Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 191

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 191 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Aristotle
Equality is of two kinds, numerical and proportional; by the first I mean sameness of equality in number or size; by the second, equality of ratios.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Azerrad
I'm not sure I ever try to make a case for the music. I mean, sometimes the music isn't even that good. I just tell the band's stories; if I describe the music, it's to explain how it moved the overall story along.
- Michael Azerrad
Collection: Mean
Image of Samuel Goldwyn
Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm disagreeable.
- Samuel Goldwyn
Collection: Mean
Image of Criss Jami
One of the biggest contradictions in self-proclaimed open-mindedness is to say that we're all one but when a true bigot comes around tell him we're all different. It's usually the case that neither side is correct. One might have the right to do something, anything, but sure enough, that doesn't mean it's right and a benefit to other people.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Mean
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
National literature does not mean much these days; now is the age of world literature, and every one must contribute to hasten thearrival of that age.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Vernon
I just understand... I mean this may sound kind of bigheaded, bullheaded, or cumbersome, but when people say they've had a really deep experience with the record, like it caused a divorce or it like...I've gotten all these stories.
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Mean
Image of Boy George
I mean, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, I think the young kids sell lot of records. But for an older kind of artist, more of a sort of heritage, vintage type of artist, you have to think outside the box.
- Boy George
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
What is generally regarded as success - acquisition of wealth, the capture of power or social prestige - I consider the most dismal failures. I hold when it is said of a man that he has arrived, it means that he is finished - his development has stopped at that point.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
Methods and means cannot be separated from the ultimate aim.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Vincent Van Gogh
If your inner voice is telling you that you can't paint, by all means, hurry up and paint and silence the voice.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
There's heaven. There it is. What more do we mean? People, free to come together, and in beauty - for growth.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Ford
I think that something that people in general forget to do - and it's true, not everyone has the financial means to do this - whatever clothes you buy if you really want them to fit well, you need to have them altered or tailored. And whether you're doing that yourself, whether you're taking it to your drycleaner that has a tailor, you need to alter and tailor everything, whether it's expensive, whether it's, you know, whether it's inexpensive. If you want it to really fit your body, even the best clothes have to be tailored.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Ford
I think that right now we're in a very hard moment and off-putting. I mean, look at shoes today - women's shoes. They couldn't possibly get any higher and meaner and sharper. But then again, you go and watch most films today, they're violent and we're living in a world that is, at the moment, quite hard.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Ford
Yeah. Iʼve always felt this way. I mean weʼre born alone, we die alone. And while weʼre here we are absolutely, completely sealed in our own bodies. Really weird. Kinda freaks me out to think about it. We can only experience the outside world through our own slanted perception of it. Who knows what youʼre really like. I just see what I think youʼre like.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Mean
Image of Khalil Gibran
Your thought describes laws, courts, judges, punishments. Mine explains that when man makes a law, he either violates it or obeys it. If there is a basic law, we are all one before it. He who disdains the mean is himself mean. He who vaunts his scorn of the sinful vaunts his disdain of all humanity.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Frost
You've often heard me say - perhaps too often - that poetry is what is lost in translation. It is also what is lost in interpretation. That little poem means just what it says and it says what it means, nothing less but nothing more.
- Robert Frost
Collection: Mean
Image of Katharine Fullerton Gerould
The indiscreet questioner - and by indiscreet questions I mean questions which it is not conceivably a man's duty either to the community or to any individual to answer - is a marauder, and there is every excuse for treating him as such.
- Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Collection: Mean
Image of John Green
Shame about how we’re gonna die here, though. I mean, seriously. An Arab and a half-Jew enter a store in Tennessee. It’s the beginning of a joke, and the punch line is “sodomy’’.
- John Green
Collection: Mean
Image of Seth Godin
Mass marketing means appealing to the masses which means appealing to the average.
- Seth Godin
Collection: Mean
Image of Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Successful socialism depends on the perfectibility of man. Unless all, or nearly all, men are high-minded and clear-sighted, it isbound to be a rotten failure in any but a physical sense. Even through it is altruism, socialism means materialism. You can guarantee the things of the body to every one, but you cannot guarantee the things of the spirit to every one; you can guarantee only that the opportunity to seek them shall not be denied to any one who chooses to seek them.
- Katharine Fullerton Gerould
Collection: Mean
Image of Viktor E. Frankl
A man's concern, even his despair, over the worthwhileness of life is an existential distress but by no means a mental disease.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
Yes, authority, coercion, and dependence rest on the mass, but never freedom or the free unfoldment of the individual, never the birth of a free society. The Socialist demagogues know that as well as I, but they maintain the myth of the virtues of the majority, because their very scheme of life means the perpetuation of power.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Dizzy Gillespie
We loved one another, man. I mean all those stories about the rift ... there was no question of a rift between Charlie Parker and me.
- Dizzy Gillespie
Collection: Mean
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
People are always talking about originality, but what do they mean? As soon as we are born, the world begins to work upon us, and this goes on to the end.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Mean
Image of Carla Gugino
I don't have a favorite genre. I mean, I always sort of base it on instinct. And it does seem to be that after I finish something that is very dramatic, I end up inevitably wanting to do a comedy or something like that.
