Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 193

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 193 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Jean-Luc Godard
If I'm speaking it means that in one way or another when I say, "I'm cold" it belongs to me: I'm cold. But just by saying this it becomes general.
- Jean-Luc Godard
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael J. Fox
To be brutally honest, for much of that time, I was the only person in the world with Parkinson's. Of course, I mean that in the abstract. I had become acutely aware of people around me who appears to have the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but as long as they didn't identify with me, I was in no rush to identify with them. My situation allowed, if not complete denial, at least a thick padding of insulation.
- Michael J. Fox
Collection: Mean
Image of Franz Grillparzer
There is one privilege we'll never lose; currently it's called nationality. It means that everyone was born somewhere, which is infact self-evident.
- Franz Grillparzer
Collection: Mean
Image of Jay Asher
You need to figure out what you want, Josh. If that means you need to swim against the tide to get it, at least youre aiming for something that could make you very happy.
- Jay Asher
Collection: Mean
Image of Criss Jami
Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not mean that he should leave it blank.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean Giraudoux
Government defines the physical aspects of man by means of The Printed Form, so that for every man in the flesh there is an exactly corresponding man on paper.
- Jean Giraudoux
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Khadi mentality means decentralization of the production and distribution of the necessaries of life.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Starting epidemics requires concentrating resources on a few key area. The Law of the Few says that Connectors, Mavens, and Salesman are responsible for starting word-of-mouth epidemics, which means that if you are interested in starting a word-of-mouth epidemic , your resources ought to be solely concentrated on these three groups. No one else matters.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Gates
The fact that there was no catastrophic pandemic in recent history does not mean there won't be another one. And we are certainly not prepared for the next pandemic.
- Bill Gates
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The Congress fights not with violent but with nonviolent means, however imperfect, however crude the nonviolence may be.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of J. Paul Getty
Men of means look at making money as a game which they love to play.
- J. Paul Getty
Collection: Mean
Image of Nikki Giovanni
No one needs to teach you to be mean; we need to be taught to be kind.
- Nikki Giovanni
Collection: Mean
Image of Erich Fromm
Exploitation and manipulation produce boredom and triviality; they cripple man, and all factors that make man into a psychic cripple turn him also into a sadist or a destroyer.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
We should all remember... that throwing food away is like stealing from the tables of the poor, the hungry! I encourage everyone to reflect on the problem of thrown away and wasted food to identify ways and means that, by seriously addressing this issue, are a vehicle of solidarity and sharing with the needy.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
When we deliberate it is about means and not ends.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
In seeking for justice men seek for the mean or neutral, for the law is the mean. Again, customary laws have more weight, and relate to more important matters, than written laws, and a man may be a safer ruler than the written law, but not safer than the customary law.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Drum
The younger you are, the more likely you are to have grown up in a (mostly) lead-free environment, and that means you're less likely to have committed a felony or gotten sent to prison.
- Kevin Drum
Collection: Mean
Image of Lance B. Wickman
Isn't it really the significance of the Atonement in a person's life? Doesn't the Atonement really begin to mean something to a person when he or she is trying to face down the challenges of living, whether they be temptations or limitations?
- Lance B. Wickman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Green
If you don't live a life in service of a greater good, you've gotta at least die a death in service of a greater good, you know? And I fear that I won't get either a life or a death that means anything.
- John Green
Collection: Mean
Image of Sigmund Freud
Religion is an attempt to get control over the sensory world, in which we are placed, by means of the wish-world, which we have developed inside us as a result of biological and psychological necessities... If one attempts to assign to religion its place in man's evolution, it seems not so much to be a lasting acquisition, as a parallel to the neurosis which the civilized individual must pass through on his way from childhood to maturity.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Mean
Image of Milton Friedman
A society that puts equality - in the sense of equality of outcome - ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality or freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom. On the other hand, a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product, end up with both greater freedom and greater equality. Freedom means diversity but also mobility. It preserves the opportunity for today's less well off to become tomorrow's rich, and in the process, enables almost everyone, from top to bottom, to enjoy a richer and fuller life.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The very word Islam means peace, which is nonviolence.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph Goebbels
To be modern only means to fill new forms with eternal truths.
- Joseph Goebbels
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Forrest
My radar, after all these years of sanity, is still off when it comes to what people do or don't mean.
