Susane Colasanti

Image of Susane Colasanti
If a girl starts out all casual with a guy and she doesn't tell him that she wants a relationship, it will never become a relationship. If you give the guy the impression that casual is okay with you, that's all he'll ever want. Be straight with him from the start. If he gets scared and runs away, he wasn't right for you.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Love
Image of Susane Colasanti
The stupid thing about anger is how people hurt you and then you let them keep hurting you by being angry about how they originally hurt you. It’s a vicious cycle.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Hurt
Image of Susane Colasanti
I'd rather be weird and happy than normal and miserable.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Normal
Image of Susane Colasanti
One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won't let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities. And through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way. As someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in this world. If you're lucky enough to find this person, never let them go.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Eye
Image of Susane Colasanti
No one can be everything you want them to be.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Want
Image of Susane Colasanti
You can never completely know anyone, no matter how well you think you do. There will always be some truth about them you don’t ever get to know.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Thinking
Image of Susane Colasanti
The unknown is scary the Unknown can also be exciting. Your life could change in an instant anytime. But sometimes, that change is the best thing that will ever happen to you.Maybe I don’t have to know what my fate is to know that everything will be okay. Maybe the not knowing is how we move forward. Wherever I’m headed, I know it’s exactly where I’m supposed to be.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Moving
Image of Susane Colasanti
It’s unbelievable how you can affect someone else so deeply and never know.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Unbelievable
Image of Susane Colasanti
I'm thinking that it might actually be possible for things to work out sometimes. Definitely not everything and maybe not the way you imagined. But sometimes, when you least expected it, life surprises you.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Thinking
Image of Susane Colasanti
It’s like once everyone decides who you are, you’re locked into their version of you and that’s it.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Locked
Image of Susane Colasanti
And I just think that if you believe in something and you want it so much and you're not hurting anyone else, you have to go for it. Which sometimes means taking a risk, even if it's scary. But the thing you want most to happen doesn't stand a chance unless you give it one.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Hurt
Image of Susane Colasanti
Even in a bad situation, there's always a positive side. Even if you can't see it yet.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Stay Positive
Image of Susane Colasanti
I just want to write. It's like once I get those obsessive thoughts out of my head, once they're written down, they're somehow set free and I can move on.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Moving
Image of Susane Colasanti
Because if you take a risk, you just might find what you're looking for.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Risk
Image of Susane Colasanti
My thing is that I'm in love with love. Actually, I'm in love with the possibility of true love. Which could be considered a major problem.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Love Actually
Image of Susane Colasanti
Never give up on your dreams. No matter how many people say it’s impossible, no matter how difficult your journey is, you can create your ideal life. Your heart’s desires can become reality. Make things better now by taking steps every day to get closer to the life you want. And never, ever give up.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Dream
Image of Susane Colasanti
The past doesn't just disappear after it's happened.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Past
Image of Susane Colasanti
Physical attraction that strong is addictive. And knowing that kind of magic isn’t just a fantasy makes me want to find it again. But what about being with someone who makes me a better person? What about sharing my life with someone who adores me as much as I adore him, whom I can always count on, who helps me find my way when I’m lost?
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Strong
Image of Susane Colasanti
We're all sinking in the same boat here. We're all bored and desperate and waiting for something to happen. Waiting for life to get better. Waiting for things to change. Waiting for that one person to finally notice us. We're all waiting. But we also need to realize that we all have the power to make those changes for ourselves.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Change
Image of Susane Colasanti
That's the cool thing about having a best friend. They know what your pain feels like already, so you don't have to explain it.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Best Friend
Image of Susane Colasanti
Things fall apart, even when you think they're stronger than anything you could ever imagine.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Fall
Image of Susane Colasanti
Sometimes in the midst of all your boy drama, you just need a cupcake.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Drama
Image of Susane Colasanti
I can't take it anymore. The waiting. The wanting. Something inside me snaps. I hate myself. I hate that I have to deal with this. I hate my life. And I hate how I can't count on anyone to be completely there when I need them, exactly the way I need them to be.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Hate
Image of Susane Colasanti
You can’t violate someone’s trust and expect there to be no consequences.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Consequence
Image of Susane Colasanti
Following your heart means allowing the possibility of finding true love to be stronger than the fear of rejection.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Heart
Image of Susane Colasanti
How could something that felt so right actually be so wrong?