- Carla Gugino
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles de Gaulle
No, I'm not talking about the Russians; I mean the Germans. In spite of everything, to have pushed so far!
- Charles de Gaulle
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Vernon
The amount of people that I feel like... I'm not being self-demeaning, but I actually feel like I'm not as cool as them, you know what I mean?
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Vernon
I think if you feel weird and self-conscious about that kind of stuff - which happened to me at some points - that means your ego is really kicking in. You can understand how people get to be assholes in music business because it's like you're getting pumped full of your own thing so much, you get ungrounded. That's a dangerous place to be.
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Arnold
The word "God" is used in most cases as by no means a term of science or exact knowledge, but a term of poetry and eloquence, a term thrown out, so to speak, as a not fully grasped object of the speaker's consciousness -- a literary term, in short; and mankind mean different things by it as their consciousness differs.
- Matthew Arnold
Collection: Mean
Image of Mel Gibson
A good conspiracy is unprovable. I mean, if you can prove it, it means they screwed up somewhere along the line.
- Mel Gibson
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
Again, it is possible to fail in many ways (for evil belongs to the class of the unlimited and good to that of the limited), while to succeed is possible only in one way (for which reason also one is easy and the other difficult—to miss the mark easy, to hit it difficult); for these reasons also, then, excess and defect are characteristic of vice, and the mean of virtue; For men are good in but one way, but bad in many.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
[Prudence] is the virtue of that part of the intellect [the calculative] to which it belongs; and . . . our choice of actions will not be right without Prudence any more than without Moral Virtue, since, while Moral Virtue enables us to achieve the end, Prudence makes us adopt the right means to the end.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
Error is multiform (for evil is a form of the unlimited, as in the old Pythagorean imagery, and good of the limited), whereas success is possible in one way only (which is why it is easy to fail and difficult to succeed - easy to miss the target and difficult to hit it); so this is another reason why excess and deficiency are a mark of vice, and observance of the mean a mark of virtue: Goodness is simple, badness is manifold.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a “disposable” culture which is now spreading. It is no longer simply about exploitation and oppression, but something new. Exclusion ultimately has to do with what it means to be a part of the society in which we live; those excluded are no longer society’s underside or its fringes or its disenfranchised – they are no longer even a part of it. The excluded are not the “exploited” but the outcast, the “leftovers”.
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Arnold
Culture being a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best which has been thought and said in the world.
- Matthew Arnold
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Truth has drawn me into the field of politics; and I can say without the slightest hesitation, and yet in all humility, that those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Horace Greeley
Morality and religion are but words to him who fishes in gutters for the means of sustaining life, and crouches behind barrels in the street for shelter from the cutting blasts of a winter night.
- Horace Greeley
Collection: Mean
Image of Felix Frankfurter
Without a free press there can be no free society. That is axiomatic. However, freedom of the press is not an end in itself but a means to the end of a free society. The scope and nature of the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press are to be viewed and applied in that light.
- Felix Frankfurter
Collection: Mean
Image of Erich Fromm
In our enthusiasm to dominate nature and to produce more material good - goods - we have transformed means into ends.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Mean
Image of Erich Fromm
I think if you ask what people really mean by happiness today, it is the experience of unlimited consumption - the kind of thing Mr. Huxley described in "Brave New World."
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Mean
Image of Erich Fromm
I would say, compared with the 19th century, compared with most previous history, this is as good or better a society than any which man has ever made. But that doesn't mean it is such a good one.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Mean
Image of Eduardo Galeano
Poets and beggars, musicians and prophets, warriors and scoundrels, all creatures of that unbridled reality, we have had to ask but little of our imagination, for our crucial problem has been a lack of conventional means to render our lives believable. This, my friends, is the crux of our solitude.
- Eduardo Galeano
Collection: Mean
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
On the Bigotry of Culture: : it presented us with culture, with thought as something justified in itself, that is, which requires no justification but is valid by it's own essence, whatever its concrete employment and content maybe. Human life was to put itself at the service of culture because only thus would it become charged with value. From which it would follow that human life, our pure existence was, in itself, a mean and worthless thing.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Mean
Image of Jose Ortega y Gasset
Thinking is the desire to gain reality by means of ideas.
- Jose Ortega y Gasset
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
If Gandhism means simply mechanically turning the spinning wheel, it deserves to be destroyed.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
For my own part, I do not want the freedom of India if it means extinction of English or the disappearance of Englishmen.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of John Guare
I think that some of these plays are lost in this new horror called development, which is a place for dramaturgs to say "let me tell you what your play means," and the life gets sucked out of a play.
- John Guare
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
We are merely instruments of the Almighty's will and therefore ignorant of what helps us forward and what acts as an impediment. We must thus rest satisfied with the knowledge only of the means and if these are pure, we can fearlessly leave the end to take care of itself.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Civility does not ...mean the mere outward gentleness of speech cultivated for the occasion, but an inborn gentleness and desire to do the opponent good.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean