tyranny in the world more hateful than that of ideas. Ideas bring ideophobia, and the consequence is that people begin to persecute their neighbors in the name of ideas. I loathe and detest all labels, and the only label that I could now tolerate would be that of ideoclast or idea breaker.
- Miguel de Unamuno
Collection: Names
Image of Jennifer Estep
My name is Gin, and I kill people.
- Jennifer Estep
Collection: Names
Image of Jimmy Santiago Baca
I do know that if you can name certain things and understand them, it allows you to make better choices. Unfortunately, there's so much misinformation that towers over a person's head, it's really difficult to make the right decisions. Consequently, we just go along because it's way too hard to sift through the information.
- Jimmy Santiago Baca
Collection: Names
Image of Linda Ronstadt
Rampant eclecticism is my middle name.
- Linda Ronstadt
Collection: Names
Image of Jessica Day George
Kestilan?" There was that name again. Oliver fought down an irrational surge of jealousy for this mysterious being who took up so much of Petunia's attention.
- Jessica Day George
Collection: Names
Image of Eric S. Nylund
Life is the path. Can the path be seen? Observe the path and you are far from it. Without observation how can one know they are on the path? The path cannot be seen, nor can it not be unseen. Perception is delusion; abstraction is nonsensical. Your path is freedom. Name it and it vanishes.
- Eric S. Nylund
Collection: Names
Image of Charles Baxter
Everybody should customize their names.
- Charles Baxter
Collection: Names
Image of Ming-Dao Deng
Reject labels. Reject identities. Reject conformity. Reject convention. Reject definitions. Reject names.
- Ming-Dao Deng
Collection: Names
Image of Stephen Vincent Benet
Broad-streeted Richmond . . . The trees in the streets are old trees used to living with people, Family trees that remember your grandfather's name.
- Stephen Vincent Benet
Collection: Names
Image of Peter Stuyvesant
We pray that the deceitful race - such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ - be not allowed to further infect and trouble this new colony.
- Peter Stuyvesant
Collection: Names
Image of George Augustus Henry Sala
Make Hamilton Bamilton, make Douglas Puglas, make Percy Bercy, and Stanley Tanley and where would be the long-resounding march and energy divine of the roll-call of the peerage?
- George Augustus Henry Sala
Collection: Names
Image of Harry Caray
You know Alou's name spelled backwards is Uola? That sounds like a first name, Uola.
- Harry Caray
Collection: Names
Image of Voltairine de Cleyre
Capitalistic Anarchism ? Oh, yes, if you choose to call it so. Names are indifferent to me; I am not afraid of bugaboos. Let it be so, then, capitalistic Anarchism.
- Voltairine de Cleyre
Collection: Names
Image of Julia Phillips
Remember to negotiate thickness as well as height on the lettering of your name.
- Julia Phillips
Collection: Names
Image of Robert Smith Surtees
Three things I never lends - my 'oss, my wife, and my name.
- Robert Smith Surtees
Collection: Names
Image of Murray Mexted
Rico Gear. What a great-sounding name. He sounds like a drug dealer from Brazil.
- Murray Mexted
Collection: Names
Image of Margaret E. Knight
During the ages of faith the Church argued, not illogically, that any degree of cruelty towards sinners and heretics was justified, if there was a chance that it could save them, or others, from the eternal torments of hell. Thus, in the name of the religion of love, hundreds of thousands of people were not merely killed but atrociously tortured in ways that made the gas chambers of Beslen seem humane.
- Margaret E. Knight
Collection: Names
Image of Richard Pitcairn
In this article we begin to address the subject of vaccinosis, the general name for chronic dis-ease caused by vaccines. For some readers the very idea that vaccines are anything but wonderful and life-saving may come as a surprise, and it's not a very pleasant one. After all, the general population pictures vaccines as one of modern medicine's best and brightest moments, saving literally millions from the scourge of diseases like poliomyelitis and smallpox.
- Richard Pitcairn
Collection: Names
Image of Augustus William Hare
Curiosity is little more than another name for Hope.
- Augustus William Hare
Collection: Names
Image of Polycarp
Be all of you subject one to another having your conduct blameless among the Gentiles, that you may both receive praise for your good works, and the Lord may not be blasphemed through you. But woe to him by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed! Teach, therefore, sobriety to all, and manifest it also in your own conduct
- Polycarp
Collection: Names
Image of Elizabeth Arden
There are only three American names that are known in every corner of the globe: Singer sewing machines, Coca Cola and Elizabeth Arden.
- Elizabeth Arden
Collection: Names
Image of Petr Skrabanek
The cynics were watchdogs terrifying malefactors. They tried to expose falseness and conceit. That's why their name is still spoken with a snarl.
- Petr Skrabanek
Collection: Names
Image of Phillip Lopate
It bothers me when I can't, for example, remember a name. I don't know if it's pre-senility or whether there are too many names packed in our brains.
- Phillip Lopate
Collection: Names
Image of Billy Taylor
Duke Ellington's career traces the entire history of jazz. The repertoire associated with him contains the most important elements in the music and provides concrete examples of some of the best ways to present the music in the widest variety of settings-radio, TV, recordings, movies, concert halls, festivals, solo, small ensemble, big band, symphony orchestra, opera, Broadway shows.... You name it, he did it!
- Billy Taylor
Collection: Names
Image of Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
Conscience is the name which the orthodox give to their prejudices.
- Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie
Collection: Names
Image of Gerard Butler
Up in the north of Scotland, a lot of the villages are completely Viking names. A lot of Vikings came down and settled in Scotland and in Ireland. And a lot of them didn't, but they took plenty of us with them - mostly the chicks.
- Gerard Butler
Collection: Names
Image of Svetlana Alliluyeva
Everything on our tormented earth that is alive and breathes, that blossoms and bears fruit, lives only by virtue of and in the name of Truth and Good.
- Svetlana Alliluyeva
Collection: Names
Image of Sergey Brin
The name was supposed to be 'Googol,' which is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes. It was before the Google spellchecker existed.
- Sergey Brin
Collection: Names