Mark Driscoll

Image of Mark Driscoll
You don't need to beat yourself up in order to make God love you. Jesus already took your beating.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
Everyone has something to teach you if you are humble enough to learn.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Humble
Image of Mark Driscoll
You can't meet Jesus and not change. If you haven't changed, you haven't met the real Jesus.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
God loves you enough to receive you as you are. He loves you too much to keep you as you are.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Love You
Image of Mark Driscoll
Our identity is not in our joy, and our identity is not in our suffering. Our identity is in Christ, whether we have joy or are suffering.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Joy
Image of Mark Driscoll
The Bible is not a book of principles to live by but rather a Person to live for.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Book
Image of Mark Driscoll
Faith is not just what we believe internally. It's how we behave externally.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Believe
Image of Mark Driscoll
Tragically, we live in a day when offense to God doesn't matter nearly as much as offense to others.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Matter
Image of Mark Driscoll
Everything may not be OK but if God is with you, you will be OK.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: May
Image of Mark Driscoll
Study the Bible like a soldier on a mission, not a scholar on a sabbatical.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Soldier
Image of Mark Driscoll
Sometimes prayer moves the hand of God, and sometimes prayer changes the heart of the person who is praying.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Prayer
Image of Mark Driscoll
We're not to follow our hearts, we're to guard our hearts.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Heart
Image of Mark Driscoll
Some will tell you that there are multiple worldviews. The Bible says we have only 2: the Truth and the Lie.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Lying
Image of Mark Driscoll
If you're not a Christian, you're going to hell. It's not unloving to say that. it's unloving not to say that.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Driscoll
Stop looking for the path of least resistance and start running down the path of greatest glory to God and good to others, because that's what Jesus, the Real Man, did.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Running
Image of Mark Driscoll
Looking for a word from the Lord? Believe that he has already spoken, and read what he's already written.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Believe
Image of Mark Driscoll
Much of spirituality today is an effort to change God to suit us. But he's not going to become more like us, we need to become more like him.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Effort
Image of Mark Driscoll
A single woman should only marry a man she can follow: Ladies if you are single, be very, very careful who you date and marry. Don't just date a man who you can put up with, marry a man you can trust, you'll follow his leadership, you'll respect him, he's saved, he's godly. The last thing you want is some guy you don't trust, he's not wise, he doesn't do his homework, he's harsh, he's inconsiderate, he's immature, he's a boy, you're more his mother than you are his mate, Real danger...real danger...
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Wise
Image of Mark Driscoll
Fear is vision without hope.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Vision
Image of Mark Driscoll
So let me tell you this, when it comes to...trying to introduce other people to Jesus. Don't get mad at them: it's not because they're stupid. It's because they're blind. Yelling louder, arguing harder, pushing firmer won't make someone who is blind see. Pray for them, speak to them, care for them.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
Jesus and Paul were serious dudes. They had teeth missing. Jesus was a carpenter, Paul was in prison. These guys didn’t eat tofu dogs and bean sprouts. They didn’t play tennis. If there were trucks back in their times, they would have been doing driveway lube jobs on a Saturday afternoon. Same thing with King David. Yeah, he might have played a lyre, but he slaughtered thousands of guys.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Dog
Image of Mark Driscoll
This world needs more than good works. It needs good news. Good works come out of the good news.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Needs
Image of Mark Driscoll
Sin is not just action. It's life direction.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Action
Image of Mark Driscoll
Past: Jesus saved us from the penalty of sin. Present: He saves us from the power of sin. Future: He will save us from the presence of sin.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
Forgiveness is both a decision and a process.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Decision
Image of Mark Driscoll
Spirituality, without the Holy Spirit, is demonic.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mark Driscoll
You have to laugh at yourself. Otherwise you'll waste all that great material.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Laughing
Image of Mark Driscoll
I am not ashamed of the Gospel.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Ashamed
Image of Mark Driscoll
Idols tend to be good things that you have turned into god things, which therefore become bad things
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Idols
Image of Mark Driscoll
Truthless times need timeless truths.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Needs
Image of Mark Driscoll
