Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 192

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 192 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Non-co-operation means nothing less than training in self-sacrifice.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Gaiman
When you say words a lot they don't mean anything. Or maybe they don't mean anything anyway, and we just think they do.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Mean
Image of Che Guevara
The first commandment for every good explorer is that an expedition has two points: the point of departure and the point of arrival. If your intention is to make the second theoretical point coincide with the actual point of arrival, don't think about the means -- because the journey is a virtual space that finishes when it finishes, and there are as many means as there are different ways of 'finishing.' That is to say, the means are endless.
- Che Guevara
Collection: Mean
Image of Ginnifer Goodwin
I think the noblest thing you can do is ask for help. And I mean that about therapy. I mean that about dieting.
- Ginnifer Goodwin
Collection: Mean
Image of Vincent Van Gogh
It is no more easy to make a good picture than it is to find a diamond or a pearl. It means trouble and you risk your life for it.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Collection: Mean
Image of Hannah Arendt
If a given science accidentally reached its goal, this would by no means stop the workers in the field, who would be driven past their goal by the sheer momentum of the illusion of unlimited progress.
- Hannah Arendt
Collection: Mean
Image of Newt Gingrich
Now, tell me how you're going to teach the history of Jefferson, and cut out all those quotes and cut out all these facts, and cut out the key line of the Declaration of Independence: We are endowed by our Creator. I mean you have to have a conscious deliberate censorship of America, which is what the left and the courts and the classrooms has had for 40 years.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Mean
Image of Sigmund Freud
An unrestricted satisfaction of every need presents itself as the most enticing method of conducting one's life, but it means putting enjoyment before caution, and soon brings its own punishment.
- Sigmund Freud
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
Everything necessarily is or is not, and will be or will not be; but one cannot divide and say that one or the other is necessary.I mean, for example: it is necessary for there to be or not to be a sea-battle tomorrow; but it is not necessary for a sea-battle to take place tomorrow, or for one not to take place--though it is necessary for one to take place or not to take place.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
If what was said in the Ethics is true, that the happy life is the life according to virtue lived without impediment, and that virtue is a mean, then the life which is in a mean, and in a mean attainable by every one, must be the best. And the same principles of virtue and vice are characteristic of cities and of constitutions; for the constitution is in a figure the life of the city.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of John Green
I have two kinds of Facebook friends: Those who know what 'DFTBA' means, and those who don't.
- John Green
Collection: Mean
Image of Dido Armstrong
I get up, go shopping, clean the flat, cook my boyfriend's dinner. It's great selling records, but it doesn't mean you have to turn into a freak.
- Dido Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Gaiman
It’s easier to kill people, when you’re dead yourself. I mean, it’s not such a big deal. You’re not so prejudiced any more.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Mean
Image of Aristotle
Virtue is the golden mean between two vices, the one of excess and the other of deficiency.
- Aristotle
Collection: Mean
Image of Noel Gallagher
Just because you sell lots of records it doesn't mean to say you're any good. Look at Phil Collins.
- Noel Gallagher
Collection: Mean
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The irony and tragedy is any woman of means can have a safe abortion somewhere in the United States. But women lacking the wherewithal to travel can't. There is no big constituency out there concerned about access restrictions on poor women.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Mean
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The impact of all these restrictions is on poor women, because women who have means, if their state doesn't provide access, another state does. ... It makes no sense as a national policy to promote birth only among poor people.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Mean
Image of Emily Giffin
My name is Kirby Rose, and I'm adopted. I don't mean to make it sound like an AA confession, although sometimes that's how people take it, like it's something they should be supportive about. I just mean that they are two basic facts about me.
- Emily Giffin
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacque Fresco
You cannot approach people who think differently with reason and logic if they don't know what that means. First, you have to appeal to their values to start with. If you attack them, you lose them.
- Jacque Fresco
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacque Fresco
Perhaps the most significant thing a person can know about himself is to understand his own system of values. Almost every thing we do is a reflection of our own personal value system. What do we mean by values? Our values are what we want out of life. No one is born with a set of values. Except for our basic physiological needs such as air, water, and food, most of our values are acquired after birth.
- Jacque Fresco
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Ahimsa means infinite love, which again means infinite capacity for suffering.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Germaine Greer
Women have been charged with deviousness and duplicity since the dawn of civilization so they have never been able to pretend that their masks were anything but masks. It is a slender case but perhaps it does mean that women have always been in closer contact with reality than men: it would seem to be the just recompense for being deprived of idealism.
- Germaine Greer
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
The answer is that we are not helpless in the face of our first impressions. They may bubble up from the unconscious - from behind a locked door inside of our brain - but just because something is outside of awareness doesn't mean it's outside of control.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Granholm
If you don't have an auto industry, you will not be secure as a nation because you won't have a backbone like manufacturing to be able to put people to work in producing the means to you keep you secure.