- Emma Forrest
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
We deliberate not about ends, but about means.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Howard Gardner
A continuing conversation with other persons, with cultural products, and with oneself, is a large part of what it means to be a human being, in our time and perhaps in all time.
- Howard Gardner
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
You assist an administration most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil administration never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good man will therefore resist an evil system or administration with his whole soul.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of DJ Spooky
When you say what is the difference between me and my stage name the idea is that as a musician you always think of yourself as inhabiting a certain cultural space in the kind of a cultural landscape, so when I say cultural space what I mean to imply there is that you exist within certain parameters of how people think of culture.
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Mean
Image of John Ashbery
Its a bit mad. Too bad, I mean, that getting to know each just for a fleeting second Must be replaced by unperfect knowledge of the featureless whole Like some pocket history of the world, so general As to constitute a sob or wail
- John Ashbery
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Diversity there certainly is in the world, but it means neither inequality nor untouchability.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Remy de Gourmont
Extraordinarily excessive sensuality it may be .. but it all comes down to the same thing in the end, and one means is surely as good as another, since the end obtained is always the same. In any case the exceptional, endlessly repeated, is no different than the banal; and unceasing recapitulation can add nothing, in the end, to the sum of experience. I am weary and hopeless three times the dupe. Why have you trained me in the shame of abominable sins?
- Remy de Gourmont
Collection: Mean
Image of Noel Gallagher
The thing about bands is everybody wants to be the next Oasis, and that doesn't mean slogging it out around the toilet [gigs], it means, "Give me the check, I need to go to the Levis shop and I need a 1960s Gibson."
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
By patriotism I mean the welfare of the whole people, if I secure it at the hands of my opponent, I should bow down my head to him.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Erich Fromm
I am a socialist. However, I have to add that what I understand by socialism is exactly the opposite of what many people, or most people, today mean by socialism.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Gable
But we've got to work. We can't just live on reputations at all - by any means.
- Dan Gable
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
No labour is too mean for one who wants to earn an honest penny.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Graham
I love words very much. I've always loved to talk, and I've always love words — the words that rest in your mouth, what words mean and how you taste them and so on. And for me the spoken word can be used almost as a gesture.
- Martha Graham
Collection: Mean
Image of Martha Graham
I don't try to tell the dancers exactly what a dance means before they do it.
- Martha Graham
Collection: Mean
Image of Steven Gerrard
The fact I've played well means that on a personal level I have enjoyed the season.
- Steven Gerrard
Collection: Mean
Image of William Golding
Life's scientific, but we don't know, do we? Not certainly, I mean.
- William Golding
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
In the application of Satyagraha, I discovered, in the earliest stages, that pursuit of Truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one's opponent, but that he must be weaned from error by patience and sympathy. For, what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of Truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent but one's own self.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
If you're trying to lose weight, you just have to eat less. I mean that.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
Parla come magni,' It means, 'Speak the way you eat,' or in my personal translation: 'Say it like you eat it.' It's a reminder - when you're making a big deal out of explaining something, when you're searching for the right words - to keep your language as simple and direct as Roman rood. Don't make a big production out of it. Just lay it on the table.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
It's important to leave your face without makeup for a while after waking up...Let your skin breathe a while before applying your makeup, even if it means waking up a bit earlier.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
The right to err, which means the freedom to try experiments, is the universal condition of all progress.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of William Godwin
To conceive that compulsion and punishment are the proper means of reformation is the sentiment of a barbarian.
- William Godwin
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Six degrees of separation doesn't mean that everyone is linked to everyone else in just six steps. It means that a very small number of people are linked to everyone else in a few steps, and the rest of us are linked to the world through those special few.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
If we think about emotion this way - as outside-in, not inside out - it is possible to understand how some people can have an enormous amount of influence over others. Some of us, after all, are very good at expressiing emotions and feelings, which means that we are far more emotionally contagious than the rest of us.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Frost
Poetry begins in trivial metaphors, pretty metaphors, "grace" metaphors, and goes on to the profoundest thinking that we have. Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another. People say, "Why don’t you say what you mean?" We never do that, do we, being all of us too much poets. We like to talk in parables and in hints and in indirections - whether from diffidence or some other instinct.
- Robert Frost
Collection: Mean