If you really want to be a rebel, get a job, cut your grass, read your bible, and shut up. Because no one is doing that.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Driscoll
Don't believe false teaching that says you won't suffer if you really love Jesus. Jesus will end all suffering eventually, but on earth he suffered more than anyone.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
The church was custom built by Jesus, and we are all works in progress. We do not expect people to get their sin in order before attending church any more than a hospital expects people to get healed before they show up.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
Are you letting culture, not scripture, determine your sexuality, how you date, how you present yourself, how you engage in certain relationships with members of the opposite sex? We need to be very clear that the way we do life is different than the rest of the world.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Driscoll
You have been told that God is a loving, gracious, merciful, kind, compassionate, wonderful, and good sky fairy who runs a day care in the sky and has a bucket of suckers for everyone because we're all good people. That is a lie... God looks down and says 'I hate you, you are my enemy, and I will crush you,' and we say that is deserved, right and just, and then God says 'Because of Jesus I will love you and forgive you.' This is a miracle.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Crush
Image of Mark Driscoll
Anxiety is not to be managed it is a sin that needs to be repented of
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Anxiety
Image of Mark Driscoll
While this may look loving, when we struggle with an idol of dependence, we’re in fact not loving people as much as we’re using them to fulfill our need to belong, be liked, and be desired. This explains why some friends and family members can be so demanding, smothering, and needy. It also explains why we’re so easily inflated by praise and deflated by criticism. It’s as if others have the ability to determine our identity for that day based on a word or even a glance
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Struggle
Image of Mark Driscoll
You know what I find amazing is within Christianity it is not uncommon to find [married] people who don't have sexual intimacy, don't have emotional intimacy, don't have spiritual intimacy, don't pray together, don't do their life together, don't put their schedules together, don't put their budgets together, but they don't get divorced. So they can pat themselves on the back and say, 'We're good Christians.' They're divorced in everything but the paperwork.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Driscoll
Marriage includes a spouse, and often children. But the goal, center, and purpose of marriage is not self, spouse, or children. The ultimate goal of marriage and family is the glory of God. Only when marriage and family exist for God's glory - and not to serve as replacement idols - are we able to truly love and be loved. Remember, neither your child nor your husband (or wife) should be who you worship, but instead who you worship with.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Love
Image of Mark Driscoll
My desire as a Christian pastor is to see churches raised up as communities of grace ruled by Jesus and led by his gloriously masculine men who work their jobs, eat their meat, drink their beer, romance their wives, study their Bible, and raise their kids in glory and joy
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Driscoll
On the Sabbath day, we are remembering that my relationship with God did not begin with what I've done, it is not sustained by what I do, and it is not guaranteed to the end by my effort or work. I'm saved from beginning to end by Jesus' work.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
I know who made the environment and he's coming back and going to burn it all up. So yes, I drive an SUV.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Suvs
Image of Mark Driscoll
Faith only grows through suffering.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Faith
Image of Mark Driscoll
Don't cohabitate. Don't fornicate. Don't look at pornography. Don't create a standard of beauty. Have your spouse be your standard of beauty. This is one of the great devastating effects of pornography: you lust after people and compare your spouse to them. It's impossible to be satisfied in your marriage if you don't have a standard that is biblical; that standard is always your spouse.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Christian
Image of Mark Driscoll
...Seattle has unleashed this weird phenomenon on the world called the coffee shop. And the coffee shop, thanks to Starbucks, is the place where socially isolated, lonely, needy people gather together to ignore one another.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Lonely
Image of Mark Driscoll
God picked a junior high girl [to be Jesus' mother]. Jesus was raised by a woman who today, we wouldn't even let her lead a bible study at a high school. But she could raise God.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Girl
Image of Mark Driscoll
One of the most astonishing things about Jesus is that as God he actually chose to come into our fallen, sick, twisted, unjust, evil, cruel, painful world and be with us to suffer like us and for us. Meanwhile, we spend most of our time trying to figure out how to avoid the pain and evil of this world while reading dumb books about the rapture just hoping to get out.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mark Driscoll
I cannot worship the hippie, diaper, halo Christ because I cannot worship a guy I can beat up.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Hippie
Image of Mark Driscoll
There is a pile of dead bodies behind the Mars Hill bus, and by God's grace, it'll be a mountain by the time we're done.
- Mark Driscoll
Collection: Grace