- Jennifer Granholm
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Swaraj for me means freedom for the meanest of countrymen.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Means to be means must always be within our reach, and so ahimsa is our supreme duty.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Swaraj means, a state such that we can maintain our separate existence without the presence of the English.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Milton Friedman
But on the other hand, if you come under circumstances where each person is entitled to a pro-rata share of the pot, to take an extreme example, or even to a low level of the pie, than the effect of that situation is that free immigration, would mean a reduction of everybody to the same, uniform level. Of course, I'm exaggerating, it wouldn't go quite that far, but it would go in that direction. And it is that perception, that leads people to adopt what at first seems like inconsistent values.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
The whole history of man is continuous proof of the maxim that to divest one's methods of ethical concepts means to sink into the depths of utter demoralization.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
With the conception that the Revolution was only a means of securing political power, it was inevitable that all revolutionary values should be subordinated to the needs of the Socialist State; indeed, exploited to further the security of the newly acquired governmental power.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Emma Goldman
Today is the parent of tomorrow. The present casts its shadow far into the future. That is the law of life, individual and social. Revolution that divests itself of ethical values thereby lays the foundation of injustice, deceit, and oppression for the future society. The means used to prepare the future become its cornerstone.
- Emma Goldman
Collection: Mean
Image of Muammar al-Gaddafi
While it is democratically not permissible for an individual to own any information or publishing medium, all individuals have a natural right to self-expression by any means, even if such means were insane and meant to prove a person's insanity.
- Muammar al-Gaddafi
Collection: Mean
Image of Muammar al-Gaddafi
Popular congresses are the only means to achieve popular democracy. Any system of government other than popular congresses is undemocratic.
- Muammar al-Gaddafi
Collection: Mean
Image of Milton Friedman
Viewed as a means to the end of political freedom, economic arrangements are important because of their effect on the concentration or dispersion of power. The kind of economic organization that provides economic freedom directly, namely, competitive capitalism, also promotes political freedom because it separates economic power from political power and in this way enables the one to offset the other
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Independence means voluntary restraints and discipline, voluntary acceptance of the rule of law.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Neil Gaiman
The best thing about writing fiction is that moment where the story catches fire and comes to life on the page, and suddenly it all makes sense and you know what it's about and why you're doing it and what these people are saying and doing, and you get to feel like both the creator and the audience. Everything is suddenly both obvious and surprising ("but of course that's why he was doing that, and that means that...") and it's magic and wonderful and strange.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Gehry
Just because you are an architect and make decent buildings does not mean that you can suddenly become a set designer for one of the best avant-garde dancers in the world.
- Frank Gehry
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
It is a tragedy that religion for us means, today, nothing more than restrictions on food and drink, nothing more than adherence to absence of superiority and inferiority.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
A satyagrahi exhausts all other means before he resorts to satyagraha.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Mean
Image of Pope Francis
And does not true freedom mean choosing ways in this world that lead to the good of all and are guided by love?
- Pope Francis
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean Genet
One can hear all that's going on in the street. Which means that from the street one can hear what's going on in this house.
- Jean Genet
Collection: Mean
Image of Karen Armstrong
The more aggressive our ideologies become, the more aggressive our discourse whether it's in the United States, from Washington D.C., or whether it's from Tehran, or from some underground Al-Qaeda cell. The more aggressive that discourse is, the more people of moderate persuasion have to organize and speak a voice of compassion. That means to feel with the other.
- Karen Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
I do forget sometimes how much it means for certain men—for certain people—to be able to provide their loved ones with material comforts and protection at all times. I forget how dangerously reduced some men can feel when that basic ability has been stripped from them. I forget how much that matters to men, what it represents.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Mean
Image of Louis Armstrong
All them weird chords which don't mean a got no melody to remember, and no beat to dance to
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of Louis Armstrong
You can't take it for granted. Even if we have two, three days off I still have to blow that horn a few hours to keep up the chops. I mean I've been playing 50 years, and that's what I've been doing in order to keep in that groove there.
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of Louis Armstrong
You will never know what the meaning of Jazz is if ask what it means.
- Louis Armstrong
Collection: Mean
Image of John Green
I could be worse, you know." "How?" I asked, teasing. "I mean, I have a work of calligraphy over my toilet that reads, 'Bathe yourself in the comfort of God's words,' Hazel. I could be way worse." "Sounds unsanitary," I said.
- John Green
Collection: Mean
Image of Oliver Goldsmith
[T]here are depths of thousands of miles which are hidden from our inquiry. The only tidings we have from those unfathomable regions are by means of volcanoes, those burning mountains that seem to discharge their materials from the lowest abysses of the earth.
- Oliver Goldsmith
Collection: Mean
Image of E. M. Forster
But Humanity, in its desire for comfort, had over-reached itself. It had exploited the riches of nature too far. Quietly and complacently, it was sinking into decadence, and progress had come to mean the progress of the Machine.
- E. M. Forster
Collection: Mean