Top Names Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Names quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Names quotes.

Image of Said Nursi
He causes huge bodies like sun to proclaim His Majesty through His Names the All-Gracious, Great, reciting: ' O Glorious One, O Great One, O Mighty One', while tiny animate creatures like flies and fish proclaim His Mercy, reciting: 'O Gracious One, O Compassionate One, O Generous One
- Said Nursi
Collection: Names
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Names
Image of Glen Cook
More evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way.
- Glen Cook
Collection: Names
Image of Ivan E. Coyote
I became something I had no name for in solitude and only later discovered the word for what I was and realized there were others like me.
- Ivan E. Coyote
Collection: Names
Image of Sarah Waters
We have a name for your disease. We call it a hyper-aesthetic one. You have been encouraged to over-indulge yourself in literature; and have inflamed your organs of fancy.
- Sarah Waters
Collection: Names
Image of Leonard Bernstein
Music, because of its specific and far-reaching metaphorical powers, can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.
- Leonard Bernstein
Collection: Names
Image of Matt Smith
Big flashy things have my name written all over them. Well... not yet, give me time and a crayon.
- Matt Smith
Collection: Names
Image of Scott Lynch
My name's Jean Tannen, and I'm the ambush.
- Scott Lynch
Collection: Names
Image of Scott Lynch
I can’t name the poison that’s killing your friend. But the one that’s killing you is called hope.
- Scott Lynch
Collection: Names
Image of Gerald Morris
They've named the well after you." "How did they know my name?" "They don't. They invented one.
- Gerald Morris
Collection: Names
Image of Conn Iggulden
We are the silver people, the Mongols. When they ask, tell them there are no tribes. Tell them I am khan of the sea of grass, and they will know me by that name, as Genghis. Yes, tell them that. Tell them that I am Genghis and I will ride.
- Conn Iggulden
Collection: Names
Image of Mickey Spillane
I'm not an author, I'm a writer, that's all I am. Authors want their names down in history; I want to keep the smoke coming out of the chimney.
- Mickey Spillane
Collection: Names
Image of Kevin Rudd
My name is Kevin, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help.
- Kevin Rudd
Collection: Names
Image of James Howe
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will break our spirit.
- James Howe
Collection: Names
Image of William Whewell
We need very much a name to describe a cultivator of science in general. I should incline to call him a scientist. [The first use of the word.]
- William Whewell
Collection: Names
Image of Alex Rodriguez
Anyone can forget about talent, but if you're a good person, your name will be remembered a long time.
- Alex Rodriguez
Collection: Names
Image of Brom
But he was sick of this charade. Sick of watching people lose a little more of their humanity each day, and sick to death of seeing people tortured in the name of God. What had happened to these people?
- Brom
Collection: Names
Image of Katherine Howe
...You can have this whole entire life, with all your opinions, your loves, your fears. Eventually those parts of you disappear. And then the people who could remember those parts of you disappear, and before long, all that's left is your name in some ledger. This...person -- she had a favorite food. She had friends and people she disliked. We don't even know how she died...I guess that's why I like preservation better than history. In preservation I feel like I can keep some of it from slipping away.
- Katherine Howe
Collection: Names
Image of John Patrick Shanley
dear god, whose name i do not know. thank you for my life. i forgot... how BIG... thank you. thank you for my life.
- John Patrick Shanley
Collection: Names
Image of Rachel Caine
I had no name for that particular hue of orange, other than unfortunate.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Names
Image of Thomas Paine
The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.
- Thomas Paine
Collection: Names
Image of Hartley Coleridge
Where'er ye sojourn, and whatever names Ye are or shall be called; fairies, or sylphs, Nymphs of the wood or mountain, flood or field: Live ye in peace, and long may ye be free To follow your good minds.
- Hartley Coleridge
Collection: Names
Image of Gustavo Gutiérrez
So you say you love the poor? Name them.
- Gustavo Gutiérrez
Collection: Names
Image of Franny Billingsley
Now that’s true poetic irony. I rush into battle to defend the fair name of Rose Larkin, and what does she do but fetch Robert to stop me.
- Franny Billingsley
Collection: Names
Image of Slash
I once asked Axl why he left the 'E' off his name. He started crying and said he thought he'd spelled it right.
- Slash
Collection: Names
Image of Slash
I got the name Slash because I used to work in a grocery store and I was in charge of reducing prices for really big sales.
- Slash
Collection: Names
Image of A. Philip Randolph
Those who deplore our militants, who exhort patience in the name of a false peace, are in fact supporting segregation and exploitation. They would have social peace at the expense of social and racial justice. They are more concerned with easing racial tension than enforcing racial democracy.
- A. Philip Randolph
Collection: Names
Image of Lucan
There stands the shadow of a glorious name.
- Lucan
Collection: Names
Image of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Wherefore a good name is better than riches.
- Joseph Smith, Jr.
Collection: Names
Image of Willard Wigan
The smaller your work, the bigger your name will become.
- Willard Wigan
Collection: Names
Image of MaryJanice Davidson
He said my name the way diabetics talked about hot fudge sundaes.
- MaryJanice Davidson
Collection: Names
Image of David O. Russell
Sadly, this picture [ Joy] does not go from strength to strength. It sinks into a morass of tedious obstacles to this woman's success. Joy the person may be able to surmount all barriers, but the film with her name on it is not so fortunate.
- David O. Russell
Collection: Names
Image of Colin Mochrie
If Sting retires, would he have to change his name to Stung?
- Colin Mochrie
Collection: Names
Image of Wendelin Van Draanen
I'd scale that monster sycamore if I could. Right to the top. And I'd yell her name across the rooftops for the whole world to hear. -Bryce
- Wendelin Van Draanen
Collection: Names
Image of Claude Monet
To see we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at.
- Claude Monet
Collection: Names
Image of Jodi Picoult
And in general, the residents of the town wondered why they all felt hollow just beneath the throat, the result of missing something they had never been able to name in the first place.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Names
Image of Herb Brooks
The name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back.
- Herb Brooks
Collection: Names
Image of Evita Peron
I want nothing for myself... My glory is and always will be... the banner of my people, and even if I leave shreds of my life on the wayside I know that you will gather them up in my name and carry them like a flag to victory.
- Evita Peron
Collection: Names
Image of Tariq Ali
American imperialism has always been the imperialism that has been frightened of speaking its name. Now it's beginning to do so. In a way, it's better. We know where we kneel.
- Tariq Ali
Collection: Names
Image of Manny Pacquiao
The most important thing ... is the name of the Lord. The name of the Lord will be glorified. I want to let the people know that there is a God who can raise people from nothing into something. And that's me. I came from nothing into something.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Names
Image of Chris Wooding
Once upon a time there was a young lady who lived in a marsh, and her name was Poison.
- Chris Wooding
Collection: Names
Image of Trenton Lee Stewart
If we're just trying to be accurate, then how about 'The Doomed to Fail Bunch'?" said Constance. "Honestly! We can't even name ourselves.
- Trenton Lee Stewart
Collection: Names
Image of Simon Bolivar
The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.
- Simon Bolivar
Collection: Names
Image of William Wycherley
A good name is seldom got by giving it oneself.
- William Wycherley
Collection: Names
Image of Nella Larsen
Somewhere, within her, in a deep recess, crouched discontent. She began to lose confidence in the fullness of her life, the glow began to fade from her conception of it. As the days multiplied, her need of something, something vaguely familiar, but which she could not put a name to and hold for definite examination, became almost intolerable. She went through moments of overwhelming anguish. She felt shut in, trapped.
- Nella Larsen
Collection: Names
Image of Tom G. Palmer
The first census in 1790 asked just six questions: the name of the head of the household, the number of free white males older than 16, the number of free white males younger than 16, the number of free white females, the number of other free persons, and the number of slaves.
- Tom G. Palmer
Collection: Names
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
names are a way to keep people in your mind
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Names
Image of Karl Popper
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Names
Image of Willard Van Orman Quine
Irrefragability, thy name is mathematics.
- Willard Van Orman Quine
Collection: Names