Top love you Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of love you quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more love you quotes.

Image of Richard Siken
You play along, because you want to die for love, you always have.
- Richard Siken
Collection: Love You
Image of Nathaniel Branden
Anyone who really loves you wants you to be authentic. And anyone who doesn't want you to be authentic doesn't really love you.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Love You
Image of Pablo Neruda
I don’t love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Love You
Image of Sharon M. Draper
But I'll always love you, and I'll always miss you and I'll never forget that It's okay to put dragons in the jungle and tears on a tiger
- Sharon M. Draper
Collection: Love You
Image of Nikola Tesla
It’s not the love you make. It's the love you give.
- Nikola Tesla
Collection: Love You
Image of Lisa McMann
Do you still love me, Janie?' Janie stares at him, incredulous. 'Yes, of course! I don't say it lightly.' 'Say it lightly in my ear,' he demands. She smiles, rests her soft cheek on his scratchy one, and whispers it. 'I love you, Cabe.
- Lisa McMann
Collection: Love You
Image of Dwight L. Moody
Joy is love exalted; peace is love in response; long-suffering is love enduring; gentleness is love in society; goodness is love in action; faith is love on the battlefield; meekness is love in tough situations; and temperance is love in training.
- Dwight L. Moody
Collection: Love You
Image of Jonathan Goldstein
Certain voices hold this odd pull on our heartstrings. They are like sad oboes or something, something that makes you want to throw all your money at the radio while yelling, "I love you." I don't know what it is.
- Jonathan Goldstein
Collection: Love You
Image of John  Gray
You may wish to be loving - you may even try with all your might - but your love will never be pure unless you are free from resentment. When we are free from resentment, loving is effortless. When we have to try hard to love, this is generally a sign that we are repressing our resentments.
- John Gray
Collection: Love You
Image of John  Gray
Get the love you deserve and gave your partner the love and support he deserves
- John Gray
Collection: Love You
Image of Sarah Waters
Being in love, you know... it's not like having a canary, in a cage. When you lose one sweetheart, you can't just go out and get another to replace her.
- Sarah Waters
Collection: Love You
Image of Christine Feehan
You can't be anything but who you are. I wouldn't love you the same if you stopped being you. How do I change enough to accept that ruthless streak in you.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Love You
Image of Naya Rivera
You only get one you, it’s best to just love yourself.
- Naya Rivera
Collection: Love You
Image of Naya Rivera
There are always going to be things you don’t like about yourself or reasons to compare yourself to others, but once you realize that you only get one you, it’s best to just love yourself.
- Naya Rivera
Collection: Love You
Image of Craig Clevenger
When you’re in love, your brain secretes endorphins into your blood. Organic morphine leaks out of a gland in your skull, feels like a low-grade opium rush. Some people confuse the two, the head rush and the love. You think you’re in love with a person, but you’re in love with a syringe.
- Craig Clevenger
Collection: Love You
Image of Kyra Sedgwick
Our family adopted Paulie from a shelter as an 8-week-old puppy. We've had him for 11 years, and I think it was valuable for the kids to learn to be responsible for a pet. It's a wonderful thing for families - the unconditional love you get from a pet is something you carry with you for the rest of your life.
- Kyra Sedgwick
Collection: Love You
Image of Mark Andrus
I can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it, but all it does is remind us that love is not enough. Not even close.
- Mark Andrus
Collection: Love You
Image of Tonya Hurley
Talk is cheap. If it wasn't, people might not toss around 'I love you' like a marked-down phrase in a sales bin.
- Tonya Hurley
Collection: Love You
Image of Rachel Roy
Don't give your power away to anybody. If you find something to do that you truly love, you'll be successful.
- Rachel Roy
Collection: Love You
Image of David Platt
The modern-day gospel says, 'God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Therefore, follow these steps, and you can be saved.' Meanwhile, the biblical gospel says, 'You are an enemy of God, dead in your sin, & in your present state of rebellion, you are not even able to see that you need life, much less to cause yourself to come to life. Therefore, you are radically dependent on God to do something in your life that you could never do.
- David Platt
Collection: Love You
Image of J. C. Ryle
If you want to find out how much someone loves you, find out how much they pray for you.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Love You
Image of Patricia Gaffney
You were the best thing in my life … I did love you. I do. As much as I’ve ever loved anyone, as much as I can. It feels like a lot – it takes up my whole heart.
- Patricia Gaffney
Collection: Love You
Image of Simone Weil
Love: To feel with one's whole self the existence of another being.
- Simone Weil
Collection: Love You
Image of Tatjana Soli
Sometimes you have to fulfill a promise in order to deserve the love you're given.
- Tatjana Soli
Collection: Love You
Image of Lauren Kate
I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time.