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Felt
Image of Susane Colasanti
But life’s never easy when you need it to be.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Needs
Image of Susane Colasanti
Your life can end in a flash before you even have time to know it’s over. There is no safe. There is no control.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Safe
Image of Susane Colasanti
How can someone who means so much to a person mean nothing the next day?
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Mean
Image of Susane Colasanti
My hair is so scary that if you saw it walking down the street, you'd cross to the other side. This humidity is not helping. It's just an excuse for my hair to let its frizz flag fly.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Hair
Image of Susane Colasanti
I deserve to be happy. I'm sad it took me so long to get that. But I get it now.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Long
Image of Susane Colasanti
Standing in the line at the food court, I try to be myself. But I forget how I usually stand when I'm myself.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Trying
Image of Susane Colasanti
It is easier with the right person. A good test of a relationship is how well you both deal with challenges. If one person is more invested, it shows. If you're with the wrong person, it feels like too much work. But if you're unhappy more than you're happy, it's not the right relationship for you.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Challenges
Image of Susane Colasanti
There should be some kind of radar that lets you know when your soul mate is nearby.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Soul
Image of Susane Colasanti
Anyway, shes still getting to know you," Mike says. "Chicks are like that. They base how much tey like on you an emotional level. They have to be into your personality first, and then they decide they want you. But if a guy thinks a girl is hot, he'll learn to like her personality later. It's two different worlds, man.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Girl
Image of Susane Colasanti
All I know is, if we don't eat soon I'm going to chew off a limb. And I can't guarentee it'll be mine.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Limbs
Image of Susane Colasanti
Thats all I need. To find a soul mate to share my life with. To have a love so epic it will never die.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Epic
Image of Susane Colasanti
Everyone at his table laughs. They know I can hear them. They just don't care.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Bullying
Image of Susane Colasanti
Life would be so much easier if fictional boys were real.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Real
Image of Susane Colasanti
And yeah, it got better. My stomach eventually went back to normal. I didn’t cry every day. But my heart. My heart will always be broken.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Heart
Image of Susane Colasanti
Still hiding and afraid to let go. Waiting for you to find me uncover me and show me the way.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Susane Colasanti
Do you want to be with Dave for the rest of your life?” Then he rips off a piece of paper and picks up the smallest charcoal stick from my set. He writes something. He passes it over to me. It says: Time will tell. “And while you’re waiting,” he says, “don’t settle for anything less than what you really want.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Rip
Image of Susane Colasanti
Tell me about it. It’s so hard to deal with a single parent. They take out all their anxiety on you. It’s like, she’s so angry all the time. And I didn’t even do anything!” “That’s so wrong.” “Yeah.” “Where’s your dad?” “I don’t know. My mom had me when she was still in high school, so . . .” “You don’t see him at all?” “No, and I don’t want to. I have no interest in maintaining a relationship with someone who didn’t love me enough to stick around.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Mom
Image of Susane Colasanti
It’s interesting how you can know someone for a long time, and then one day you just see them in this whole different way.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Long
Image of Susane Colasanti
I want revenge, but I don't want to screw up my karma.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Karma
Image of Susane Colasanti
It’s interesting how something that comes so easily to one person can be so impossible for someone else.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Interesting
Image of Susane Colasanti
You can’t ever know the real anybody unless you’re friends with them. And sometimes not even then.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Real
Image of Susane Colasanti
That's the tricky thing about being bonded to someone for life. Blake and his dad are bonded like I'm bonded with Erin. We're irrevocably tied together by history, a history that can never be erased. Even if you want to deny it, even it you want to pretend it never existed, it will always be a part of you. It will always, in some way, define who you are.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Dad
Image of Susane Colasanti
If you see someone being bullied, make it stop. Why is that so hard for us to do?
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Bullying
Image of Susane Colasanti
I have to get my life back on track. Order as an antidote to chaos. Calm after the storm.
- Susane Colasanti
Collection: Order