- Lauren Kate
Collection: Love You
Image of Cameron Dokey
How much easier my life would be if I did not love you! I thought. How much less painful, but how much plainer. How much less color there would be in the world.
- Cameron Dokey
Collection: Love You
Image of Amy Bloom
A blind man can see how much I love you
- Amy Bloom
Collection: Love You
Image of Gackt
We'd be better off if we only had the words 'I love you.'
- Gackt
Collection: Love You
Image of Larissa Ione
I love you. Never forget that. Never
- Larissa Ione
Collection: Love You
Image of Larissa Ione
I don’t care what you are, Gem. I want you. I love you.
- Larissa Ione
Collection: Love You
Image of Isabelle Adjani
You protect your being when you love yourself better. That's the secret.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Love You
Image of Mark Driscoll
God loves you enough to receive you as you are. He loves you too much to keep you as you are.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Love You
Image of Hugh Prather
Love, the magician, knows this little trick whereby two people walk in different directions yet always remain side by side.
- Hugh Prather
Collection: Love You
Image of Jean Ferris
Knock, Knock." "Who's there?" "Olive." "Olive who?" "Olive...ooh. I love you, too," he said, figuring it out. "You can tell me that one anytime you like." He folded her into his arms.
- Jean Ferris
Collection: Love You
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Worry is the enemy of love. You cannot be in love and be worried at the same time.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Love You
Image of Curtis Stone
Ive changed for the better. Im much more selfless and humble and youre reminded about what lifes really about. You love your kid so much that you just want to be a brilliant role model for them. It cleans up your act a bit.
- Curtis Stone
Collection: Love You
Image of Rachel Caine
Seriously, Shane? Ditto? That's the best you can do?" Shane and Michael exchanged identical looks and shrugs. Guys. "Let me show you idiots how it's done," Eve said, and hugged Claire fiercely. She kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, CB. Please take care of yourself, okay?" "I love you, too," Claire said, and suddenly her throat felt tight and her eyes burned with tears. "I really do." Shane and Michael watched them with identical expressions of blank bemusement, and finally Shane said, "So basically, it's what I said. Ditto.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Love You
Image of Rachel Caine
Shane talking to Claire - "In this whole screwed up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," He whispered. "I love you, Claire
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Love You
Image of Renata Adler
Speech, tennis, music, skiing, manners, love- you try them waking and perhaps balk at the jump, and then you're over. You've caught the rhythm of them once and for all, in your sleep at night. The city, of course, can wreck it. So much insomnia. So many rhythms collide. The salesgirl, the landlord, the guests, the bystanders, sixteen varieties of social circumstance in a day. Everyone has the power to call your whole life into question here. Too many people have access to your state of mind. Some people are indifferent to dislike, even relish it. Hardly anyone I know.
- Renata Adler
Collection: Love You
Image of Sabrina Jeffries
I can promise that even having an imperfect one who loves you is better than having none at all.
- Sabrina Jeffries
Collection: Love You
Image of Suzanne Brockmann
You couldn't attach a 'but' to 'I love you'. You could onlt attach an 'and'.
- Suzanne Brockmann
Collection: Love You
Image of Geraldine McCaughrean
It's true: Everyone needs a reason to stay alive -- someone who justifies your existence. Someone who loves you. Not beyond all reason. Just loves you. Even just shows an interest. Even someone who doesn't exist, or isn't yours. No, no! They don't even have to love you! They just have to be there to love! Target for your arrows. Magnetic Pole to drag on your compass needle and stop it spinning and tell you where you're heading and...Someone to soak up all the yearning. That's what I think.
- Geraldine McCaughrean
Collection: Love You
Image of Jordana Brewster
When you're doing a movie, you're in and out of there in three months. If you hated the experience, it's all good because you can take the paycheck and leave. But, on a television show, you have to love your character and you have to love the experience because you could be there for awhile, fingers crossed.
- Jordana Brewster
Collection: Love You
Image of S.J. Watson
I will never abandon you. I love you too much.
- S.J. Watson
Collection: Love You
Image of Garth Nix
Touchstone watched, suddenly conscious that he probably only had five seconds left to be alone with Sabriel, to say something, to say anything. Perhaps the last five seconds they ever would have alone together. I am not afraid, he said to himself. "I love you," he whispered. "I hope you don't mind.
- Garth Nix
Collection: Love You
Image of Thomas Pynchon
Love with your mouth shut, help without breaking your ass or publicizing it: keep cool, but care.
- Thomas Pynchon
Collection: Love You
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
There's no safety in love. You risk the whole of life. But the great thing is to risk -to believe, and to risk everything for your belief.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Love You
Image of Marlon James
...Love isn’t saying, I love you but calling to say, did you eat
- Marlon James
Collection: Love You
Image of Ellen Bass
Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you, again.
- Ellen Bass
Collection: Love You